California 2014 – Day 12

Today Andrea’s dad and I toured the Palm Springs Air Museum. Although small in size, CNN rated it as the 14th best air museum in the world! It did not disappoint us.


Home to one of the world’s largest collections of flyable second world war aircraft, the Palm Springs Air Museum provided tremendously interesting artefacts and information about American conflicts in the Atlantic and Pacific arenas (mostly WWII). One of the best things about the museum was that they had a “no rope” policy allowing guests to board and interact with the planes. Not all of the planes are still flyable but any plane with an oil can underneath meant it was being kept up and ready for flight.


A time-line of the second world war written on one of the hangar walls kept me engaged for quite some time.  Reading about the build up, saber-rattling, and political manoeuvring that happened before war actually broke out in Europe captivated my attention almost as much as the aircraft.

The display on Pearl Harbour was also extremely interesting. One of the pacific island maps the Japanese used to plan the attack shows the calculations made for the bomb run to be successful.

All in all, I loved seeing the planes and reading about second world war history and would recommend the museum to anyone interested in that sort of thing.

The rest of the afternoon led us to the Classic Club for drinks and to enjoy the view (the view at the Classic Cub is phenomenal).


Then we headed home for another wonderful meal of BBQ kabobs and many games of Sequence.


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