Jeff Milner’s Free Gmail Account Giveaway – The Rules!

It’s another new round of Gmail invites. This time I have a total of 5 accounts to give out. The contest ends Thursday night at Midnight 10pm MST (I’m excited to give these away and don’t want to wait until Friday) with prizes to be awarded on Friday Thursday night or Friday morning.

There are a few relatively easy things you have to do in order to win a Gmail invite from me. You don’t have to do them all, but the more of them you do, the more points you get, and the people with the most points get invites.

#1 – Post a comment explaining that you would like a free Gmail account and why you think I should give it to you. (Worth between 1-25 points at my discretion)

#2 – Include your first and last name in the comment. I’m no longer going to make up first and last names for people I am sending the accounts to. Also it’s manditory to include your current email address. If you want you can include the word “at” for “@” or the word nospam, which (don’t worry) I am smart enough to figure out and send the invite to the right address.

(Worth 200 points)

#3 – Be a Blogger account holder at the time you post your comment. (Worth 15 points)

#4 – Have a blog. (Worth 5 points)

#5 – Post a link on your blog to my blog. Permanent sidebar links are worth more. You may get double points on this if you post a link in addition to having a permanent link.

(Single posts are worth 20, Permanent links 50, up to a total of 70 points!)

#6 – Compose a limerick about me, my site, things I’m interested in, or Gmail. (10 – 50 points)

The person with the most points who posts before 12:00pm10:00pm MST(as recorded in the comments) will get the first invite, and the person with the second highest score will get the next one and so on until I am out of account invites.

Update June 17, 2004: The contest is now closed. Please try again next time. I haven’t added up the scores but I will do that shortly and have the results in my next post.

9 Replies to “Jeff Milner’s Free Gmail Account Giveaway – The Rules!”

  1. Gmail Invitation Request

    Name: Matt Oneiros

    email: mattoneiros at comcast . net

    Blogger blog at (with permalink to your blog):

    post linking to your blog:

    I am intensely fascinated with the notion of Gmail, I like the idea that perhaps the good folks at Google are taking a fairly old tool (email) and very gently, but drastically reinventing it to take email and our senses of responsibility and identity online to new levels. (With the relative permanence of Gmail E-mails will people reconsider their words and interactions online? Will I?)

    If I recieve a gmail account, I'll gladly invite many other users after giving one or two invites to close personal friends then the remainder will be given away on one of the many gmail begging sites without any reception of goods, services or intangible emotions (hahaha).

    There once was an email from Milner,
    Sent through Gmail's mail spooler.
    It was quite a shock, it made poor Matt cough.
    "How could he be so lucky," said the man while his pilsner.

  2. 1- Well, why does anyone want a gmail account? Actually, I'm so tired of juggling lame email accounts. I'd like to have it all streamlined, but I'm kind of an email pack rat. I'm also considered by my friends to be a Master Googler (though aren't we all?)… I guess I just love google too much. The features I've read about gmail are intriguing, especially sorting emails and displaying them like a conversation. That would come in very handy those times when I want to post funny conversations in a blog.
    So why do I think you should give me one? Because you're a nice person? Because I'm a nice person? It's hard to say. But should you decide to invite me, I promise to forward on the invites…good karma. :P

    2- Melinda Anderson, (4 l's)

    3, 4, 5 – I just recently started my blogger account the other day. So it's short on posts but I might transfer some blogs from another site I have just to get me going, you know? And I posted your link. I would post a permanent link, but I haven't looked into how to do that yet. I'll get right on that.

    6- I looked into gmail one night
    I found things that gave me a fright
    the offer is great
    but we all must wait
    To get outselves just one invite

    ( I know…it's lame. But I'm sleepy :P )

  3. hello
    i came to your site just a few minutes ago and saw your gmail giveaway. i believe im a few hours too late, but im trying anyway and heres my shabby attempt

    #2 im richard biggs, biggs9901 at hotmail . com

    #1 like everyone, id like a gmail account because for mostly the same reason as anyone else, where else are you going to find a free email account with 1000mb?

    #3 ive made this blogger account just for this post, but like your rules state, i should be getting 15 points at least eh? http://biggsenhanced/ i think thats it

    #4 i donno what a blog is, i think ive made some blogs

    #5 i think i did that

    #6 limerick
    his web site is blue
    it is a nice hue
    on it he gives away prizes
    like email with great storage sizes
    i want this gmail i do

  4. Thanks for the posts guys. I love the poetry. The contest is still on so you're not too late. You can keep these posts coming until 10:00pm tonight. Remember the top 5 will be claiming new Gmail accounts come tomorrow.

  5. #1 – I'm a poor misguided soul in life. My daily satisfactions consist of getting online in finding new messages in places I visit. I have nothing better to do now in this sad situation I live in than to take part in a futile attempt to get a legendary GMail account. I'm a Google lover, and nothing would please me more than to own in my very own hands a GMail account and have the power to make people beg with crazy contests for invites like this….I have problems.

    #2 Chris Newhouse – xtraverse a|t spatang d00t com

    #3 yes I am – xtraverse – my names clickable at the bottom of this topic

    #4 – is my blog

    #5 – I went above and beyond on this one. There's a post link. There's a sidebar link. There's a freakin header link.

    #6 –
    There once was a blogger named Milner
    Who gave away GMails for dinner
    A foot killed a skull
    The Flames are his soul
    I hope that Jeff makes me a winner

  6. 1.I feel I should win, because with my Gmail account I will be able to leap from tall buildings in a single bound, be more powerful than a locomotive, open jars of jam without strain, and once and for all solve the mystery of the missing socks. Ok, maybe I won't be able to do some of those things, or any of them, but I promise to share with others if I receive invitations, and log all of my adventures with my Gmail account on my blog, and write nothing but nice things about Canada.

    2. CJ Castillo – thefutureispast(AT)yahoo(DOT)com

    3. Blogger account: randomblogger


    5. Link in my blog, as well as your name in a title heading(with a pretty cool heading if u ask me)

    6. There once guy named Jeff
    A lifeguard, he was cool, he was def
    He gave away invites
    To those who posted on their sites
    If I don't win I will feel bereft

  7. I think I should get the invite because:
    A. I will send out invites freely, and not use Ebay for personal gain,
    B. I will probably not get one otherwise,
    C. I really love email and getting email, and
    D. I get really annoyed when I can't save my email on my free account
    Unfortunately, I am a blog holder, but due to technical problems (an old computer) I do not have a blog.
    My first and last names are Maya Hess, and my email is bumblebird at
    There was a girl who loved free mail
    and who sent out a great deal of email
    When she got an invite
    she screamed with delight
    And now she's a user of Gmail

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