Today I planned this big Xbox party for my house, but as luck would have it – I have no friends. Not even the superficial type that only like me because I throw Xbox parties. Maybe it’s because I have a lisp. I was even going to have treats too. Actually no, it’s not the lisp, it’s not because I don’t have any friends, and it’s certainly not because my treats suck. Everyone is just busy with being on vacation during reading week, or working for Quest (Bryce). So anyway maybe another night.

Watersliding and Surfing in the Faux Ocean

Tonight I did get together with Bryce Shutte and his wife, oh and Zee came along too. We went to the Ramada for some sweet waterpark action. Steve, my friend that works there, is going to hook me up with a job there (hopefully). I’m actually pretty excited because being out of work and being a poor student SUCKS. The Ramada is a pretty fun place to visit, but I think it must be a law that the amount of chlorine in a hotel pool has to be at least 10 times more potent than you would find at say a city owned pool. Also for some reason the water was extremely cold. I asked Steve if they had a maintenance person to take care of that, and he said that she didn’t seem to know how to work the heating machinery. Zee commented that if “she” (the maintenance person) was actually a “he”, then maybe the water would be warm. All Steve could say was, “You said it, not me.”

So to recap, watersliding is fun – cold water is not. The waves were a might bit small and the hot tub was a mite bit crowded. Can you say 32 people is just one too many?

I’m going to Calgary Tomorrow

I am going to visit Anna-Maria and her family at the hotel where they are staying. Hopefully I’ll be able to find it. I may give my brother Gary and his wife Tracie a call but it sounds like they already have plans.

Roommate News and Valentines Day Suckage

Today I talked to Jason, my 17 year-old roommate, about the food stealing situation. He said, “I guess you’re probably getting sick of me eating all your food.” and also added, “It’s just that I’ve been meaning to go down to the food bank but I haven’t gotten around to it.” It made me feel kind of bad when he has no food and I don’t want to share but at the same time – it is my food; this is not a room and board place. To make matters worse, I overheard him on the phone tonight and he said that he’s been fired from his job at Little Caesar’s. I guess that’s going to make paying the rent next month that much harder. Hopefully he is smart enough to go apply for employment insurance.

Today started off as a great Valentines Day. Anna and I went out for lunch at East Side Mario’s and I must say it was great as always. I didn’t get her any real present though and now she is sad. I STILL don’t know what to get her, so I’ll run out to the store and find something she will like. Valentines Day sort of sucks, why can’t we all just be valentines all the time?

Anna’s Play and Roommate News

I went and saw Anna’s play last night. There were some really strange parts and some really cool parts. The pig-troll orgy scene wasn’t as bad as I had imagined from Anna’s description but it’s not exactly a Disney show either.

Jackie emailed me a picture of the house she is staying at. I’ll shrink it down tonight and post it.

I have no milk. It’s not what you think. No, my roommate didn’t drink it all without asking. Instead he just took some of it (without asking) and left the rest out to go bad. I have to say that although leaving my milk out to go bad is rude, it’s probably my own fault for allowing a 17 year old to move in to my house. What was I thinking?

Xbox Party Summary

The Xbox party is over. It was the first time we hooked up 4 Xbox’s but although we had the equipment we only had enough players to fill 12 spots. That means that next time I’ll have to invite more people to play. Xbox is great.

My First New Media Faculty Meeting

Today I went to my first New Media Faculty meeting. It was pretty long but nevertheless I think I’m glad I get to go. They did spend an overly long time discussing really boring things like what to do about the situation of how to hand students back their papers at the end of the year because the teachers don’t have much time at the end of the year and the faculty secretary is too busy. Actually I was stumped too, because if the teachers were refusing to let students pick them up at their offices and the students couldn’t just pick them up from a pile somewhere because someone needed to be there to verify identity for F.O.I.P reasons, then what really could they do? The Faculty is also thinking about bringing some keynote speaker from Ontario. I can’t remember his name but he’s the guy that wears a camera on his glasses and is convinced of the future of remote conferencing / technology to solve all our problems. Anyway they are going to pay to have him speak at the University — but here’s the catch, he’s going to web cast it. Yep — they are paying him to do the speech at the University but from wherever it is he works / lives in Ontario. All in all, I’m sure it will be interesting and at least the guy practices what he preaches.

Update: The keynote speaker was Steve Mann. It was interesting for the first half hour and then some serious boredom overtook us and we slipped out early.

I read Dad’s email tonight. It definitely was from Dad. Here it is:

Be sure to check the attachment photo to see a picture of the latest pie I made. It had mackintosh apples in it and it was sure good. The feeling it gave when you were eating it was what I imagine would be similar to the feeling you get when you snort cocaine. If the food and drug administration knew about it they would have come and tried to confiscate it. They would have had to be right there though because we ate it pretty much at one sitting.

Oh one other thing. I asked a complete stranger to use the video camera I borrowed from the library to tape me dunking the basketball. I’ll download the video footage tomorrow and get a semi-permanent link to it.

Jeff Milner the New Media Rep

The other day I got an email from the professor of my multimedia 2010 and 2030 classes. His name is Anonymous Smith. Yes really. But anyway that’s not the point of this entry. I’ll comment on his strange choice of names later. He relayed a message that the Fine Arts department is looking for two student representatives to attend faculty meetings and then it’s their responsibility to relay anything important that happens back to the students. Well I didn’t think too much of it at the time, but then in class the professor asked if anyone was interested. As an impulse decision I raised my hand – you know I was a T.A. rep back at Hat High. So anyway to make this mediumly long story shorter, I had the first multimedia student I found nominate me and next thing you know I and some third year student are both elected by default. So now that I am the new Student Rep of New Media (formerly known as Multimedia) I expect you all to bow in my presence and say in unison – “All Hail Mighty Lord Jeff the Student Rep of New Media!” or at least, “congratulations” if that’s all you can muster.

Secret Visit to My Brother and his Wife’s Place

Mom and Dad came and visited me today. We went for lunch at Pizza Hut. They just left a few minutes ago and are heading back to Medicine Hat. Tonight I am going to Calgary but I haven’t told Gary and Tracie I am coming to visit yet. Mom thinks I should pack before I call them. I think maybe I should just show up – as a kind of happy surprise. Anyway I am swimming tomorrow so I should get packed and get going. Instead I will procrastinate and end up driving in the dark.