Hello world!

Words can’t describe how I feel right now. Recently my host had a couple of catastrophic hard drive failures resulting in the loss of my wordpress database. I have a not so recent backup which I’ll use to reconstruct the site from soon. Not so sure if I have a back-up after all.

In the meantime, enjoy my google shared items or my flickr stream.

5 Replies to “Hello world!”

  1. It turns out, I don’t have much of a back-up after all. I still have posts from 2002 to 2005, but not much between that time and 2007. I’ll try and use Google’s cache to reconstruct what I can.

    I don’t know what I’ll do once the cache catches up with the missing pages and the data disappears.

  2. Thanks Rick.

    I’m actually not “back” as much as you think. There are about 1900 posts still missing, not too mention all of the lost comments.

    I’m just adding what I can for now. If it wasn’t for Google Cache, I’m not sure what I’d do.

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