Firefox 1.5 Released

Firefox 1.5 is out!

The award-winning Web browser is better than ever. Browse the Web with confidence – Firefox protects you from viruses, spyware and pop-ups. Enjoy improvements to performance, ease of use and privacy. It’s easy to import your favorites and settings and get started. Download Firefox now and get the most out of the Web.

iPod Mittens

I found this linked all over the net but I think it’s pretty cool so I am posting a link to it here. It’s a homemade mitten with a built in pocket for your iPod. The coolest part is that the iPod actually warms your hand while you listen to music. It looks like it’s falling out in the image but the iPod fits completely in the pocket — it’s shown halfway out here for illustrative purposes.

Knitted iPod Mittens with PDF instructions so you can make your own. Now, if only I knew how to knitā€¦

Transformer Costumes

Check out this cool transformer costume that actually transforms. Not only does it transform, but it does so while it’s being worn! The only down-side is that the creator sells them for the extremely pricey amount of $4000 (USD).

Check out all the Transformer Costumes.

I didn’t have a lot of transformers as a kid, but I did have the model pictured here, “Starscream”.

(via BoingBoing)

The Amen Brother Solo Drum Set

Informative, (though at times a little boring), the mp4 movie will make you realize how a small sample of music can become an integral part of our culture and how copyright law threatens to destroy the very same culture it claims to be protecting.

It was also interesting to see how a single drum solo could have such a huge impact on so many movies and advertisements. You’ll never experience another Howie Mandel Boston Pizza commercial the same way again.

Can I Get An Amen? (17min 46 seconds)

The Natural Gas Bill Situation

Recently I switched to a fixed rate on the natural gas portion of my utilities. I am really happy that I made the switch because it’s already saved me a lot of money. However, I also switched gas companies – something I didn’t really realize I was doing. Not that it’s a big deal, but it has resulted in some confusion. Allow me to elaborate:

The old supplier is Direct Energy Utilities, and the new supplier is Direct Energy Essential Services. Since I didn’t realize there was a change I continued to pay my bills online like I always do, to Direct Energy (Utilities). Well you can imagine my surprise when I started getting overdue notices. But I brushed them off thinking, well I must have just forgotten to pay somehow I’ll do it now. So I sent the wrong company more money. Pretty soon the colour of paper for my overdue notices changed – a sign that something was drastically wrong.

When I called to find out what was going on, the person I talked to was very understanding and said that it happens quite frequently. It did somewhat bother me though to hear that if it’s not paid within only a couple weeks they’re going to cut the cord. Understandable from a business point of view, but kind of rude given the particular situation from a customer service point of view.

I still need to go to the bank and see what I need to do to get back the $400+ from the my old gas service providers. I hope the process is quick and easy to that I can use that money to pay the correct people. Who would have thought something as simple as changing to a fixed gas rate could result in almost having the heat cut off.

Account Balance Advice for Cashier Supervisors

If you work at a University as a cashier supervisor and “[your] programmers are testing [your] billing process and have sent the e-mail bills [for hundreds of dollars] in error” please send out a pre-emptive email instead of making students go to the trouble of emailing you to find out what the hell is going on meanwhile letting them worry about it until you respond. Thank-you.

The Banks and You – A Survival Manual

I spent Wednesday evening with a really nice couple, the McNabb’s, talking about everything from webpage advice to antique reading lamps.

One of the things I really liked learning about was the husband’s experience with the banking industry. He is a banking consultant and even wrote a book on how to deal with banks, “The Bank and You … A Survival Manual“. It was published in 1986 and became a best-seller. Though it might seem to be getting a little old now, he explained that most of the information is still relevant.

He shared his reasons for writing the book, which are summarized nicely in the preface,

The Banks and You…A Survival Manual has been written to assist the reader in knowing what banking today is all about. A concern I do have at this time is that banks appear to be leaning on their own staff, and if they do this and get away with it, what in the world is going to stop them from leaning on their customers?”

He goes on to say that the book was started at a time when they were “locked out of [their] business”.

“The book was originally started as a hate book and entitled How to Screw Your Banker before He Screws You! After we won the war with our bankers, I decided this book was very much needed, and the hate tones were immediately dispensed with.”

I haven’t had a chance to read it yet, but the book delves into topics like:

  • banker intimidation
  • how bankers treat women
  • the lies that bankers tell and how to protect yourself
  • cultivating a relationship with your banker
  • whether on not to take the loan
  • signs of a pending banker – client breakdown
  • what to do if you go out of business
  • handling bankruptcy

The book also shares his own story of how he and his wife were able to turn things around pay back their loans for less than $.05 on the dollar.

He gave me a copy and I’m looking forward to reading it; I think it could be very insightful.

I also liked chatting with him about the process of publishing a book because I’ve got a little idea for a book that I’ve been sitting on for the last few years. Some of the things he told me were the names of people in the publishing industry, how to get an ISBN number and how to promote a book. Perhaps this new information will get me going on it again.

Oh and one last thing, the photo on the back made me smile because he no longer looks like that at all.

Frog Review

A couple of frogs doing reviews on websites.

So far they’ve only reviewed one site, Ticketmaster, but I’ve found their complaints to be very relevant. It’s been years since I’ve bought tickets online, but I would have thought that they would have figured things out by now.

Frog Review.