
I came up with an idea this morning to help make my blog entries easier to sort. Of course, this may end up being a bad idea that gets dropped, but I’m going to try it out for awhile and decide if I like it or not.

The idea is keywords placed at the bottom of each entry, with each keywords linked to a search query for my domain. In theory anyway it should make it easy to find all related entries on a specific topic.

Search keywords: meta

My New Job at the University of Lethbridge

I just got hired on at the University of Lethbridge working for the International Centre. After a two and a half month hiatus from the workforce, I’m really happy to finally be bringing in some cashola. Having money will make buying groceries that much easier.

Don’t get me wrong, I loved the break. I think it was important for me to take some time to really nurse the wounds from my break-up. Thinking about it, it’s kind of funny how the break-up got way more coverage on my blog then the actual engagement. I suppose I should have taken it as a pretty major sign that she didn’t really want to get married when she refused to tell her dad the big news. I just wanted to marry her so badly that I ignored the signs.

I guess I’ve come to the conclusion that she’s got more problems than she’s worth. There’s the good old fashioned emotional problems and not to mention her huge commitment issues—she doesn’t even want kids. We just weren’t on the same page. I predict that she will continue to surf from guy to guy until she finds she’s alienated everyone so much that nobody wants anything to do with her. I still think she’s missing out big-time on me, but hey you reap what you sow I guess.

It’s still hard not to like her, and I think I’d like to be friends with her in the future, but it looks like she is going to need a lot of time before she’s ready for that.

"Some Postman" Cell Phone Video

The Presidents of the United States of America (the band) have put together a music video comprised of footage shot exclusively with cell phones.

From the Presidents’ site:

The director of the video, Grant Marshall from Film Headquarters, said he was very excited when Presidents of the USA agreed to this idea. He came up with the idea after the company’s creative team lamented how budgets for Australian music videos were far lower than those for international clips. Producer Nick Wolff said “We joked that budgets were getting so small that the next thing we’d be doing is shooting on a mobile phone.” (emphasis mine)

And that is exactly what they did. (Link has various video format choices)

The BitTorrent Deal

When I heard that BitTorrent was collecting money from investors, it left me confused because BitTorrent is an open source protocol. It’s like hearing that HTTP or FTP was rounding up funds. recently published an article outlining exactly what the BitTorrent deal is all about. It sounds like Bram Cohen, the designer of the BitTorrent protocol, intends to sell media on a commission basis – kind of like what Google Video does.

Is Evolution Evil?

I got into a conversation about evolution last night with an active member of the Mormon Church. I presented the concept that though other religions seem to think evolution is the tool of the devil, LDS folks shouldn’t think so. This afternoon I discovered a great article by Michael R. Ash, The Mormon Myth of Evil Evolution, which shows that the official Church position on evolution is neutral.

Even if you’re not from a Mormon background, you may find it interesting how a major world religion has avoided committing itself one way or the other to such an obviously important topic. Also I don’t think one has to be a Mormon in order to try and reconsile one’s beliefs with science; perhaps there is something every religious person could learn from the article.

If you liked Michael R. Ash’s article, you may also find of interest Duane E. Jeffery’s well-known and often cited Seers, Savants and Evolution: The Uncomfortable Interface.


Somebody sent this to me on an old Intel voice / chat program many years ago (betcha didn’t know Intel used to make software). Anyway I came across it today and thought I’d share.

Interior shot: Bespin Gantry – moments later:

A furious lightsaber duel is underway. DARTH VADER is backing LUKE SKYWALKER towards the end of the gantry.

A quick move by Vader, chops off Luke’s hand! It goes spinning off into the ventilation shaft.)

Luke backs away. He looks around, but realizes there’s nowhere to go but straight down.

Darth Vader: Obi Wan never told you what happened to your father.

Luke: He told me enough! He told me you killed him!

Darth Vader: No… I am your father!

Luke: No, it’s not true! It’s impossible.

Darth Vader: Search your feelings… you know it to be true…

Luke: NO!

Darth Vader: Yes, it is true.. and you know what else? You know that brass droid of yours?

Luke: Threepio?

Darth Vader: Yes… Threepio… I built him… when I was 7 years old…

Luke: No…

Darth Vader: Seven years old! And what have you done? Look at yourself, no hand, no job, and couldn’t even levitate your own ship out of the swamp…

Luke: I destroyed your precious Death Star!

Darth Vader: When you were 20! When I was 10, I single-handedly destroyed a Trade Federation Droid Control ship!

Luke: Well, it’s not my fault…

Darth Vader: Oh, here we go… “Poor me… my father never gave me what I wanted for my birthday… boo hoo, my daddy’s the Dark Lord of the Sith… waahhh wahhh!”

Luke: Shut up…

Darth Vader: You’re a slacker! By the time I was your age, I had exterminated the Jedi knights!

Luke: I used to race my T-16 through Beggar’s Canyon…

Darth Vader: Oh, for the love of the Emperor… 10 years old, winner of the Boonta Eve Open… Only human to ever fly a Pod Racer… right here baby!

Luke looks down the shaft. Takes a step towards it.

Darth Vader: I was wrong… You’re not my kid… I don’t know whose you are, but you sure ain’t mine…

Luke takes a step off the platform, hesitates, then plunges down the shaft.

Darth Vader looks after him.

Darth Vader: Get a haircut!

Giant Sea Creature Washes Ashore in India

Apparently the remains of some giant creature have washed up in India following the tsunami last December, or is it a hoax? The verdict is still out on this one, but the story and video are compelling nonetheless. Maybe it’s a blue whale, maybe it’s a dinosaur or maybe it’s just an elaborate computer generated image. You be the judge.

(via Snopes)