
Calgary Swim Meet

Tomorrow is my swim meet at the University of Calgary. Gary and I are still not speaking so I doubt he’ll show up to watch, even though I imagine he needs photos of the meet for the Gauntlet. Maybe he will send one of his assistants to do it.

Anyway I’m hoping for a best time tomorrow. We’ll see what happens.

Most likely Friday night we will go to see Doug’s play, “Not About Hero’s” at the Pumphouse Theatres. Anna is leaving for Edmonton to go on tour for three weeks and then down to Utah for another two. It will be a long month.


Slashdot Troll Speaks

Tom Coates has been discussing strategic methods in dealing with message board Trolls on his Everything in Moderation site. An anonymous poster, claiming to be a notorious Slashdot troll, made some intriguing comments about why moderating “trolls” in secret can sometimes be detrimental.

“in short i believe that the people who must be treated with the most public, forthright, and open methods of censure are those who offend us the most. i do not believe that trickery is ever as effective as open methods because trickery is, at its core, dishonest to both the person being tricked and the online community you have secretly enacted policy for.” -posted anonymously by 20721 (link)

It was a good article and some really thought provoking comments. Worthwhile read if you are remotely interested in web administration and / or censorship.

Now on a personal note: a comment or two that I made may have incited some anger. Specifically it may have angered my brother Gary but I want to make it clear that I have never consciously posted trying to be a troll. According to, “A troll is someone who seeks to deliberately incite anger, arguments, and disorder. A simple example would be a person who goes into #linux and extols the superiority of Microsoft products.” Metaphorically speaking all I did was ask the #linux users what Linus Torvalds would have thought about the copied code inside the linux kernel. Something that could have made some people mad but a valid question and certainly not trolling.

That wasn’t how my brother saw it. Although I wasn’t banned from posting at our family’s blog altogether, it was made pretty clear that I wasn’t welcome there anymore – at least by one member.

It pretty much started with my posts about same-sex marriage. My opinion was that all people in society should be offered the same rights, ie. the right to marry the person you love (same-sex or not). Gary couldn’t debate his point gracefully and instead of conceding defeat or just backing down he instead began attacking me on a personal level calling me such things as a sophist, a homosexual, and even a heterophobe.

I’m trying to be politically correct, but I was really insulted that he would call me “g-a-y”. It’s probably my own homophobia that has caused me to be upset.

Recently I decided to stop posting completely after the response to an “offensive” post (which you can decide for yourself if it is offensive) that I made.

Specifically on Friday, October 17th, 2003 I posted the following:

Black Person + Ethnic DNA Test = ?

I picked this up from

After watching a 60 Minutes segment on the subject last year, Wayne Joseph decided on a whim to take a new ethnic DNA test. Being of Creole stock, and therefore on the lighter end of the black colour spectrum, he had developed a casual curiosity about his exact percentage of black blood. What he discovered was astounding.

I wonder what early Mormons would have thought?

Not really that offensive – in my opinion. In fact I think it’s a logical question to ask if you have been a Mormon your whole life – hearing all about how Mormons used to keep blacks from having the “priesthood power” bestowed upon them.

About the next day I received an email from my brother asking me if I was taking a shot at the church. “What exactly do you mean by [what early Mormons would have thought]? I don’t think I understand.”

I proceeded to answer his email but in my anger (still kindling from the same-sex marriage argument) I wrote an email that was decidedly too harsh and instead of sending it thought better of myself and resolved to write a kinder gentler explanation the next day. That email was never written but here for your reading enjoyment is the email I had originally prepared to send (brace yourself):

“Gary, as Dr. Phil might say, “It’s time to get real”.

Let’s face it, in the past church has been racist toward blacks. Since you don’t seem to remember the situation with pre – 1978 manifesto Mormons and blacks let me give you a short refresher. (Isn’t this safe to assume given your apparent lack of comprehension as to what I’m talking about?)

Here’s a little background that Brother McConkie so plainly articulates for us in Mormon Doctrine, p. 527 – 528, of the 1966 edition. “The Negroes are not equal with other races where the receipt of certain spiritual blessings are concerned, …but this inequality is not of man’s origin. It is the Lord’s doing, is based on his eternal laws of justice, and grows out of the lack of spiritual valiance of those concerned in their First Estate [the pre-earth existence].”

The DNA article just made me wonder if the early Mormons ever made any mistakes excluding someone that didn’t happen to have Negro blood err I mean lack of spiritual valiance in the pre-earth existence. IMHO a reasonable question because as you know the early Mormons didn’t have DNA testing to verify if someone was less valiant. Does saying this mean I was being antagonistic? I suppose, with your ultra delicate sensibilities, assuming that mistakes could have been made by “The One True Church”(tm) must mean I was “taking a shot” at it. Sorry for any misunderstanding.

I realize this email seems a little aggressive. However, I have been irritated lately with the growing feeling, based on the fact that you didn’t want our conversation to go out on the blog, that you had something to hide in our conversation or that you are worried about censoring my beliefs from the blog. Frankly I find that disgusting. I feel the same way about the same-sex marriages debate. As I said before, “it’s time to get real”. If you can’t handle it then don’t bother emailing me “why I would write something”, instead if you can’t respond on the blog then just take those thoughts and file them in your “I can’t handle the truth” directory.


So I decided not to send the harsh email. The next day I found my admin rights gone. I was trying to add some links in the template as well use some of the code directly from the template in a project I was doing at school. When I couldn’t get in I decided (perhaps in the heat of the moment) not to post on the milnerblog anymore. My dad figures we both need to grow up, but then almost in the same breath he adds that I am not to discuss my thoughts about “the church” with my younger sister and her freshly baptized husband. I asked him what I was supposed to say to her when she brings it up? She always brings it up. He simply told me not to discuss it with her.

So I said to him, “Do you want me to tell her that you forbid me to talk about it with her?”


“Then what do you want me to say?”

“Just don’t talk about it with her, you can think of something to say.”

So basically he’s asking me to censor my beliefs from her. Basically he’s going against all that stuff they teach you in church about how if you believe something to be true it’s your responsibility to share it with others. Remember now – I wasn’t actively bringing religion up with her, just answering questions about why I no longer believe the Mormon church to be the “one true church”.

So it’s kind of like I’ve been politely censored. First from the blog and now from my own family. Of course I have the “right” to speak my mind – but not without the harassing comments of Gary or the guilt of disobeying my dad’s wishes.


Two Pizzas for Two Not Two for One Pizza

I finished my 3D animation project and boy am I happy. Anna-Maria and I are eating pizza tonight even though it’s not two for one night but pretty much everything else is going my way — except of course for this freak snowstorm. That’s life though and I for one can’t wait for the pizza — err.. I mean I for one am happy. ;)


Uncle Vanya, The Swimmeet, and Jack Skellington

Friday night Anna and I went to Uncle Vanya. It is a play at the University; required watching for Drama 1000 students like myself. I would like to say it was great, however, to be honest I struggled to even stay awake. I was supposed to attend a pot-luck swim party that evening so I really missed out.

The swim meet was good. I swam my 100 free in just under a minute. Nicola, a girl from my Drama class, told me she was going to come and watch me swim. I didn’t think she would really come so I didn’t think much of it. To my surprise, come Saturday morning, there she was. It started to dawn on me that this girl had a crush on me. It also started to dawn on me that I hadn’t really explained that I had a girlfriend sitting just down the stands also there to watch me swim.

I had to go stretch. I shared out the times that I would be swimming and they said they would come back later. I wasn’t sure they really would return.

I swam the 50 free in 25.35. I didn’t beat my personal best time (pb25.13) but nevertheless it does qualify me for Canada West and the rest of the swimmers were quite surprised. I guess they never realized I have a pretty fast 50. Anyway in my disappointed state I talked to Anna for a moment and then cut her off when I started talking to Andy. I felt pretty disappointed and just hit the showers. Apparently Nicola was up on the stands again. I never even realized she was there. She saw me talking with Anna and approached her. I assume she began to realize who Anna was. Nicola asked her how she knew me.

I had told Anna about Nicola, how I suspected she might have a bit of a crush on me. Anna is the type of girl that is so worried about others that she momentarily contemplated not telling her.

“I’m his girlfriend,” she replied.

And that settled it. Anna and Nicola made small talk or whatever afterwards. Nicola was curious about how I did so Anna explained that my time was good but that I was disappointed with it. That is pretty much how it went and now I can’t help but feel a bit guilty. I don’t know though – what else could have I done? Telling her up front that I had a girlfriend would have been somewhat presumptuous of me. I guess things just sorted themselves out as they usually do.

This morning I watched The Nightmare Before Christmas. I’ve wanted to see it for quite awhile and I really enjoyed it. Mostly I appreciated the tremendous amount of time and effort that went into such a creation. It is truly a masterpiece.


My First Post

My first post on the new blog. I intend this to be a place where I can post and not have to worry about editorial censorship.

Update: I’m bringing some of my older posts from the last blog here. It’s a lot bigger job than I had imagined; hence the reason it is taking so long to do it.

article Statistics

Maybe if People Played More Board Games

57% of Ontario residents do not feel strongly that they have enough fun in their lives. A poll by Cranium/Ipsos-Reid also found that residents in Quebec (49%) are the most fun-filled people in Canada, especially compared to Saskatchewan and Manitoba, where just 24% of residents feel strongly that they have enough fun in their lives. Alberta came in second last with 68% of people reporting they don’t feel strongly that they have enough fun in their lives. It seems logical enough though, what with all those French circuses in Quebec—why wouldn’t they be happy?

Continuing with my statistically ample post, and on a slightly darker note, only 26 people are known to have survived the 220 foot drop from the Golden Gate Bridge. The number of jumpers has reached over 1000. I recommend this insightful New Yorker article about jumpers of the Bay Area’s famous bridge. (It’s a long one, but a good one).

life Music

Go Deaf for Def Leppard Update

At the crack of dawn this morning Anna-Maria and I headed off to Rock 106 to try and win some concert tickets. When I got there, there was only one other contestant. Things were looking up, but then they got on the radio and asked more people to come down and be in on the contest. Well a few more people started to show up and after a slight mishap with dead batteries in the decibel reader they got things underway.

First off, I should explain the basis behind this contest. The idea was that whoever sang the loudest Def Leppard line would win tickets to the Def Leppard concert on Monday. They talked Anna into also participating and she sang at an amazing 101.2 decibels (or was it 102.1?) She sang Pour a Little Sugar on Me — which she said she didn’t even know and nobody else sang louder than Anna-Maria, in fact nobody else even broke 100 decibels, except for me. I yelled a spectacular 106.6 decibels of Let’s Get Rocked and then after the contest was over did an encore performance and sang at 108.1!

We won the tickets and now all that’s between me and a sweet free Def Leppard concert is getting out of my evening class on Monday night. We are pumped.


You Can’t Keep the Mountain, But How About an Airport?

Former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau was honoured today at a ceremony to rename Montreal-Dorval International Airport to Trudeau Airport.

“The world remembers Pierre Elliott Trudeau,” Alexandre (Sacha) Trudeau told several dozen family members, friends and other invited guests.

Of course, you know what they remember? “For us, Trudeau is a dictator,” said one unhappy Quebecois who wishes they would just leave the airport’s name alone.

animation copyright Music

Girl 12, Settles Lawsuit

Recently, the RIAA laid charges on a 12 year old girl from New York State for copyright violations by downloading music over the Internet.

It has now been announced (CNN story) that the RIAA has rushed to settle with the young Brianna LaHara, after serving her with a lawsuit on Monday. It looks like her single mother will be paying a $2,000 fine to the RIAA for her daughter’s song-swapping, which they had thought was legal. They purchased the software that allowed them to swap files with other users.

Quoting Brianna: “I am sorry for what I have done. I love music and don’t want to hurt the artists I love.” What a relief this must be for the huge bands like Metallica.

You might think that the RIAA was being excessive but see, downloading files is just a gateway crime… by the time this girl is 17, she’ll be sharing video games, and maybe by the time she’s in her early 20’s she’ll be giving away illegal copies of Microsoft Office! Thank goodness for American justice.


2003/2004 Swim Season: How to Deal with Muscle Cramps

I just finished the first swim practice of this season. I am exhausted. I could feel my legs ready to cramp up at any second; my right leg did cramp up just as I was getting out of the pool at the end of practice. If you have never had a leg cramp let me tell you, it is a very painful experience.

The other swimmers tell me that the best thing to do to prevent leg cramps is to eat foods with lots of potassium, like bananas. The best thing to do when you already have a cramp is to fully extend your leg – although at the time that may seem like the last thing you want to do.

The cramp I had this morning was such a painful big cramp that I could actually see the muscles bulging out where the cramp was. Tonight I will consume a whole tree’s worth of bananas.

My coach says the whole banana as a cure for muscle cramps is a placebo.