
Amazing Coincidence or Brilliant Marketing Scheme?

On October 25, 2003 in the small village of Dalaro in Eastern Sweden a strange event occurred that has yet to be explained. 32 people, unbeknownst to each other, converged on the local Volvo dealership to purchase the same model of car on the same day. Previous to that day, the dealership in question had never sold more than 32 cars in one year, let alone one day. Watch the cool (but large) flash video documentary. Or download it here: Quicktime or Windows Media.

Is it a collective unconscious? Yeah, I know, I’m buying into the merchandising wagon. But it’s an interesting documentary – especially if it’s true.


The Masters of Memory Lane

No, I’m not talking about the computer store that I used to work at. I’m talking about the annual U.S. Memory Championship, held in New York on Saturday. I wish my memory was half as good as these guys. (Wired News Link).

The three-day international event pits mnemonic experts from around the globe in competitions that include memorizing a previously unpublished and non-rhyming lengthy poem in 15 minutes, and writing it down complete with proper spelling and punctuation; memorizing a list of 400 random words and reciting them back in order; and the dreaded “binary competition,” in which competitors have a half hour to memorize a random string of thousands of 1s and 0s.


Blog Lurking

I was browsing Blogger’s 10 most recently updated blogs this afternoon and I came across some random post that made me want to comment. At first I thought well, this person doesn’t really have anyone else commenting, and I don’t even know them. Also I’d be the only one commenting and just feel like I was throwing myself into their world uninvited. I also started thinking about whether I would want to leave my name there, or just post anonymously.

As you can tell, I haven’t put too much thought into this but I considered the fact that since I put up the comments two days ago I’ve only had 1 person leave a comment and he left that anonymously. His post wasn’t exactly astute, but did I mind? No absolutely not in fact I wish more people would post comments – assuming the comments are related to the post anyway. So here it is, an open invitation for metacomments – that is to say comments about comments. (Alternatively you can comment about the new word I just made up, “metacomment”.) Enough rambling. Please comment. Really.


The Man Who Knew (and then told) Too Much

Mordechai Vanunu is a political prisoner in Israel. He went to prison in 1986 for revealing to the world the existence and extent of Israel’s nuclear program. After spending almost two decades in high security lockup, Vanunu is slated to be released next month. He is already talking about the details of his alleged abduction by Mossad while in Europe — and Israeli authorities are not pleased.

I must admit I really have mixed feelings about this. The thing is, a lot of things have changed since 1986 — it doesn’t seem like knowledge of Israel’s Weapons of Mass Destruction are anything to worry about these days. But at the same time Vanunu breached their national security when he “spilled the beans” about the atomic weapons, and it sounds like he is a continual thorn in the governments side. Hard to prove that the Israeli government is fully justified though. He does paint them in a pretty bleak picture, even if he has a lot of reasons to vilify them.


Hilarious Commercial

If you haven’t seen this commercial yet, don’t waste anymore time, it’s GReeeAAATE!

When you’re done checking that one out, you might want to flip the next button because there are a plethora of gems on this site.

Update: Turnpike films no longer offers their videos for free general public consumption.


Shockwave Game that will BLOW YOUR SOCKS OFF!!!

You have to check this multiplayer Cowboy game out. I am really impressed.


Site Update

It might be redundant to say this, considering everything looks different, but I’ve been working on a site redesign – which I think is coming along nicely. I’ll have comments up soon, as well I’m still going to update the flash part at the top. Please let me know what you think.

Update: Comments are up, but the archives are a mess.
Another Update: Everything seems to be working great. Please feel free to comment if you think otherwise.



Grow weird things on a weird planet… weirdly.


And Now I’ve Reached the End

It’s a good thing I finally finished the Internet because it’s almost midnight and I haven’t been getting enough sleep lately anyway. I’ve been working on it pretty hard, you know, visiting at least 1 or 2 new sites everyday, and trying not to spend too much time on the same old sites.


So Long and Thanks For All the Fish

“The Douglas Adams media archive is presented here by the groups for your enjoyment. This also is to serve as a tribute to Mr. Adams’s great, but suddenly shortened career. Those who have not heard his voice and those who know it well will both enjoy having this material available. We will miss him!”

I downloaded the collection tonight and made myself a nice MP3 CDROM for the Jeep. I’m guessing I fit just under 9000 minutes or 150 hours of Hitchhiker audio fun on that CD. (I recommend using a program like Getright to enable efficient downloading of that many MP3 files).

Update: The link to Douglas Adams media archive is down. I guess copyright / bandwidth limitations were too much.