100 Days of SwiftUI

I’ve been dabbling in the Swift programming language lately and after joining the /r/SwiftUI subreddit I discovered a fantastic free online course by Paul Hudson for learning the SwiftUI framework. The basic idea is, spend about an hour a day for 100 days learning about Swift and SwiftUI and then post about it. Slow and steady wins the race.

I’ve been reluctant to write about it because I wanted to try the course out before locking myself into the commitment device of publicly posting about my plan for the next 100 days, however, I just finished Day 6, I love it, and I plan on doing it every day for the next 94 days.

Details of my learning so far after the jump (posted here mostly for learning and review purposes):

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My First Word Press Plugin—dna.php

It’s not too fancy and it doesn’t really do anything important, but yesterday I created my first plugin for Word Press. It’s a small php file that puts random Douglas Adams quotes on the background of Word Press admin pages. If you’d like to install it follow these simple instructions:

  1. Download dna.php.txt and rename to dna.php.
  2. Upload it to your plugins directory. (/wp-content/plugins)
  3. Next activate it from your plugins menu. You’ll probably want to disable the Hello Dolly plugin if it’s activated since both use the same screen space (Disclaimer: This script was based on hello.php)

This is an image of the script in action:

dna.php in action

Good luck.