Stairway to Heaven Backwards Full Lyrics

Because I’ve noticed some people searching for the “full lyrics to Stairway to Heaven reversed” and probably find my lacking in that regard, I will post an email that I received this morning, partly here and partly in the comments. (It’s too long to include the whole thing on the main page.)

Well, you have certainly caused a stir here. It seems that everybody is flocking to your site. Nice work. I must tell you, though, you have it wrong. Here are the lyrics to the part that you have on your site:

So here’s to my Sweet Satan.
The other’s little path
Would make me sad,
Whose power is faith.
He’ll give those with him 666.
And all the evil fools,
they know he made
us suffer sadly.

I have discovered that the ENTIRE Stairway To Heaven is a full and COMPLETE backwards message. EVERY word from start to finish is undeniable and distinguishable.

Easily heard if you know what to look for. I wired an old record player’s motor to run in reverse, and got out my old copy of the album. It’s very scary. As I played it backwards last night over 10 times, I got chills down my spine every time. How it was done, I haven’t a clue. I have changed my opinion that the computer is the best vehicle to listen to it backwards. It was definitely made for vinyl, and the needle moving in the wrong direction combined with the grooves of the record make it clearer. I don’t think that the computer can duplicate that. THIS below is the absolute and correct translation of the lyrics to ‘Stairway To Hell’ WORD FOR WORD without any chance of there being any mistakes.
Trust me, THIS IS IT:

Plaaaay backwards,
Hear why its sung here, oppositioner..
Allll on track, all arriving
They all sing, and they are one.
Shall I loathe you now, parishoner?
Oh hear Him, Christian within me.
It stirs my sin; the river,
Oh, she swells with our lousiness.
All my life will end for him?
We’re all out of signs,
I know I’m sorta shocked
To hear The Lord,
My God now will save me!
Oh I will n’er be saved,
Because I live with Satan..
One wish today;
That you’ll all pray for
Three who will make it here late.
Pray now and you’ll see..
The ‘Lord’ turned me on,
But, oh, I was the shaggy fool..
Clothed in agony,
Lost at a height.
There’s no escaping it,
Nor his woes..
So here’s to my Sweet Satan.
The other’s little path
Would make me sad,
Whose power is faith.
He’ll give those with him 666.
And all the evil fools,
they know he made
us suffer sadly.
“Family won’t get loose,
They’re offered me.”
Always soothes the worker.
Always will be as we know now
“I see ruins,” said he,
“the world they offered me?
Who wished the Lord’s fall?”
If we lose feather,
Say you’ll save me!

And no wimps can bend the rules..
And no wimps can do..

Hunt next to the shore,
‘Cause they see all from there,
See here’s the news,
Who walks with mute grief!
Perhaps no-one found thee…
“Heavy, lift me out,”
Spake the Reve,
“Someday, failed, we’ll lose one line-up,
They’ve gotta leave forsaken.”

And no wimps can do..
And no wimps can do…

He, who say the lords
Thoth have our laws,
Maat must be superb. Mass is ended..
Over there,
He who should learn thee.
Any moot that serves by my sworn music,
I wish it with snow be shushed,
All for my mass’s sake.
Hear why its sung,
here, oppositioner, Ohh..
He who should show
May make his show worthy,
To look, for us, odd.. sickly,
There’s one chance – take his show.
Hold thy head,
Hear why its sung here. oppositioner.
Who owns this earth built below?
Oh sweet Israel…

Granted the lyrics he provides are possible, but I still hear the lyrics I originally posted. I listened to the whole song backwards with these “full and complete lyrics” in front of me and yeah a lot of them you can hear – the power of suggestion is pretty strong. But a lot of the words are hard to hear imagine, even when you know what you are listening for. Let me just finish by saying that anyone who believes this whole Stairway to Heaven backmasking thing is anything more than a neat coincidence is not the sharpest crayon in the box. Sorry guys, I know its fun and everything but let’s get real.

For example, I had a different person recently thank me in an email and tell me about how she was throwing her old albums away because of it…

Dear Jeff,
Thanks for your Stairway to Heaven (and other songs) backwards! I’m putting my old Led Zeppelin albums from the 70’s in the trash straight away!

Much appreciated!

I can hardly believe it. Next time you or anybody you know, wants to throw out collectors items including their old Led Zeppelin vinyls, please send them to me instead.

218 Replies to “Stairway to Heaven Backwards Full Lyrics”

  1. Here is the email from k.seijas:

    I have discovered that the ENTIRE Stairway To Heaven is a full and COMPLETE backwards message. EVERY word from start to finish is undeniable and distinguishable. Easily heard if you know what to look for. I wired an old record player's motor to run in reverse, and got out my old copy of the album. It's very scary. As I played it backwards last night over 10 times, I got chills down my spine every time. How it was done, I haven't a clue. I have changed my opinion that the computer is the best vehicle to listen to it backwards. It was definitely made for vinyl, and the needle moving in the wrong direction combined with the grooves of the record make it clearer. I don't think that the computer can duplicate that. THIS below is the absolute and correct translation of the lyrics to 'Stairway To Hell' WORD FOR WORD without any chance of there being any mistakes.
    Trust me, THIS IS IT:

    Plaaaay backwards,
    Hear why its sung here, oppositioner..
    Allll on track, all arriving
    They all sing, and they are one.
    Shall I loathe you now, parishoner?
    Oh hear Him, Christian within me.
    It stirs my sin; the river,
    Oh, she swells with our lousiness.
    All my life will end for him?
    We're all out of signs,
    I know I'm sorta shocked
    To hear The Lord,
    My God now will save me!
    Oh I will n'er be saved,
    Because I live with Satan..
    One wish today;
    That you'll all pray for
    Three who will make it here late.
    Pray now and you'll see..
    The 'Lord' turned me on,
    But, oh, I was the shaggy fool..
    Clothed in agony,
    Lost at a height.
    There's no escaping it,
    Nor his woes..
    So here's to my Sweet Satan.
    The other's little path
    Would make me sad,
    Whose power is faith.
    He'll give those with him 666.
    And all the evil fools,
    they know he made
    us suffer sadly.
    "Family won't get loose,
    They're offered me."
    Always soothes the worker.
    Always will be as we know now
    "I see ruins," said he,
    "the world they offered me?
    Who wished the Lord's fall?"
    If we lose feather,
    Say you'll save me!

    And no wimps can bend the rules..
    And no wimps can do..

    Hunt next to the shore,
    'Cause they see all from there,
    See here's the news,
    Who walks with mute grief!
    Perhaps no-one found thee…
    "Heavy, lift me out,"
    Spake the Reve,
    "Someday, failed, we'll lose one line-up,
    They've gotta leave forsaken."

    And no wimps can do..
    And no wimps can do…

    He, who say the lords
    Thoth have our laws,
    Maat must be superb. Mass is ended..
    Over there,
    He who should learn thee.
    Any moot that serves by my sworn music,
    I wish it with snow be shushed,
    All for my mass's sake.
    Hear why its sung,
    here, oppositioner, Ohh..
    He who should show
    May make his show worthy,
    To look, for us, odd.. sickly,
    There's one chance – take his show.
    Hold thy head,
    Hear why its sung here. oppositioner.
    Who owns this earth built below?
    Oh sweet Israel…

    1. So you seriously think that he can think and write and sing normally, but also have the perfect combination of words, timing and annunciation to say a completely different sentence simultaneously in reverse? Would there not be a massive influx of Satanism since the ’70’s? This is just some kooky shit parents thought up because a rock band that “must” be satanic; because “look at them and listen to that loud music, that’s not music! Benny Goodman, now there’s an artist!”, because they wrote about “heaven”. How dare they.

      1. Satan= literally the Angel of music in Heaven. They’re are things in this world we will NEVER understand silly human. Keeping thinking your so smart.

          1. Intelligence is abstract, and relative. Just because they don’t speak proper English/have bad English grammar, doesn’t mean that they’re unintelligent, or stupid. These concepts are nothing more than our identification of a script or programs operation relative to our own.. and yes, our brains are scripts. Everything is. If you’re into physics and philosophy, you’ll understand what I’m talking about.

  2. That is my email, Jeff, and I told you that the vinyl sounds different than the computer. I have no doubt that you used your MP3 to reverse it, and that is why you hear your lyric version. I can also guarantee that you only heard some of the translation I sent you because of the same reason. Your lyric version doesn't make sense, either. While I guess I may not be the sharpest crayon in the box, this can be no coincidence. I suggest to you, my friend, that you listen to the song the way I did. IT IS UNDENIABLE.

  3. I want to hear the whole thing. I think it's freaky but who thought of playing it backwards in the first place did Led Zepplin admit he loves satan too?

  4. I don't believe what you're saying.
    You hear what you want to hear,
    and when I want to hear he sings about what I should get from the grocery store, I hear just that!


  5. You are ignorant to say anything about it unless you listen to it backwards on vinyl. Go do it, and write me a new set of lyrics about groceries. Good luck.

  6. wasn't someone in Led Zeppelin friend to Anton Szandor Lavey? the man behind modern Satanisim?

    If so it would all make sense, at least to me it would. I haven't got a copy of the whole song backward, haven't looked. But still I think it is nice…

    I feel good hearing his sweet voice sing about satan. Dunno why, it just is…
    – Foamy

    1. Because your suppose to like it. Thats the power of satan aka the angel who created music.? wake up human.

  7. I think that this discovery is a very interesting one. I would very much like a vinyl of this and also to rig a record player to play backwards (I have no clue how). I think that this was intended by Led Zeplin though I have yet you hear the full song backwards. Though I cannot say if they would have done this through real satanic inspiration, it seems many of the phrases are questionable such as "if there's a bustle in your hedgegrow" ans so on. Also I noticed the unique way that the singer (I dont know his name) anunciated the words at times. It seems he used special care to give certain hardly noticed spaces such as when he says "It's just a spring queen for the May queen." This is very interesting, do you know of a way I can play an MP3 backwards? I am very interested to get my own take on this.

  8. ok I saw this site and belived it but but I kept trying to figure it out till i finnaly sung it into sound recorder and reversed my own voice, and you get the same satanic messages. If you dont get it then play the song in the backround and sing to it. I even had several people try it and they all had the same results. it also works with another one bites the dust and brittney spears..the other to are intentional…thats why they sound so clear and not warped like the others. I know its crazy but it is a coinsidence, try it yourself

  9. The song backwards is eery, and I like it equally in both directions!

    I don't know where you'd find a vinyl copy these days. Maybe ebay, but I haven't checked. Luckily for me, I still have my old one from 25 years ago. All you have to do to "rig" a record player to play backwards is reverse the power wires feeding the motor. With my player, I have to use the '45' speed setting to play it at the correct speed. I don't know why– maybe because the gears are going in reverse. Also, it's "If there's a bustle in your HEDGEROW" — no G, and "It's just a spring CLEAN for the May queen." Jeff has told us how to reverse it on MP3, but (again, as I've said) it is much clearer on vinyl.

    You have done those experiments, and you still think it's a coincidence? That surprises me. I have played my vinyl backwards for MANY people now, and they ALL agree with me. This is WAY too much to be a coincidence, because they hear EVERY word that is written here. Some of us don't even need to read the lyrics anymore, because the words are so clear.

    Jeff, did you get my second email? Would you please honor my request?

  10. dude this discovery could freak out the most hardcare rocker but its all because of the member who did indeed worship satin

  11. This whole thing freaks me out….I was thinking, maybe this is like, subliminal messaging. Maybe to promote satanism, the smoking of marijuana, etc. But anyway it freaked me out, but i think it would be cool to hear the whole song reversed.

  12. Jeff I was wondering of you could send me the whole song played back ward and i dont beleive in satan but it sounds awsome how you can find words like that by just playin it back wards so if you could please honor my request i would greatly appreaceat it thatnk you very much

    Email captncoke23@msn,com

  13. The problem with emailing the song backwards is that if I save it "high quality" then the file size will be too large to email but if I reduce the size then sound quality is lost. Although some might disagree (which is fine) I think that a high quality wav file copied from a CD is as good as hearing it on vinyl, but with the amount of compression in a 128kbps or lower mp3 file it's just not worth it. I recommend buying the CD, or finding a high quality MP3 and do the reversal yourself. I use Sony's SoundForge to reverse MP3's.

  14. To record your'e own Stairway to heaven backwards you'll need audacity (, then download a regular version of S T H, and simply add it to the audacity program. Choose effects/reverse or something like that, and there you have it.

  15. This is definetly amazing…even backwards the song is very beautiful though its words are indeed creapy…i dont have a record player so i just took the mp3 and reversed it and you can still make out the messages though it is a bit Scetchy….oh and for the person who posted a ways above me…Zeppelin is more than one person

  16. Hey im on 15, but i love this song as much as the next person and know a fair bit about my music.I wont deny that this is pretty bloody scary, but theres been anough said about rockers, especially old ones. KISS – knights in satans service, AC/DC – anti christs/ devils childeren. Their job isnt to create hate, horror or satanizm, they are out to try and write songs for us, their fans. This song may be satanic in reverse, i was pretty scared when i heard it in reverse on the site, but this doesnt change my idea of led zeppelin or the song. It may not be a conisedence, but i dont think its neccesarily a bad thing either, i think he is singing a song written about satan, not a song written FOR satan by him or anyone. I dont think that those are the exact worde either, close but slightly off. In the version on the site, if you swap a few words then its really not pro satan at all, and other phrases in the song are so indefinent that very broad opinions could be cast on them. I dont think that this song reflects the band at all, its scary ill give it that.

    YAKKA (

  17. I just listened to the reverse file and could vaguely make out the lyrics said to form a message throughout the song when played backwards. It seems almost impossible for this to be a strange coicidence and could only mean that it was intentional on the part of Led Zeplin. I reversed it on my computer and it may turn out different on record, but that is something which i wish not to find out.

  18. i have a question….in the movie "little nicky" adam sandler plays a record by chicago…i was wondering if the song he played realy does that when played backwards…thanks

  19. With regards to the Led Zepplin song played backwards… is there anyone out there who has ANY idea at all about Satanism? Anyone who has been involved in it? etc.

    From the people I know who were at one stage deeply involved in satanism, one of the first things you get told to do as a satanist is to read everything backwards, read the bible backwards, listen to music backwards etc etc etc.

    Now, knowing that, is it so suprising that many songs and books etc have satanic msgs when used backwards? Because generally most people do not listen to music backwards… and from what I have read and heard, Led Zepplin did not in any way plan to have that backwards message, but as previously mentioned, certain members of his band were indeed associated with satanic worship, which could… just possibly… bring satanic influence over their recordings without their ever knowing of it.

    Therefore, Satan would know what satanists are taught, and would he not want them to hear his hidden messages more conciously… Not that the average human won't pick it up once the song gets into the mind the mind can powerfully decipher things in the subconcious that we have no knowledge of conciously… but I think its more specifically aimed at those who Satan wishes to have concious knowledge.

    I think that when we put a few facts together with our assumptions etc. things become very clear.

    We wonder why the world is goin crazy these days?

    Is it because our entertainment artists are bad people? No.

    Is it because of drugz sex and alcohol? No.

    It's merely because Satan is digging his hands into everything that we submerge ourselves in, making sure that there are underlying messages in everything which then start to shape the way we think on certain issues etc. Which then leads to our standards slowly getting lower and lower… Which then leads to children being overwhelmed with sex and drugz and murder and hate and depression… Which then lead to things like excessive sexuality at younger ages, drug abuse, suicide, etc etc etc.

    It's all an attack on the young people of this world in an attempt to destroy them and the future generations… and its not just an attack on americans or westerners, its happening world wide!

    This generation needs a loving relationship with Jesus more than ever before! and if you can't see it, perhaps you need the same :)

    Feel free to discuss this with me…

    FoRdO –

    God Bless you! :)

  20. Who cares about Satan or God. Heaven and Hell are just fantasy, sure fantasy is fun to think about now and then but not to dwell upon or build your life around like the person who wrote the post above me does. I reversed a studio recording or starway to heaven on soundforge and listened to it backwards and it sounds pretty good. The chourus is the most clearest, but you could chop and change alot of stuff to make other words. When i think about it im sure that if they wanted to put a real message in there they would make it a bit clearer…hmm? Oh well, Peace.

  21. obviously you dont think before your post because they had to have it make sense both forwards and backwards. if you listen to the pink floyd its obviously recorded backwards on purpose but Led Zepplin did something amazing. if you think about it, then its not to scary cause i believe they did it on purpose, its about a stairway to heaven if you go up you will be in heaven but if you go down aka reverse your going to end up in hell. Plus if you reverse the live version i have heard the message is not clear, so obviously the purposly did it in the recording studio. this is something incredible and everyone should see it as it truly is, and not a sign of the appocolypse or satan trying to ruin our lives and kill our souls, just a band maybe satanic writing an incredible songs. and people complain the lyrics dont make sense in reverse. well can u explain to me the meaning of everyword forward…. i didnt think so.

  22. Mate, after hearing this song i went to bed shivering, that there is something scary. All my life i have idolized led zeppelin and to now learn that they are satanic, it kinda threw me a bit, but oh well ill get over it, im with the person above me, this goes to show just how talented the band really was, to write 8 minutes of music in two directions is pretty bloody special, but who am i to say anything? i dont know satanism and i dont know much about what the son means, all i can notice is if that is a secret message then jeez, they r a scary bunch, but if the song is simply as the other person put it, descending the stairway to heaven then they are nothing but one of the most talented and influential rock bands of our history


  23. I like the song better forwards, i think ill listen to it that way thanks mate, but i dont mind if you wanna crack open monkey skulls to drink the brain juices and listen to songs backwards trying to get words out of em, but dont tell me about it.

  24. Ok well I first listened to it on your site and now its stuck in my head and im dying to hear the full version. Im a young person but I appreciate all music and im not like most people my age. I listend to the live version full reverse and I cant make much out off it and I dont know how to reverse play on vinyl but I have Stairway on vinyl :P

  25. when i first herd stairway to hevon bacward i was flippin out i told everyone about it in my opinion the idea of a song about heaven and backwards a song about hell was intentional before they even wrote it and it clearly says in the songs clues to listen to it backwords like you know sometimes words have 2 meanings, listen to the voice who stand looking, there are 2 paths u can go, and if u listen very hard, dude im FREAKED

  26. I had an idea on this myself.

    Personally, this music backwards sounds alot like the music being published today, such as alot of rock, some rap, and r/b.

    If you play rap backwards do you get REAL music?

  27. oh my freaking god, i listened to that short clip, then read full version lyrics then read comments just a minute ago, i am shaking!! i am so freaked out by all of that and the comments a man said about like real satanism and reading everyhting backwards and sh**. I pretty much don't follow any religion but this is really scaring me…sometimes i am scared about death and really just want to follow god times like these…that scare me and wont let me sleep at night. But i know me an other peoplre that hear these lyrics and read comments are just going to forget about this and just go on with their lives until they die or the end of the world comes. There is just no hope.

  28. i cant believe this. i just bought a new zeppelin shirt today and i feel like burning it. I knew Page was satanic but i didnt really think he would put it in a song like that. that is really creepy- its funny how everyone is freaked out about the song even though it is probably one of the best songs of all time… just something to think about.

  29. dude this sh** is tight! the way its backwards and the hints in the song…it must have took zeppelin hella long to write the lyrics to go both ways and make sense both ways…only thing thats confusing to me backwards is the "666" part. the sixth letter of the alphabet is F. "FFF"..?? maybe 66.6-two thirds of something?? who knows…the britney spears one is so clear its wierd..i bet some guy who wrote her lyrics made it as a joke haha…keep doin wat ur doin jeff ur a genius

  30. To the guy that doesn't know, the "666" number is a biblical reference. In the revelation, it says that Stan will make all his followers write 666 on their heads.

  31. Interesting that my previous comment on the utter stupidity of backwards messaging has been deleted.

    Anyhow, just to point out a few things. All the band members have outright condemmed the notion that the placed backward messages in Stairway to Heaven, citing it as a wholly American idea to search for such things. Given some of the ridiculous and quite frankly stupid comments posted on this board I would have to agree with them. Mind you, given a population on 270 million, they can't all be genii, can they?

    One final point is that the brain doesn't have the cognitive capacity to understand reversed messages when the song is played in the correct way. Why bother going to all the trouble just to get poeple to play LPs backwards all day? I'm sure that back in the day, Page et al would rather you spent money on concert tickets than new needles for your record player.

    Once again in the words of Bill Hicks, "If you sit around listening to records backwards all day, you ARE Satan, and don't go ruining my stereo just to prove a f***ing point."

  32. Well, I guess for you; ignorance is bliss. Your spelling is pathetic as well. 1. It does NOT damage a record player's needle by spinning an album backwards. Grooves are grooves in both directions. 2. For the band to deny this doesn't matter at all. Even they may be ignorant to the fact that the backmasking exists (and it undeniably does whether YOU choose to believe it or not). 3. I am not Satan by ANY means. The fact that I (we) have curiosity about our purpose here on Earth only shows that we are Human.

  33. Well if your purpose is to sit and listen to records backwards all day then you are seriously missing out on what life has to offer.

    Clearly, being American, you have also missed the rather subtle irony in my post. It must only be in the Land of Hope and Glory that people would attempt to deomise those whose songs bring hope to many and show the glory of music.

    If my spellig is bad (two mistakes), then your grammar leaves a lot to be desired too my friend.

  34. hey… when i heard the "if there's a bustle…" clip backwards, i was devastated/freaked out. Firstly, cuz i LOVE(D) stairway to heaven before i heard about the 'supposed' satanic messages, and secondly, it just gave me chills after hearing it (I listened to it at nite). I was advised to delete all my led zep stuff cuz ppl said that they are a satanic group. But i have been doing some research and ppl are saying that stairway to heaven is not satanic, and it is wrong to judge led zep to be satanic just cuz of rumours. Also, I have not heard the whole stairway to heaven in reverse, but apparently it is all a satanic msg, start to finish. I would like to listen to it to see if it is true. If it is all one big satanic msg, i think it's pretty hard to disprove that it was all just one coincidence, but anyways… i'd like to hear it for myself. so if anyone has the WHOLE reverse song, or a link to it, can they plz post it. THANK YOU.

  35. I listened to my vinyls that my dad has, it doesnt disturb me like some of you, its not the end of the world or the cause of corruption, just a band doing a song, an odd satanic song but still we have free speech dont we? Musta been hard to get the lyrics etc down properly, 2 versions overlapping, making sense both ways, for 8 minutes. If Led Zep likes satan, thats their choice each person can do what they want, no point in burning the records cause thatd be a waste of money, The only problem i have with the song is that some of the lyrics make little sense, but then again its rare that any song makes perfect sense.

  36. Good lord!! If you're stupid enough to belive in god or satan, then you're probably stupid enough to belive that led zeppelin wrote one of the greatest songs of all time just to make it sound like some meaningless jibberish backwards.

    So I'l just let you carry on.

    I think the rest of us are painfully aware of the fact that writing a song that lasts for over 7 minutes, that has a meaning both forwards and backwards, is virtually impossible. Anything Robert Plant sings backwards that might sound vagely like the word satan is a pure coincidence.
    And as for the "meaningless sentences" such as "if there's a bustle in your hedgerow" they can also easely be axplained. I mean, come on, don't forget when, and by who, this song was written. You dont actually think Robert Plant and Jimmy Page were sober when they wrote this song?
    Take my advice, use your common sence and don't belive everything you want to hear..

  37. "Stupid enough to believe in god or satan" ? post something respectable. we all have our beliefs so why dont you stop pretending that everyone agrees with you and be quiet.

  38. Ok, wow. Ignorance abounds, generally because people are so very easily led.

    It's true, the human brain cannot understand backwards messages. It's also true certain Led Zepplin members were into the occult. Thelema, to be exact, which is in no way Satanism, although Anton LeVey (father of modern Satanism) was a Thelamite at one time. Thelema is basically a hedonistic religion that focuses on individual improvement and spiritual awareness. (Hedonism is the belief that enjoying yourself and having a genuinely fulfilling life is more important than following society's rules. Sort-of. That's an extremely simplistic explanation, but I'm trying to be kind to the stupid.) Point being, there would be no point in their trying to turn people on to Satan when they (the band) aren't Satanists.

    And fear of Satan is silly. Sorry, but it's true, and I'm saying that as a spiritual person. If you really believe there are demons trying to get you, you have more problems than backwards messages in old songs from the 70s.

  39. u idiots. robert plant wrote that damned song in 15 minutes, so shut the hell up how the hell r u goin to throw away ZEPPELIN RECORD JUST BECAUSE U HEARD SOME CROCK ABOUT IT BEIN SATANIST wat in the..? and then u hav ppl talkin about it, that dont even kno that zeppelin was a BAND and not a PERSON and then u hav crack heads that dont even kno that the leadsingers name is jimmy paige. my suggestion u guys shud all shut up drop it and quit believen everything u read. yes subliminal messaging is real, but do u kno if zep did it on purpose, no thats not for u to decide u need to ask THEM not some guy who listend to it on a vynyl.

  40. Hi, my name's Evan. I have the mp3 version and I just played the whole thing backwards. I've known about the "Bustle in your hedgerow" backwards thing for a while now, but when I googled stairway to heaven, I found this place.
    Yes, listening to the whole thing backwards can be scary, but I've listened to it over and over. My dad has an old record player, and I do recall him saying something about a Led Zeppelin record but I don't think he has any of their albums.
    Well anyways, have any of you heard the album "How the West Was Won"? Great album. It's one of their big concerts and when I reversed Stairway, it wasn't as clear so I do beleive that they intended to have that message.
    Well anyways, getting back on topic. if anyone wants to disscuss this, my AIM is Mortar131 and my email is
    And remember, hear why it is sung here, oppositioner! :p

  41. Just a few of my random thoughts on the subject. Half of you say that the backwards masking is "undeniable". I heard what sounded like "Satan" a couple of times, but most of it was just backwards English. Because you hear something, even if it is crystal clear to you, does NOT mean that is what they are saying. You're ears heard something it didn't understand and your mind tried to make it make sence. Most of us have been told about the song and it's "hidden" meaning/message so that is what we hear. If you played the song for some one who has not heard that it contains backwards messages and did not tell them what to expect might hear something completly different.
    About Jimmy Page saying he is NOT a Satanist…why would he say that he wasn't unless it was the truth? There would be no reason to lie about it. This is no longer the 1700's. He does not have to worry about being burned at the stake. He would have had nothing to lose by telling the truth. Many big bands ARE self proclaimed Satanists (Marilyn Manson is the head of the Satanic church now that Levey has stepped down) and did not lose any record sells because of that so that would not have been his reason. Perhaps he really IS NOT a Satanist. Just because you heard some one say that he is does not make it so. I read a few time on this page where someone has said they KNOW one of the members of Led Zeppelin is a Satanist. May I ask: How do you know? He says he isn't but someone who does not know him says he is…Who should we believe? Repeating someone elses unfounded stories is called gossip (which is a sin:thou shalt not bare false witness against thy neighbor) so who is the Satanist?
    Anyway, back to the subject of your ears decieving you: We have ALL heard the song "Bad Moon On the Rise". Alot of people thought John Fogerty was saying "There's a bathroom on the right". Yes, it does SOUND like that but I think that there no "hidden" meaning there…
    "You Oughta Know" From Alanis Morissette was playing on the radio at a deli where I used to work and my boss(who is Russian)turned to me and asked "Why did he give her a cross-eyed bear"? I told him it was "cross I bare". Again just because he heard it does not mean that is what she said.
    The list goes on and on…
    And about the Spears lyrics: she practiclly come out and says that any way so what would be the point of hiding that.
    Let me give you an example of REAL backward messages if you really want to get freaked out Slayer has a song called "Hell Awaits". If you play the fist minute of the song backwards you hear "join us" over and over again
    By the way, if you are wondering about my nick name its because I am an ordained minister.

  42. Heh, well I'm not saying that I actually think they did it intentionally, but I'm in doubt. You see, they could have very well done it on perpose because like I heard someone else say, they did make all of the words make sense when you play it forward. Right now I'm thinking it more of a coincidence then intentional, but I'm still not sure…I should have included that in my above comment. And yeah, I do admit that some people are taking this Stairway to Heaven backwards a little too far…lol. I think it pretty interesting though, but oh well.
    Oh, and where it says, "Shall I loathe you now, parishoner?," sounds like he's singing, "Shall I loathe you now, oppositioner,". Just a thought.

  43. It's so easy to fool people.

    Of course the "secret message" can only be heard on vinyl, because only a minority of people owns a record player nowadays, and a really small minority of THAT MINORITY knows how to/takes the trouble to/wants to waste time to make the turntable spin backwards.

    My point is that this guy here who tells us that it can be heard on vinyl backwards could maybe record the "secret message" to his computer from the vinyl, put a small part of it on the Internet (to avoid copyright problems) and let us make our own decisions about what we hear (or want to hear).

    Well, all i have to say is that you all must be insane. No Joke! mentally unwell. "Satan" does not make ceratain peoples' speach say satanic messages when played backwards. THIS IS INSANE!!!! If you have the backwards lyrics written in front of you, then maybe your brain is forced to to pick up these warped and retarded phrases. I think this is a great deffinition for "OBSESSION" or maybe even something more along the lines of "RETARDED." If anyone wants me to make up stupid and untrue shit and post that on the interent I can do that, but i can only hope that internet losers that have never had a girlfriend in their lives dont obsess over it.

  45. To all of you who doubt, including the so-called preacher….
    We were made in God's image… Do you think God understands it backward??? He is God you know… he knows everything…. So is it possible for us to know, even subliminally? The answer is an emphatic YES.

    The bible says to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. Has Led Zepplin done that? Brittney Spears? or any of the others?

    To the preacher I say this:
    There are wolves dressed in sheeps clothing that have led astray God's people. I'm not saying you are one of them, but your comments make me wonder who's side you are really on.

    If a person listens to those songs backwards and something inside them knows or believes that it's satanic, it's satanic. If you are a born again christian and you believe it's satanic or know that it is, it's because the Holy Spirit of God bears witness with your spirit. It's a gift of the Holy Spirit. It's called discernment. If you have it, use it, if you don't, learn about it from the bible.

    There is hope– to the person way up on top that said that there is no hope.

    Jesus said "my children die for lack of knowledge".
    Jesus is the ONLY way to everlasting life in heaven.
    those who seek shall find, those who ask it shall be given to him, those who knock the door shall open for him….
    fear not…..

    thank you Jeff for your wonderful work, you ARE making a difference.

  46. I forgot something to preacher up there….

    by the way, you say why would Robert Plant be dishonest about whether or not he is a satanist? I'll tell you why he would lie…. Satan is a liar, and the father of lies that's why he would lie.

    ever hear of a pint of poison in a lake of truth? It's still poisonous…. no matter how much you water it down.

    What kind of preacher are you? you never did say what God you worship!!!

  47. I think it may have been on purpose with the one clue of the forward song not making TOO much sence. I reversed the whole song and it did sound very clear. So I wasn't really convinced. I wanted to reverse a record but the needle broke. Well now I'm rambling. I'm really not sure what to beleive, currently. Also, to the people saying all the stuff about throwing away all of their Led Zeppelin things, shut the hell up. Because of one possible message in the greatest song ever, by the greatest band ever, you shouldn't get ride of it all. One should not be so eaisly decived by what others say. And that all I can think of…

  48. oh my gosh…..very very very very very creepy….i tried it as well on audacity wiht the real verision of stairway to heaven from the album early days and …oh man its just creepy..i wonder if they did tat on purpose..i hope not well is til love the song,….

  49. First of all, either God is a completel failure or does not exist. Why? The greatest thing He created was us, or so you'd all like to think, and that's just embarrassing. Take a look at the world, the ignorance, and hell, the posts in this forum. If God is responsible for this, hail Satan. God is all powerful. God would not want evil to exist. Evil exists. Simple logic, it's all bullshit. Religion saves no one; it starts WARS.

    Wonder why people heard voices while talking to a burning bush? THEY WERE ON DRUGS! AND PEOPLE WERE TWICE AS DUMB 2000 YEARS AGO AS THEY ARE NOW!

    Everyone believes what they want to believe. People fear nonexistence. People are too stupid to explain everything. The result is religions. The same goes for listening to music backwards. You can read the lyrics a person has come up with for the "backwards messages" while listening to the song, and they will seem to make sense. Listen to a completely different set of lyrics, and they could just as easily make sense. Even something as simple as "Play backwards. Hear words sung" is being argued as something else. Even foward lyrics can be confused with other things. I used to think the song "Get your freak on" was "Get your freaky ho". I was sad when I learned the truth. Basically you're all hearing a sound similiar to "Satan" and filling in the words around it.

    All of this, and the previous posts, proves you're idiots, and yes, that includes me. I'm just self aware.

  50. oka, well this is waht i ahve to say about this

    i heard the short clip and now i heard the full clip backwards, i used traktor version 1, and i wasnt really freaked out at all.. although i found it really interesting

    im a christian, i was sort of offended but i dont kno why i ddint freak me out the first place

    but to the earlier post, someone said, what if hearing the song forwards is about walking UP the stairs to heaven, but if u hear it reverse, ur actualy walkign DOWN the stairs away from heaven? like going up is to hear the song forwards, and hearing the song backwards is to go down the stairs? that kinda made me think, im not agreeing with that idea, but it kinda makes you think twice about this whole idea

    also, i heard the live version of this song, and played it backwards, and yeha, u can stil hear the lyrics, not as much as clear as the studio cut orginal version of it tho, but if the satanic mesages are stil heard backwards in the live version, than this is NOT a coincidence by Led Zepplein, kuz they mustve done it on purpose, and i dont think a normal human can come up with lyrics and write a santanic message backwards at the same time

    but have you guys ever thought, what does *reverse function* symbolize? i dont know, what *playign backwards* symbolizes, not neccesarily playing a song backwards, but that function it self

    and if u guys are really questioning this often, i would highly encourage someone to go up to one of the band members, or the person who wrote the lyrics to this song personally and ask him, or them, waht they have to say about how they wrote this song

    hah good luck doing that

    PS: is LEd Zeppelin still touring?

  51. RoooOOoOOoOoOOoOoOOfl
    I have an opinion on this matter, but im not going to share it with any of you… whoever moderates this should ban some of the total and utter morons from posting comments.

    Anyway i quickly made this account so i could laugh at all of u, except the guy who did this.
    He had a nice idea, and im sure his intentions were good, i liked hearing all the backmasking, esp the plainly obvious one by Pink Floyd, and the funny as hell Britney Spears one.

    The preacher guy garnered a little bit of my respect tho.

    Check his main detractor:
    "What kind of preacher are you? you never did say what God you worship!!!"
    – Comment posted by faithfulservant at 8/15/2004

    Interesting, interesting indeed, I was brought up to believe there is only 1 god, how many do u believe in heretic?!?!?!


    anyway, in all likely hood I'll never be coming here again, so…
    1) thx to the guy who did the flash piece it was interesting
    2) and thx to the ppl who made me laugh
    3) dont bother replying to this post

  52. Apparently Led Zep bought a tool shed where a satanist wrote a satanic poem, so maybe that shed part in the backwards lyrics is refering to the shed they bought, this could be evidence that it was intentional. Of corse I am basing this on rumor, I don't know if any of that was true, so if you are interested see if you can find out more about their shed.

  53. Hey people, I've read a ton of your comments about how you're so disgusted by the evil message of satan here, however, seeing as there IS no satan, you should be disgusted with your own ignorance. The word satan, and the idea behind it, was derived from the egyptian words "set" and "an", set being the brother of osiris, he was considered evil because he was envious of osiris, and tricked him, and then he cut osiris into 14 pieces and scattered them around the earth. "an" means dog, and was closely associated with the star sirius (set's realm) just as osiris is asociated with the constellation of orion. Now, Set was a God, and when the catholic church came into power, they set about branding the Gods and followers of all other religions as evil. There never was a real "satan" in catholicism, however there was a Lucifer. Lucifer was alleged to be an angel who was kicked out of heaven. However.. He never did go to "Hell" nor does Hell exist, Hell was contrived as a tool of controlling the masses, as incentive for followers of the church to devoutly follow its practices. It was also used to scare other cultures into converting to a monothiestic faith. And if they didn't, the church just killed them. :P But my point is that, even if we humour the morons who take the bible literally, Lucifer was the ruler of EARTH. God cast him out of heaven to dwell forever in the underworld. The world under heaven. When Jesus is tempted in the desert, lucifer takes him up to a high point and they are looking down over all the kingdoms of the world, and Jesus is told that all this will be his to rule, if only he should worship Lucifer.. and its made very clear that it is indeed Lucifer's to give.
    Anyway, the bible is all about symbolism. You can't actually believe there's a little pointy tailed devil with a pitchfork dancing around in lava trading souls for fast cars and singing careers.. That's why I hate Christians. They can't think for themselves. Everything in the bible, and indeed in backwards stairway to heaven is SYMBOLIC. Use your minds people.

  54. i'll start out by saying i reallize that no one except for someone hwo has nothitng to do in the middle of a hurricane (<< me) has actually read down this far.

    i am atheist, but very open to listening to everyone's beliefs. i think because of this perspective (as an atheist) that i have a more open mind towards things like this.

    what i want to know is, Led Zepplin has possible satanic messages in their song(s)….SO WAHT? nowadays you see outright, straightforward messages against go all the time. what if Led Zepplin wrote this song the other way around? so that waht 99% of what everyone heard was a "satanic message"? would everyone freak out like they are doing in this post?..probably not, it would just be another song on another cd.

    personally i think it is a very cool twist onto the song. i have it forwards and backwards on the same cd. i just see it as another song.

    for those of you who still are "freaked out" or whatever to the point of throwing away your records…dotn burn them, dont throw them out, talk to me, i will gladly take them, pay for them, whatever.

    AIM: Fro mUChacho

  55. This is another song from1971 that deals with the Charles Manson murders. It is written about Susan Aktins, who stabbed Sharon Tate to death in August 1969. Manson taught his followers that to kill was to give live. She was looking for her stairway to heaven. The Manson bunch used to hang out a place called the Spiral Staircase. The song is about a lady (Susan). The song talks about all that glitters is gold. Charlie told the their was a city of gold beneath Death Valley. The song says there's a sign on the wall. This is the words that Susan wrote in Sharon's blood. The song says the words have two meanings. When Susan wrote the sign in blood she was trying to throw the police off as she was trying to blame black Americans for the crime. Charlie was into air, trees, water, animals. ATWA. He has a website named The song BIRD (animal) sits by the brook (water). Sometimes all of our thoughts misgiven. Killing is migiven, that's for sure. And it's whispered that soon. All the rockstars knew Manson, a wannabe rockstar, was behind the killing before the police knew. The piper will lead us to reason. Manson is been called the pied piper, if you've read book on him you'd see this and only he knows the real reason behind the reason for the murders. And it makes me wonder. This is the singer, Plant wondering aloud, why the murders occurred? There are two paths you can go on. The Manson bunch were facing the death penalty and offered a deal. Tell us what you know and get life in prison or else we seek the death penalty. Your head is humming and it won't go because you don't know. The piper calling you to join him. Susan didn't even know why she killed these people and Charlie was asking her to shut up since she was talking to much. Dear lady…Again it's Plant talking aloud in song. When all is one and one is all. The Manson believed everything one is one and one is all. Check out Charlie songs, he sings about this in 1970 before this song was recorded. Going to California is also on this album. Listen to that song and it's also written about these murders. It referrs to the mountains and canyons shaking. Sharon lived in a canyon and these murders shook up California. The sea was red and the shy grey. Sharon's blood and the darkness these murders caused. The song opens with then singing about meeting a girl who drank all his booze and smoked all his stuff. Charlie was connected with famous rockstars and he and the Manson girls were dealing drugs and have sex with the rock n' rollers. They zep boyz were heavy into drugs and I bet they met Charlie and some of the girls back in the day. There is also a hidden Santanic meesage on Stairway to Heaven, not a coincident since Manson was called Satan, as well as Jesus Christ.

    Found this on a diferent blog.

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