
Dad’s in Town

Apparently Dad is in Lethbridge tonight. I saw a note on my table that said he stopped by, too bad I missed him. I was having dinner with Anna-Maria and her roommate. Anna’s Mom gave her a huge laundry basket full of food to take home with her, and we were hitting it hard tonight. We had some really good roast beef and instant potatoes. I tried a brustle sprout and I must say I should have gone with my instincts. Brussle sprouts are bad. That’s why on TV sitcoms nobody likes them. They are bad. But the meal was good and I wish I had more of it instead of being stuck here at the school waiting for my video to render. Also I need to be looking up some music for the background and I’ll likely find something off of If you have any other good sites for music give me a shout out.


Back in Lethbridge

Anna-Maria and I arrived back in Medicine Hat last night too, and the roads to Lethbridge were a little snowy but judging by Gary’s description not as bad as to Calgary. We talked a bit but mostly we listened to the first tape of “The Lord of the Rings”. I thought it would be fun – especially seeing how much Anna loves the movies but frankly it was quite boring. We probably will never listen to the rest of the tapes.


George Bush’s Speech

According to the BBC, Bush’s handlers have been trying to get him invited to address the European Parliament. The one caveat being that a standing ovation would be guaranteed. (scroll down to # 7 on the list).

Question: What exactly would happen if a standing ovation was promised and never delivered?

Answer: Regime change.


Medicine Hat

Anna and I have arrived in Medicine Hat. We had to make a quick stop at her parents house to drop off some groceries that needed to be in the freezer (it doesn’t matter that it’s aproximately -40 degrees outside). The trip was nice; Anna and I had a good time just chatting with each other all the way here. We decided that we would like to move to southern California this summer and get jobs working at Disneyland. Frankly I can’t think of any good reason not to. It looks like it’s time to go home so that’s it for this entry.


Music Video Update

I know some of you have been returning everyday to see my new music video. I’m not going to lie to you – you may be extremely disappointed in this sucker, but nevertheless here it is (update: it’s been removed) in all it’s potential glory. I apologize for the slowness of the server, it’s just that I unknowingly subscribed to a really BAD service provider. Anyway give a shout out if you like the video, or if you hate it, or if you watched it, or if you didn’t watch it. (I’m sure you get the idea).


Update (or pointless post – whichever you prefer)

I haven’t been feeling the greatest lately. I feel a little behind in school and just not my usual happy self. I think it’s just one of those days though. I’ll probably be feeling better by this afternoon. In fact I’m starting to feel better already. Maybe it’s the soft glow of the University’s fancy-smancy iMac’s, or maybe it’s just the cool refreshing sounds of fingers typing a new blog post. I’m not sure, but it doesn’t really matter anyway.


Inheritance Update

Mom, Dad, Wally, and Helga are back in Alberta. They stopped by tonight on their way to Raymond. It doesn’t sound like there is going to be much of an inheritance. Also of interest – apparently the house was in a real sorry state. It was like one of those weirdo houses that you hear about on the news where they have to wear gas masks to go inside because it stinks so bad. Dad lost his lunch – twice! He almost threw up a third time from the stench, but mom told him to just get out and stay out. The State already had an auction arranged but they didn’t stick around for it because they had no room to take anything home anyway and they didn’t want to be there in the event that good stuff was being sold really cheaply. They’d rather not know I guess. There were a couple vehicles and maybe a couple thousand for those but that’s probably optimistic. If anyone buys the house it will be for the lot, the building itself needs to be razed. More details when I get them.


Stop Action Jackson

I’m going to make another stop action movie tonight with Anna and her roommate. This one is going to be good! While you are waiting for me to finish it and post it online, check out this new book, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom by Cory Doctorow – you know the guy from BoingBoing. I really like it so far – I’ve already read the first 3 chapters. You can read it too.


Culture Jamming

Is it wrong to block ads on my free site? I feel so conflicted. I would make this post longer but I need to get to school, so here is some food for thought.

Ok just one other thing. I was reading the adbuster’s site and came across this (scroll down to the bottom or just read it here):

“Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more” (Isaiah 2:4).

Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t think western powers should be attacking Iraq either. But I just want to point out that the scriptural quote out of the Old Testament is taken way out of context. In fact, the actual context would imply that wars are a part of our lives today and only when Isaiah’s prophesy is fulfilled will nations stop going to war against each other. That’s my rant for the day – so far (the day is young).


Old acquaintances

Today I ran into Bob Shimbashi at the Safeway here in Lethbridge. It has been a LONG LONG time since I’ve seen that guy. I always thought he moved to Provo when he moved away, but it turns out he originally moved from Provo when he came to Medicine Hat and now he’s been living in Coaldale ever since.

You’re probably not wondering why I was at Safeway in the first place. You probably think it was to get groceries. Well you’d be right about that, but the groceries I got are for Steve and Monique Meldrum’s POT-LUCK TACO PARTY ™. I’ll try and shoot a few pics tonight if opportunity arises and then post them for the world to see. And when I say world, I actually mean you. Yes you the only person that reads the archives from month to month. Ok I actually mean me.