Go Deaf for Def Leppard Update

At the crack of dawn this morning Anna-Maria and I headed off to Rock 106 to try and win some concert tickets. When I got there, there was only one other contestant. Things were looking up, but then they got on the radio and asked more people to come down and be in on the contest. Well a few more people started to show up and after a slight mishap with dead batteries in the decibel reader they got things underway.

First off, I should explain the basis behind this contest. The idea was that whoever sang the loudest Def Leppard line would win tickets to the Def Leppard concert on Monday. They talked Anna into also participating and she sang at an amazing 101.2 decibels (or was it 102.1?) She sang Pour a Little Sugar on Me — which she said she didn’t even know and nobody else sang louder than Anna-Maria, in fact nobody else even broke 100 decibels, except for me. I yelled a spectacular 106.6 decibels of Let’s Get Rocked and then after the contest was over did an encore performance and sang at 108.1!

We won the tickets and now all that’s between me and a sweet free Def Leppard concert is getting out of my evening class on Monday night. We are pumped.

2003/2004 Swim Season: How to Deal with Muscle Cramps

I just finished the first swim practice of this season. I am exhausted. I could feel my legs ready to cramp up at any second; my right leg did cramp up just as I was getting out of the pool at the end of practice. If you have never had a leg cramp let me tell you, it is a very painful experience.

The other swimmers tell me that the best thing to do to prevent leg cramps is to eat foods with lots of potassium, like bananas. The best thing to do when you already have a cramp is to fully extend your leg – although at the time that may seem like the last thing you want to do.

The cramp I had this morning was such a painful big cramp that I could actually see the muscles bulging out where the cramp was. Tonight I will consume a whole tree’s worth of bananas.

My coach says the whole banana as a cure for muscle cramps is a placebo.

Go Deaf for Def Leppard – Rock 106 Radio Contest

I forgot to mention that this morning on the radio I heard them talking about free tickets for Def Leppard for the next 10 callers. Well I whipped out the cell phone and then Fraser and Rosie (the breakfast boys) explained to me that I didn’t win yet but that I had to come down to the studio on Friday morning and sing a short clip from Def Leppard. Whoever sings the loudest will win the tickets. Somewhat hesitantly I told them I would be there.

Update: Apparently I have quite the ability to raise my voice — see how the contest turned out.

Anna’s Back and We’re Both in the Hat

Anna-Maria arrived back in Western Canada on Friday afternoon. We spent the day shopping at Chinook Centre and decided to go back to Lethbridge rather than spend the night in Calgary. We saw Finding Nemo here in the Hat yesterday and I still give it two fins up. Although with fish movies two fins up does imply belly-up which is bad, I mean “two fins up” in the “it’s really good even the second time” way.

Jeff Milner the Hero

I saved a child today at the pool. She was swimming in the deep end and when I looked over at her she was going under coming up for air and then going under again. The other guard didn’t see her and I tried to reach her from the edge but she was too far to swim over at all; she just kept going under. I even tried to reach the towel that I happened to be holding out to her but it was just out of her grasp. Next thing I know I decided to just jump in and grab her. I pulled her to the side, got out, and then suddenly the other guard noticed us. He came over quickly and I let him take her along with one of the councilors while I went and got changed. She was okay, just a little shaken up.

It’s weird jumping in for someone in distress. At first it doesn’t seem like much, I mean just some wet clothes, and really when you think about it, it’s not much. However, at least this is what I found, afterwards my adrenaline was just flying. I felt like my heart was beating so fast and at the same time felt a little bit of the shock setting in myself. Then I let myself wonder if she really did need someone to jump in for her. I’m glad the other guard there assured me I did the right thing and the more I think about it the more I agree that there was really nothing I should have done differently. I felt the best about it when I was leaving from work this evening one of the councilors that was there (it was a day camp girl that was going under) said to me nonchalantly, “Thanks for saving that little girl today.” Saving someone is pretty cool, even if it is so minor as just jumping in the pool and pulling them to the side.

Two Weddings Down; Just Mine to Go

Gary and Jackie both beat me in the wedding race. It hasn’t really bothered me up ’til now, and in fact it still doesn’t bother me. What bothers me is the harassment that I’ve been getting lately. “When are YOOOOOUUU getting married Jeff?” I told you, I don’t know now get off my back already.

I know Anna-Maria seems to be the perfect girl for me and now does seem like a pretty good time to get engaged, but I’m thinking am I really ready? Is there any good reason not to? Last time I was engaged it was a close call. I’m really glad that I didn’t get hitched and not that Anna-Maria is anything like the previous girlfriend, but at the same time I think we are pretty happy the way we are and I really want us to both make sure it’s the right thing to do. There is the whole issue about whether Anna-Maria will change her name, but when it comes right down to it, it’s actually not that big a deal whether she’s Anna-Maria LeMaistre or Anna-Maria Milner. The important thing is that we are happy. I’m thinking this post is a touch on the personal side but what the hell is this blog for if I can’t even post what’s really on my mind. I guess that’s why I shouldn’t go telling everyone about it if I want to have a place to vent without feeling like everyone is reading my mind. Anyway I digress…

Glen and Jackie’s wedding reception was absolutely wonderful tonight. Anna-Maria gave a particularly beautiful singing number — I don’t know what anyone who suggested that she should do another song was thinking, because it really was perfect. The slide show went down without a hitch and many people came up to me afterwards to compliment me on it. I’m glad they liked it and even though it wasn’t nearly as good as I would have liked it to be, it did really feel pretty good that so many people told me that they liked it so much.

Since Tracie was so nice as to plan me that big family get together back in June, I thought it was only fair if I planned a house warming party for Gary and Tracie for the weekend of August 23rd or 24th. When I say plan I actually mean, tell them to get ready because we’re coming. It should involve a BBQ, a large variety of pop and chips and perhaps even a piñata. Everyone loves a piñata!

On a completely different note, I’ve been thinking about finishing my degree in the States lately. I’m wondering if I can take a similar (if not the same stuff) that I’m taking at the University of Lethbridge under the pretence of getting a Bachelor of Fine Arts only get a Batchelor of Science degree at Cal State Monterey. If I’m going to do it, I’ll have to do it by this January otherwise I will probably not be able to use all of the classes I have taken so far. I’ll keep you updated.

On the Road Again…

I got up early this morning and headed for Medicine Hat. Mom really wanted me to fix up her computer which, as you can probably guess since I’m posting this from Medicine Hat, is working fine.

I did talk her into buying a new 10/100mbps network card that is noticeably faster than the 10 mbps card they were using previously. I recommend upgrading if you are still using a slow one. The new cards cost about $20 but I they are totally worth it.

So in case you are curious all I really had to do was uninstall the newest version Kazaa, some virus software called bullguard (which by the way was the main problem) and I think something called mynet or mysearch, I’m not exactly sure what it was but I guess you collected points by using it or something and I was like, “No, this is not right”.

So now that’s they are gone the computer is running as smoothly as ever. Perhaps I’ll give Anna-Maria a call or maybe I’ll just chill here for a while watching TV. Either way, I’m planning on staying over night in the Hat and driving back to Lethbridge tomorrow before 3. The survey place has me scheduled to work all night Sunday, and frankly I’m beginning to think about quitting that job. I guess I should just think about how I’m in a tight spot for money what with my impulse trip to Disneyland and all. (So worth it by the way — still no regrets whatsoever!) Speaking of Disneyland, still no word on whether Anna has decided to take the job or not. She is moving however, she’s already packed up her house and the landlord has been showing it to potential tenants.

My Disneyland Vacation

Thursday, July 10th, 2003 – Early Evening

After deciding to actually go on this crazy trip the day had finally arrived (finally as in it had been almost 3 days since we got the tickets). I was planning to work both my life guarding job and then do 3 hours at the phone survey place. Well as luck would have it Anna-Maria talked me into phoning and getting the whole evening off so that we could just leave and get to Calgary. It was a good thing because it took me about an hour to get everything done I needed to, plus we ran over to Anna’s and then back to pickup some last minute laundry at my house. It was 9:30 by the time we arrived at Wally’s house. We ran out and got some food for Friday and Saturday from the nearby Safeway. Helga set the alarm clock for us and we hit the hay.

Friday, July 11th, 2003 – Early Smearly

I guess somehow the alarm clock was set half hour fast and at 3:30AM the annoying sound of an alarm clock went off, (actually it went on. To say that it went off would be lying. It was definitely on.) Anyway Wally was so kind as to drive us to the airport a little after 4:00AM as planned and then we were really off. After a quick layover in Seattle we arrived in sunny California and the fun began. Hitching a ride on the Disneyland Shuttle it didn’t take more than 45 minutes to be in the park. We bought our tickets and entered the happiest place on earth. It still gives me tingles just thinking about it. We did so much that day, it’s hard to remember all the places we went. Toon-Town to Roger Rabbit’s ride, bought some cotton candy, Splash Mountain, oh and we even went over and checked into our hotel. It was so much fun! Then evening we went into the Haunted Mansion and saw the truly spectactular show, Fantastica! It’s a laser/light/fireworks/live actor/animitronic masterpeice that takes place on Tom Sawyer Island and the Rivers of America. Truly an amazing site to see.

Saturday, July 12th, 2003

We got up early, went and had our complimentary hot breakfast in the train car restaurant next door to our hotel, and then walked over to the Disney Cast Building. I don’t know how nervous Anna was – I know I was nervous for her. I didn’t want to tell her I was nervous for fear that I might throw her off. She however seemed cool as a cucumber. The way the audition works was that everyone was assigned a number, and if when it came time for them to make cuts they read off numbers. If your number was called, that meant you were being cut. She said the highest number she noticed was 139. I left her to audition and hit Disneyland and California Adventure on my own. I remember as a kid, some of my fondest memories of Disneyland were from Tom Sawyer Island. I decided, well I’ll check out the old island and just see what’s over there. On the trip over I saw the character Tom Sawyer chatting it up with some of the other park guests, so when we arrived I followed him and he showed us around the Island. He showed us where Injuin Joe’s Spirit was trapped in a cave and what to do if we see him. He took us to his stash of pirate treasure that he and Huck Finn stole from Captain Hook’s own ship. Apparently Captain Hook has been circling the Island ever since trying to get his treasure back. Tom also took us through his caves up to a lookout fortress where we played “Fox and Rabbits”. It seemed a lot like hid and go seek, but a lot more fun since I was bigger than all the other kids playing. Actually I was on pretty even ground with them in my sandals, plus I wasn’t trying my hardest – didn’t want to look like a psycho. We stopped by the old graveyard, and up into Tom and Huck’s tree house where I learned their secret handshake. We also went down fishing – well attempted to fish, but they didn’t catch anything. They just didn’t have a clue as to how to catch fish. They figured it must have been some bad luck from “signing their names in all them people’s books”. Park guests would come up to them asking for autographs.

Later that day I checked up on Anna-Maria and we went to Taco Bell to get her some supper. She was doing great in her audition and she gave me all the details of her day so far. She had to go back for another couple of hours during which time I went and took in the X-Games at California Adventure.

Sunday, July 13th, 2003 – Call Backs and good news

Anna and I got our free breakfast again this morning and then headed to Disneyland to get in as much fun as we could before her 2:00 call back. We rode the matterhorn, Splash mountain, and California Screamin’ (the sweet rollercoaster they have in California Adventure) as well as the Jungle Cruise and Tarzans Treehouse. I can’t remember all the places we went, but we did a lot. We saw Muppets 3D and the Bug’s Life 3D movie as well. There was the Sword in the Stone Ceremony, not to mention watching all the parades and fireworks that evening. There were so many things we did that day. Anna went back and finished her call back and was offered the job. Whether she takes or not, well I’m not sure what she is going to do. Anyway we hooked up with cousin JP after the fireworks were over and he took us to his place in Fullerton. It’s a really cool place – I especially love the fact that they have an outdoor pool that their landlord maintains for them.

Monday, July 14th, 2003 – From Hollywood and Highland to Home

John Paul took us to Hollywood Blvd. where we checked out the Mann’s Chinese Theatre and the Hollywood Walk of Fame. We saw the cement handprints of famous actors from the last century and then took in lunch at Mel’s Diner. What a great day it was. Then it was off to the airport where we flew back to Calgary and slept another night at Wally’s. This time I set the alarm clock myself.

If anything this trip was not only a not a waste of money, it has been quite possibly the best trip I’ve ever been on. Disneyland really is the happiest place on earth. If you don’t believe me, then go check it out yourself, you won’t regret it.

California Dreamin’

I could really use some sleep. It’s 1:00AM (Alberta time) but I just can’t wait to let you all know what a great time Anna and I are having down here. I went to Disneyland and California adventures on Friday, Saturday, and again today (Sunday – yesterday technically). I am definitely having the time of my life down here. Anna-Maria made all the cuts and had her final call-back today. She preformed wonderfully. Only about 7 people were offered jobs but she is one of them.

Anyway have a good night, I’m coming back to Canada tomorrow.

Update: She decided not to take the job.

Goodbye Canada Hello Disneyland

Disneyland Train Station

In an act of sheer lunacy Anna and I have decided to go to Disneyland for the weekend. That’s right, they are having auditions there for Character Cast Members and Anna-Maria and I are in the process of planning our trip. I am really excited, and can’t wait to go.

Update: I need to get back to all my errands and I’ve been getting calls from everyone tonight. Most recently was Anna saying that maybe we should call this crazy trip off. It’s still up in the air, but I think we should go for it. If you’re reading this why not comment so I can hear what the “Internet” thinks? Go for it.