Jeff Milner Movie Review – The Pianist

Based on the journal of a World War II survivor from the Warsaw Ghetto this movie gets my highest “WWII holocaust movie” rating since Shindler’s List. It’s done very tastefully and at the same time isn’t so depressing that it’s impossible to watch.

Whether I agree that Adrian Brody deserved the best actor Oscar for his performance is beside the point (I don’t by the way — I think Daniel Day Lewis should have gotten it for The Gangs of New York.)

The Warsaw ghetto, as far as I understand, is the one place that the Jewish population fought back against the Germans who were shipping them off to death camps. I would have preferred to see more about the resistance itself, but because of the situation that the protagonist, Spielman, was in, we only get to see a little of the fighting and hear about through rumours and word of mouth from those around him.

I highly recommend this movie because of the importance of remembering the holocaust but in particular because this story was based so closely on Spielman’s journal and also some incidents were taken right from the directors own personal experiences. He was a holocaust survivor as well.

If you rent the DVD I also recommend that you watch the special features disk — the story of survival.

Jeff Milner Movie Review – Holes

Last night Mom, Dad, Anna-Maria, her sisters, and I all took in the new Disney Movie, Holes (Official Site / trailer). I didn’t love the Matrix, but I loved Holes. Let me tell you why Holes is such a great movie. First of all let me give a little background. Based on the enormously popular novel by Louis Sachar, Holes illustrates the misfortune of Stanley Yelnats IV (Shia LaBeouf) after he is sent to Camp Greenlake, a juvenille detention camp, basically because of some bad luck. It also explains the history of misfortune befallen upon the Yelnats’ family after a curse was put on Stanley Yelnats the first when he didn’t live up to a promise made to a certain European fortuneteller. This movie seems to have everything including family fortunes, family curses, a turn-of-the-century interracial romance, train robbers, buried treasure, ghosts, onions, peaches, sneakers and Texas Yellow Spotted Lizards, – then ties them all into the resolution. Despite being a movie filled with “holes”, this movie is funny and touching and more logical than you’d think possible. I recommend it even if you aren’t taking your girlfriend’s younger sisters with you.

Jeff Milner Movie Review – The Matrix Reloaded

Whoa! Last night I went to see The Matrix Reloaded (Official Site | Trailer) with Anna-Maria and some of her friends. As expected The Matrix Reloaded was filled with really long fight scenes, a bunch of bad dialogue, a boatload of amazing special effects, oh and did I mention some really long kung fu fight scenes? Overall I thought it was a cool movie but I was hoping for something more. It had the potential to go in all sorts of new directions but instead they just waste time in meaningless kung fu battles. When I say meaningless – I mean exactly that, the fight scene where Neo takes on hundreds of replicated agents ends when Neo gets bored and flys away. How stupid is that? What was the point?

In case it’s not self-evident, this movie is not for Mom and Dad. As much as I thought you might like the first one, (I don’t know what I was thinking) you will absolutely hate this movie.

Jeff Milner Movie Review – Punch Drunk Love

Anna-Maria and I went to see Paul Thomas Anderson’s new movie “Punch Drunk Love” last weekend. It is probably one of the most tense movies I care to remember seeing. Anna and I had white knuckles as we watched Adam Sandler perform as a socially backward individual just trying to fit in. While I really enjoyed this film, I don’t think it’s one for Mom and Dad. I don’t think you guys would like it — it’s not your typical Adam Sandler. Come to think of it, who knows because it seems to me that your tastes have often surprised me and maybe this is exactly your type of movie. Anyway it’s a little slow at first, but it does pick up and the story wraps itself up just about as perfectly as possible. I would highly recommend this movie to Gary because I know you like to see all the big movies anyway and I suspect this is one that you will like.

War Update; Calgary Trip Update; Oscars Predictions

Last night I went to Anna’s roommates birthday party. I was watching the news when the first guests arrived and we learned about a marine (an engineer actually) stationed in Kuwait who threw a live grenade into a tent filled with other Marines. The blast injured about 13 people and killed at least one. Apparently the Marines had had some problems with this guy and were planning on leaving him in Kuwait when it was time to move into Iraq. What a crazy world we live in.

Another interesting article I read this morning explains that many Iraqies would rather kill their own officers than fight the US.

It looks like my trip to Calgary has been cancelled because Anna is not going down to the States with her parents after all. I’m going to work on my animation instead.

It’s Oscar night and I’m sure Anna-Maria and I will be tuning in. Steve Martin is hosting and I read an article about where he’s getting his jokes from, which I thought was interesting.

So with the nominees list open in my other window here are my predictions:

MUSIC (SONG) – Chicago
ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLE – Jack Nicholson (About Schmidt)
ACTRESS IN A LEADING ROLE – RenĂ©e Zellweger (Chicago)
ACTRESS IN A SUPPORTING ROLE – Julianne Moore (The Hours)
DOCUMENTARY FEATURE – Bowling for Columbine
FILM EDITING – The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
VISUAL EFFECTS – The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Jeff Milner Movie Review – Bowling for Columbine

Anna and I went to see Bowling for Columbine on Saturday. I just loved it. edit:well it was entertaining, perhaps not as honest with the way it was presenting the facts at times. It was a great documentary about violence in America.

Today Anna purchased the special edition Lord of the Rings. We are watching it right now, even though I have homework due tomorrow. You know, sometimes an English paper just needs to wait. Well Anna is back from talking on the phone, so I’m going back to the show.