
Swiss Army Knife with USB

Victorinox has created a version of the classic Swiss Army Knife that has a USB key as one of it’s tools. This, for those that don’t know about USB devices – like my parents, would allow you to connect your knife to your computer and transfer data to and from your knife. So if you’re thinking about burning your favorite MP3’s to CD to take to a friends house, with this invention all you would need to do is download the files onto your knife and then plug it in to your pals computer. I already carry my knife with me everywhere anyway; this would be way more useful than say a corkscrew or nail file.


Beware Dihydrogen Monoxide Can Be Fatal If Inhaled

I’m glad somebody is finally (almost) doing something about the dihydrogen monoxide threat. Think about that the next time you buy Styrofoam cups and think you’re not putting yourself at risk.


Easy Ipod or a Clever Guerilla Marketing Campaign?

“I’ll buy you an IPOD if you be my GF for one and 1/2 weeks – $300” reads the headline of an apparently desperate 24 year old single white male from New York City. His parents are coming to visit and he “needs” someone to play the part of the love of his life that he has told his parents so much about. Is it a real plea for help or a new marketing technique trying to increase the perceived value of an Ipod. You be the judge.


How Things Are Going in the Whitehouse

“Who’s on First” for the next generation.

George: Condi! Nice to see you. What’s happening?

Condi: Sir, I have the report here about the new leader of China.

George: Great. Lay it on me.

Condi: Hu is the new leader of China.

George: That’s what I want to know.

Condi: That’s what I’m telling you.

George: That’s what I’m asking you. Who is the new leader of China?

Condi: Yes.

George: I mean the fellow’s name.

Condi: Hu.

George: The guy in China.

Condi: Hu.

George: The new leader of China.

Condi: Hu.

George: The Chinaman!

Condi: Hu is leading China.

George: Now whaddya’ asking me for?

Condi: I’m telling you Hu is leading China.


More Changes

I have been making some subtle changes today. The Google Search is now customized with a graphical interface (as opposed to the default form) and I added a couple of links to webpages that I have created. I created them a couple of years ago before I signed up for New Media. Anyway I haven’t checked the page in any other browsers yet so if you notice anomalies with the Google Search on the left side of the page, please let me know via the comments. Thanks.


Trackbacks and Their Value

I think more blogs should have trackbacks. What is a trackback you ask? Well the Wikipedia defines it as a system “that alerts and allows bloggers to see who has blogged about his or her posts on his or her blog. The system works by sending a ‘ping’ between the blogs, and there[by] providing the alert.”

In other words it’s a nice way to keep up with what other bloggers are saying about your posts. So far, I haven’t had any trackbacks (except for the ones I pinged myself), maybe that should tell me something. Anyway there’s a possibility that it’s just because not enough people know how to use trackbacks. I want you to know, though, it’s easy to ping a trackback – and you don’t even need to have trackbacks on your site.

The process goes something like this (assuming the trackback is from Haloscan): You read something on someone’s site that you would also like to write about. You then write a post on the same topic on your own site. Now you want to add a trackback, so you just copy the trackback link from the other persons site to the clipboard and ping it at Haloscan. To do that, first you must login to Haloscan and secondly Click on “Manage Trackback” in the navigation bar. There you can click on “Send a Trackback Ping”. Fill out the pertinent data like the URL to ping (the one on your clipboard) and your permanent link URL and then your trackback will be on its way. It sounds a lot more complicated than it is. Really.

Haloscan has a graphical tutorial, but in the meantime here is a list of other sites that also support trackback pings:

Update: I got rid of the trackbacks. The problem with trackbacks is that they allow comment spammers or in this case trackback spammers to change the content of your site without your permission. I had tons of trackbacks on my stairway to heaven page and many of them were unrelated and, for whatever reason, that just really bothers me.


My Birthday (last Friday)

I had a pretty good birthday if a bit low-key. That’s ok though my parents came down from Medicine Hat and we ate at East Side Mario’s. Although the standing up in the booth where we were seated while they sing some Happy Birthday jingle was a little embarrassing, I was pretty stoked because I won a free meal from their spin the wheel on your birthday game and win a prize. Hey it’s better than a pie in the face.


The Internet is full of Idiots

Paul Tyma is a frequent (and opinionated) computer industry speaker and writer. Paul has two articles which I think you should read.

The first is called “The Internet is full of Idiots”. It’s about book reviews. Paul is writing a book and guarantees that the reviews he will get on Amazon will be good ones, at least the first couple. How can he be so sure? Well he’s going to write them himself. (Read More)

Paul’s next article is titled, “I’ve invented the greatest compression algorithm ever”, and as Paul explains – he’s keeping it a secret.


Do You Google?

I still heart Google. So does this NYTimes writer.


Spanish Election Results Affected by Terrorist Actions

The popular party in Spain has lost the election. It is speculated that if the recent bombings had actually been perpetrated by the ETA it would have helped the preceding government win the election. Interesting coverage via The Toronto Star.