
Stairway to Heaven Backwards Full Lyrics

Because I’ve noticed some people searching for the “full lyrics to Stairway to Heaven reversed” and probably find my lacking in that regard, I will post an email that I received this morning, partly here and partly in the comments. (It’s too long to include the whole thing on the main page.)

Well, you have certainly caused a stir here. It seems that everybody is flocking to your site. Nice work. I must tell you, though, you have it wrong. Here are the lyrics to the part that you have on your site:

So here’s to my Sweet Satan.
The other’s little path
Would make me sad,
Whose power is faith.
He’ll give those with him 666.
And all the evil fools,
they know he made
us suffer sadly.

I have discovered that the ENTIRE Stairway To Heaven is a full and COMPLETE backwards message. EVERY word from start to finish is undeniable and distinguishable.

Easily heard if you know what to look for. I wired an old record player’s motor to run in reverse, and got out my old copy of the album. It’s very scary. As I played it backwards last night over 10 times, I got chills down my spine every time. How it was done, I haven’t a clue. I have changed my opinion that the computer is the best vehicle to listen to it backwards. It was definitely made for vinyl, and the needle moving in the wrong direction combined with the grooves of the record make it clearer. I don’t think that the computer can duplicate that. THIS below is the absolute and correct translation of the lyrics to ‘Stairway To Hell’ WORD FOR WORD without any chance of there being any mistakes.
Trust me, THIS IS IT:

Plaaaay backwards,
Hear why its sung here, oppositioner..
Allll on track, all arriving
They all sing, and they are one.
Shall I loathe you now, parishoner?
Oh hear Him, Christian within me.
It stirs my sin; the river,
Oh, she swells with our lousiness.
All my life will end for him?
We’re all out of signs,
I know I’m sorta shocked
To hear The Lord,
My God now will save me!
Oh I will n’er be saved,
Because I live with Satan..
One wish today;
That you’ll all pray for
Three who will make it here late.
Pray now and you’ll see..
The ‘Lord’ turned me on,
But, oh, I was the shaggy fool..
Clothed in agony,
Lost at a height.
There’s no escaping it,
Nor his woes..
So here’s to my Sweet Satan.
The other’s little path
Would make me sad,
Whose power is faith.
He’ll give those with him 666.
And all the evil fools,
they know he made
us suffer sadly.
“Family won’t get loose,
They’re offered me.”
Always soothes the worker.
Always will be as we know now
“I see ruins,” said he,
“the world they offered me?
Who wished the Lord’s fall?”
If we lose feather,
Say you’ll save me!

And no wimps can bend the rules..
And no wimps can do..

Hunt next to the shore,
‘Cause they see all from there,
See here’s the news,
Who walks with mute grief!
Perhaps no-one found thee…
“Heavy, lift me out,”
Spake the Reve,
“Someday, failed, we’ll lose one line-up,
They’ve gotta leave forsaken.”

And no wimps can do..
And no wimps can do…

He, who say the lords
Thoth have our laws,
Maat must be superb. Mass is ended..
Over there,
He who should learn thee.
Any moot that serves by my sworn music,
I wish it with snow be shushed,
All for my mass’s sake.
Hear why its sung,
here, oppositioner, Ohh..
He who should show
May make his show worthy,
To look, for us, odd.. sickly,
There’s one chance – take his show.
Hold thy head,
Hear why its sung here. oppositioner.
Who owns this earth built below?
Oh sweet Israel…

Granted the lyrics he provides are possible, but I still hear the lyrics I originally posted. I listened to the whole song backwards with these “full and complete lyrics” in front of me and yeah a lot of them you can hear – the power of suggestion is pretty strong. But a lot of the words are hard to hear imagine, even when you know what you are listening for. Let me just finish by saying that anyone who believes this whole Stairway to Heaven backmasking thing is anything more than a neat coincidence is not the sharpest crayon in the box. Sorry guys, I know its fun and everything but let’s get real.

For example, I had a different person recently thank me in an email and tell me about how she was throwing her old albums away because of it…

Dear Jeff,
Thanks for your Stairway to Heaven (and other songs) backwards! I’m putting my old Led Zeppelin albums from the 70’s in the trash straight away!

Much appreciated!

I can hardly believe it. Next time you or anybody you know, wants to throw out collectors items including their old Led Zeppelin vinyls, please send them to me instead.

216 replies on “Stairway to Heaven Backwards Full Lyrics”

take it from someone who took a college psychology class: IT'S ALL IN YOUR MINDS. if you were to listen to the entire staiway to heaven backwards, you would only be able to "make out" a couple words, MAYBE phrases. but since someone posted the "lyrics" for backwards stairway, your minds have been contaminated. you see, the brain was built to make connections. because you're seen the supposed lyrics, your brain tries to connect those lyrics with backwards stairway.

i still don't know why people are freaking out, because even these supposed lyrics don't make sense. i can make sense of 90% of stairway, but these "lyrics" someone posted just don't make any damn sense. add a dash of rumors (such as led zeppeling buying a tool shed) and you think they have significance. led zeppelin could not have written backwards lyrics too, because they would have to write 8 minutes of lyrics for the song forwards, then by trial and error, replace and fix lyrics so that it makes sense backwards too (which it does not make sense backwards).

i have a record player, but i'm not about to ruin a perfectly good led zep vinyl by playing it backwards because some anonymous person comes on a message board saying that you can only hear it correctly on one form of media. playing it backwards digs groves, and i like to take care of my stuff.

Hey, I just can't see why everyone's so upset about this. Stairway To Heaven is one of the greatest songs ever made, so what if there is a "satanic message" hidden in it? I mean, it's just a song! Personally, I see this as a funny thing, nothing to be taken too seriously. I don't understand why everyone's all "Oh, this is so creepy, I'll never listen to Led Zeppelin again, 'cause they worshipped Satan". Damn it, I didn't even think people so religious even existed any more! This is like something from the Middle Ages… why don't we all go hunt witches too?
Seriously, if all you people think Stairway to Heaven backwards is creepy – have you ever listened to black metal? There you have satanic messages. And I don't believe in them either. I just hope nobody accuses me for being obsessed by Satan just because I happen to like Mayhem.
I just wonder who first came up with the idea? This is really interesting.
Finally, if my English is bad – excuse me, I'm Swedish and fourteen years old, so I might have used poor grammar and spelling, but I think my message will be clear anyway.

I have a program that lets u reverse tracks and i reversed the song and amazingly its true. The porblem is i dont know how to post the mp3. if someone would help me do that, everyone could hear the full song so post it if u know how

you can just convert the mp3 to wav and play it in the program "sound recorder" that comes with windows computers.

to convert an mp3 to wav, download dbpoweramp ( then download the proper codecs from the site (if needed). it's free, by the way.

Thank you for this song and by the way i don't believe this song is writen FOR satan i think it's written BY satan. It can't be that a person sing for words and when you reverse it the tekst is so clear. i tryed it when i sing the text and reverse it i can't hear anything of satan an when i sing the reversed tekst i hear nothing about the staiways to heaven song… hard to be coincedence???

when you play Led Zeppelin's Stair Way To Heaven beckawrds you hear evil messages but i assure you that its no BS its true. Sure, i was skeptical too the first time i hear it. so do what i did. Buy an old record player at a garage sale or radio shack and a copy of Led Zeppelin's Stair Way To Heaven. Put the record player in neutral and manually turn it backwards. It might take you a little while to get the speeds right but when you do listen closely to the lyrics. Personally i think its easier to reverse play the record a little faster then normal speed because the lyrics are high pitched and it is easier to make the words out.

When you think about it, it makes perfect sense. When you reverse the direction of a stairway to Heaven, where does it go? Hell, of course.


please forgive what im about to say if you will get offended.

When i read poetry or someone writes a poem.. what is the most important bit? The last two lines.

Look this stairway stuff.. the guy with the vinal who im gonna assume knows wat hes talking about gives us his word his assumption is unquestionable. For the sake of argument.. lets assume he is correct. The first part of the "poem" slightly, ever so slightly praises satan, however it does say he causes suffering? meaning hes bad? i dont know im assuming. The second half spins a negative look towards satan. Now im not religious but i know my religious history and ive studied christianity etc. Israel is not a place for Christians! It is a place for Jews, who according to the Talmud, are not to associate with Jews.

Now whether u know or not, after the battle of waterloo, basically the whole of England was bought by a jewish family as the stock market crumbled, (legally, so nothing wrong with it of course) and who ever has money makes rules of course. Hence why israel was able to be delcared a state even tho palestinians were mistreated.

i think that Led Zep are trying to say somehing witht he last two lines, and bieng open to all points of information and making my own mind up.. I think these last two lines are the focal point, FUCK SATAN, who cares if its a coincidence, they were probly High and wanted to do wat every toher rocker was doing in the 70s.. now of course im gonna get people questiong small parts of what ive said to make me appear ignorant, so im not gonna read any replys or update. Ive said wat ive said. Who CARES! The music played forward is Good.

Just finished reading all the way down here and decided to experiment with reversing my own voice. In the song, the word Satan is an illusion. Record yourself saying yes and reverse it. You will get 'Satan' but wuth no 'tan'. your mind creates the tan sound because 'satan' is a sound you recognize and are looking for.

Okay for those of you who want the full backwards song, I have it.
But I'll only send it to you if you have MSN Messenger; I don't have the time or energy to try sending it through email or linking it.
So if you have MSN, add me at and I will send the song.

"Just finished reading all the way down here and decided to experiment with reversing my own voice. In the song, the word Satan is an illusion. Record yourself saying yes and reverse it. You will get 'Satan' but wuth no 'tan'. your mind creates the tan sound because 'satan' is a sound you recognize and are looking for."


your brain strives to make connections, so it's natural that it will make things that aren't actually there. if you listen to the song backwards without these "lyrics", then you will hear almost nothing. but if you read the lyrics BEFORE you listen to it backwards, your brain will want to make the connection between the lyrics and the song because it thinks there is an actual connection there.

finnaly someone with some sence… I mean, DOH! without some crazed individual posting some ****ed up lyrics on a site you wont be able to distinguish any of that nonsence. The middle part, I admit, it sounds strange. could be coincidence, could be zep's satanic message or it could be nothing, but the rest is just plain PARANOIA! could example with the "yes"="satan"

Hey guys,
I've been really displeased with the way you have been talking about my band… when we wrote this song, we didnt have any satanic intentions… we were just a little high. Please don't make anymore posts in this blog. I'd appreciate it if you all didn't spread rumors about the band.
Thanks, Bye

Hi Stairway to Heaven,
I was assuming this could possibly be a hoax but if it’s genuine, I totally respect your request. Even though I’ve been on your side the whole time, I’m not even going to reply to these comments anymore

HEY!! i head the song and it is creepy as hell but the song really confuses me… is it really satanic? cuz in the beggining he said he was with god and then he wasnt and at the end it says oh sweet isreal!?!?! What is happening through out this song?

The guy who wrote this song would have had sold his soul to the devil to make it since it seems impossible.
Even if robert plant didnt mean for it to be satanic he should say it was, yea people will think hes satanic but they will also think hes a genius. And can some one please explain to me what the song is about, like what the toolshed is about and what the bustle thing means.

I have all the Answers needed!

I know because i have read the same story in 3 magazines, 2 websites, and 2 books.

Some bored guy was playing his old albums backwards on his new record player for fun.

He heard it and got excited and told every body…

This whole thing is demoting god and about worshipping satan!

I would tell you everything but i'm short of time.

Its kind of funny, because the song forword doesn't make any sense ;p

Anyways, people are saying they don't understand how it happened. I have looked into this matter, and have come to the following conclusion

The subconsious mind is much more powerful than the Concious mind. People use that when the perform REAL psychic feats and when they spontaneously combust and such things. This part of your mind will go off, bells and whisles on anything. When you see some kind of random math problem on a billboard or something, you'r mind will figure the problem out before your consious mind does, and it is also the source of your dreams.

Your subconcious mind will play any sound you hear forward, backward, sideways, and upsided down (dont ask) so you will beleive and remember anything you hear backwards even better than what you hear forwards.

So, you're mind will also take words and phrases that sound like each other backwards (somewhat) and will create messages based on what you truely beleive in. this is how this entire song was made, so there for it was not exactly *Purposeful*.(this is the same part of you're mind that becomes possesed or allows people to speak in tounges)

There are other songs that are completely backward messages too, revolution #9 says things "Get HIM OUT, GET HIM OUT" and something like a car crash I could hear Paul's voice saying "GET ME OUT OF HERE"

I forget the other ones though

Even the most common and childish songs may have messages. infact, "Happy Birthday" sounds something like "When will you be back" or something like that.

Incase you are wondering I study the paranormal

Finally, I was thinking of a way to explain it to everyone without just saying, “It was done subconsciously”. I thought it was obvious.
There’s other things I’d love to explain to everyone but I know when it comes to the spirit world, you have to see it yourself to believe it. I can totally understand that because I was the same before I saw it for myself

I’d also like to add that Plant said in an interview that it came to him automatically, as in automatic writing or channeled writing, as was the Bible for instance

A few weeks ago, I found this site, telling the story of the song, and what it could be about. Those of you who think the song doesn't make sense should read this, since it seems to be pretty true.

This site mentions Jimmy Page had an Occult Room. The IMDb (Internet Movie Database – says that at one point, he owned the house of Aleister Crowley, a satanist. So if this is true, Jimmy had beliefs of Satan, but it doesn't prove he worshipped Satan.

As for the whole backwards thing, I only heard backwards the short clip of the "If there's a bustle…" verse. I thought it sounded a little like it, but I believe that's just because I read the lyrics beforehand, and subconsciously heard what I was told.

As for the whole backwards speech thing, listen to the Iron Maiden song "Still Life". At the beginning there is backwards talking. This is actually Nicko McBrain, the drummer, saying "Don't mess with things you don't understand", or something like that. The guy from ignores this, and says that a different part of the song backwards says "The evil man is there". I personally don't hear it.

"Still Life" is actually about a dream Steve Harris (the band's bassist) had (he writes alot about his dreams*). This site says that speech played backwards contains different messages, subconsciously placed there, and often has the truth or what we are really trying to say. Supposing this is true, Jimmy would be telling us of his Satanic ways (the song was also written by Robert Plant as well, and I can't find anything to say that Plant had anything to do with Satan).

I, personally, don't believe in God, Satan, Heaven, Hell, or that reverse speech contains subconscious messages. But think about this – a video of someone running forwards reversed. They run backwards, i.e. what happens when it's reversed is the opposite of what actually happened – the song isn't actually supposed to be about Satan.

*Interesting sidenote – Iron Maiden's hit "The Number Of The Beast" doesn't praise Satan, it's another song about one of Steve Harris' dreams. In the band's recently released documentary, "The Early Days", Steve says he isn't a Satanist.

Okay, it is feasible that they may have written a Satanic song and backmasked – it is possible, though each person has the right to interpret that as they will.

The thing that you have to remember is that on one of his later solo albums, Robert Plant also did a song called "If I Were a Carpenter", which was clearly a pean to Jesus.

So even if people dabble in the occult, they can still be Saved. And for those who don't believe, it just shows that people – even Led Zeppelin artists – can change over time.

I've listened to Stairway in reverse (on my computer, seeing as I don't want to do any damage to what I want to remain a mint copy of Led Zep IIII), and I don't know if it sounds any different on reversed vinyl or what, but I can definately say that the vocal line between the solo ("As we wind on down the road" to "To be a rock and not to roll") is as you say it is. I can't be sure about the rest.

Also, you could damage your stylus reversing a record like that, it's designed to pull, not push…


its just gross to brainwash 8-10 year old children who like pokemon and i never liked led zeppelin but my friend told me that they were good and i was in some chatroom and someone said that theare was hidden message in led zepp songs so i googled it and found this page and listend to it and now i hate led zeppelin
worshipping satan is just gross and theare was an teacher in new york universiti who playd the song for his class, then he asked everyone to write the first thing that komes intoo their mind when they listend to it. half the class wroted something sbout satan or lucifer so the brain does her the message. its just terrable to brainwash peoble like that!

p.s. i like metallica would you check if theare is any satanic messages in their songs

One personally I don't think led zeppelin was intended for 8-10 year children. Two its a fact that the brain can't process music backwards and forwards there is just too much information. Three the song isn't necessarily written for satan but about satan. Lastly buy a dictionary.

Hi, i think this is real but my parents say its a hoax i want to prove to them that this is real!! My friend and i were looking for what was satan backwords and its played three times so we looked for the only word that was played three times and that was "there's" i love Led Zepplin and i think its really stupid to like someone until you hear satanic messages in their songs then be all like omg eww gross i hate this person now. I would love to have a record player and this record just to prove my parents wrong and show them that I for once have been right! I wish i could prove this and be sure, i really want to know so i am not going to read the full lyrics until i get a chance to hear the full song backwards in person because then i won't know what i'm listening for. Thanks for your information Jeff.

hey jeff,
its cool that you flipped all these songs. my best friend told me about this. That yoko ono thing just scares the shit outta me. my friend told me to listen to it backwards with the lyrics hidden. actual ive heard about the same things so ur not insane or retarded like some dude said. pleeeease flip the whole entire song. thanx! -Lilay

After reading the first 30 posts and pgdn-inng the rest I would have to say that this blog is full of kids.
religious bits:
If your christian, fine
If your anything else, fine

This website is fun – reversing any audio (or video for that matter) is funny and there are several things that are done deliberatly done – take the reverse earth episode of red dwarf for example (for you americans its a BBC program)
If you get 'wierd'(whether you consider them to be satanic or not) messages when playing audio backwards – good for you but for christs/ sorry [insert deity here] sake don't fear it!
Don't ask me stupid flaming questions either like 'what God do you worship?' as if He/It is a football team that just shows no respect for YOUR creator. My message to you all is…
On a lighter note has anybody reversed german/spanish whatever songs to see if there are any 'wierd' messages in either english/german/ whatever?
With the sheer number of languages out there, we could reverse ANY audio and find a message backwards in a different language – how many of us actually know all the languages currently in use on the planet?
This is why I'm telling you not to fear any of this.

remember also that some time ago a very famous person was jailed for saying the Earth goes around the Sun by fellows of some of the people posting on this page.

I’ve been reading books on the occult and all that sort of thing for years and a lot of them say, there’s no such thing as coincidence and that everything happens for a reason. I’m tempted to go into a lot I’ve learner from these books which would go for way too long, so one book I highly recommend to everyone is Linda Goodman’s Star Signs. It only refers to star signs at the beginning so I don’t know why it’s called that, it’s full of all sorts of very interesting stuff. Trust me

Led Zep still rules. Sorry, if I'm insulting anyone, but some people here are mixing up Jimmy Page and Robert Plant in this forum. Robert Plant was the singer who created this song because he wanted to give up the Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll life and become a Christian. As many people know he has his own soft rock Christian band. He was the one who wrote the song. Jimmy Page was the Guitarist and did not write this song. He does own a house that was owned by Aleister Crowley, but who cares. When I heard about this I thought it was cool and didn't care. If a person is going to destroy stuff from Zeppelin they should destroy stuff from great bands like Alice Cooper, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest', Black Sabbath and Ozzy Osbourne. People are mixing up the words. (It is crazy how if you look at the phrase "And She's buying a stairway to heaven" turns into "Play backwards". The words just don't fit in. ) Led Zep and Stairway to Heaven still rule and this is just something interesting that someone found one day.

origonally posted by natassiohw:

Just tell me… how does an entire song have a backwards message in it that is just a fluke? EXPLAIN THAT ONE!!!

also… that "Earth" episode of Red Dwarf is called "Backwards" and the whole point is that it is a backwards universe… in the book it is universe 3, while ours is the cock up universe where things go wrong all the time. universe 3 is SUPPOSED to go backwards… I suppose people who listened to this song backwards there would also be wondering "Why are there "Christianic Messages" in a song about Satan? Then you would be complaning about how people where being childish for reversing a satanic song and hearing a PERFECT reverse message… although then technically you would be complaning to them BEFORE they done anything becuase you are complaining AFTER they've done something in this universe…

Sorry, i get carried away when it comes to red dwarf

But still, the reverse song is pretty much a 1 in 1 chance of it being made on purpose

also… that "Earth" episode of Red Dwarf is called "Backwards" and the whole point is that it is a backwards universe… in the book it is universe 3, while ours is the cock up universe where things go wrong all the time. universe 3 is SUPPOSED to go backwards… I suppose people who listened to this song backwards there would also be wondering "Why are there "Christianic Messages" in a song about Satan? Then you would be complaning about how people where being childish for reversing a satanic song and hearing a PERFECT reverse message… although then technically you would be complaning to them BEFORE they done anything becuase you are complaining AFTER they've done something in this universe…

Sorry, i get carried away when it comes to red dwarf

But still, the reverse song is pretty much a 1 in 1 chance of it being made on purpose

As a hardcore Led Zeppelin fan, I am gonna completely deny that this was done on purpose. I can't find my vinyl copy of Stairway to Heaven but when I do, I'm going to rig my record player to play backwards. When I hear it myself, I might have my suspicions.

I cannot believe all of you! Do you have any idea how many English words sound like Satan when played backwards? This sounds kinda sad but me and a mate of mine spent an hour saying words into a mic and then playing them backwards, we found no less than 24 words that sounded like Satan!

The whole song backwards makes LESS sense than the song forwards!

If I may make a comment to "faithfulservant", you said that we were made in god's image and that we should therefore be able to understand songs backwards when they're played forwards. What a pile of cr@p! IS HUMANKIND CAPABLE OF CREATING WORLDS?! IS HUMANKIND CAPABLE OF BEING ALL FORGIVING AND KIND?! NO!!!

amh1010, you know what I mean and probably understand the idea better than I do. I agree with you fully, your mind interprets the gibberish that you hear into words that make a weird message.

The message is a simple coincidence, I have seen so many versions of interpretations on the internet that it's lost it's novelty.

omg no one made a comment about one of the band members possibly posting
Hey guys,
I've been really displeased with the way you have been talking about my band… when we wrote this song, we didnt have any satanic intentions… we were just a little high. Please don't make anymore posts in this blog. I'd appreciate it if you all didn't spread rumors about the band.
Thanks, Bye

Comment posted by Stairway to heaven at 7:44 PM (Permalink)

I was thinking the same thing, I just assumed everyone probably thinks it was someone mucking around, which got me thinking the same thing. Anyway, if it was one of the Zep boys, I’ve been on their side the whole time

to the guy two or three posts up… is there a god? hard to say really as there is no proof he exists… the bible isnt proof as that is an all ages story book

Siht dear uoy fi Tsinatas a gnieb yldesoppus no snoitalutargnoc dna. Rorrim eht ni kool a ekat ot emit s'ti. Ti gnisu need ev'yeht emit eht revo gnisu need evah Tsihc fo srewollof eht noitpeced eht redisnoc uoy nehw tub rial eht si Natas yas yeht.

Segassam sdrawkcab dna sgnineam neddih rof gnikcehc srehto dna siht ekil sgnos no skcik rof ylbaborp siht ekil ffuts od ot desu Noitagitsevni fo Uerueb Laredef eht.

Tros eht fo gnihtyna tbuod ylhgih eye. Dedrocer yllanigiro saw siht emit ti tniop taht ta ti otni tup ot dah ev'dluow yeht troffe fo tnuoma eht gniredisnoc hguohtla. Did yeht fi looc yllaer eb d'ti esac siht ni revewoh. "Sgninaem owt evah sdrow semitemos esuaceb."

Theres a part @ 4:30-4:35 min while played backwards or the part"And its whispers that soon then we all call the tune"forward is "Lord forgive me for saying or using the word santan"

Hey I'm no Satanist Nameless child (Although I am probably the only person who could be bothered to read that backwards message he wrote)!!!

There are some songs that only sound like backwards messages when you see backwards lyrics. These songs HAVEN'T ogt backwards messages in. The songs that have backwards messages are the ones where you can here them clearly without having a single look at the lyrics, as i did

If anyone has downloaded the "Stairway to Hell" track that already has the song reversed and slowed, you still might doubt the authenticity of the lyrics. If you did take your perspective from that version of the song, you have to slow it down just a little more to hear it all clear. I heard it best when I slowed it down in Windows Media Player to, surprise, .666 play speed.

Here is an idea for ya: Try singing the backwards lyrics into a tape recorder, then reversing it and see if you get Stairway To Heaven….

There's an easy way to explain it, You can only see the words IF you knew they were there before-hand, if you listen to it backwards, and not know anything, you will not hear half the words backwards, yeah it sounds like it says satan, like once, and its hardly distiguishable, its coincidence, and not to be taken seriously, and for people who hate Zeppelin now, your were such a poser to begin with, you shouldn't hate a band because of their beliefs, and being a satanist DOES NOT necessarily mean you believe in Satan, it basically means you believe in the power of the individual. Zeppelin made a damn good song, and coincidence shouldn't change that, and the guy says in the email
2nd Sentence, First Paragraph.
"…EVERY word from start to finish is undeniable and distinguishable. Easily heard if you know what to look for…"

He even says it, IF YOU KNOW WHAT TO LOOK FOR. I think I've made my point good day!

and also anyone can play it backwards and hear diff thing than another person.

Also your mind cannot translate backwards words, you only make them sound as close to a known words, and note that when a word is translated backwards it add more or less sylables. So with that being said it's not real, its a creepy coincidence, people know the facts before you make these snap judgements, yes I was very creeped out, but I wasn't going to change my opinion on a song before I knew the truth behinmd the music.
Final Verdict: Coincidence!

I've never tried to reverse the song or to look at the "FULL" lyrics so I don't konw if this is true or not. I'll have to hear it for real.

MP3s are REALLY lossy, and some MP3 encoders are enhancing the sound so we hear less artefacts, but this enhancment is meant to be played forward. I hear MP3 artefacts even if I downloaded a 320kbps version. OGG has not this problem. Red Hot Chili Peppers is a good example. A 320kpbs MP3 still sound really bad, while an OGG file of 96kpbs will not show artefacts. I don't say a 128kpbs can't sound better than a 96kpbs OGG with some types of music, but it's not as lossy.

DON'T PLAY THE RECORD BACKWARDS. There are hundreds of different stylus that are not made the same, and some will self-destruct or destruct the record. Instead, someone could try to record it with a cassette recorder and to reverse the head or to use a 4-track head and invert the wires.

For better quality, don't use a CD. Instead, get one of these new Audigy 2 ZS sound cards and record your LP @ 96kbps 24bit. That's practically DVD quality. I find (good) tapes to sound better than a CD(While less detailed), certainly because CD players people have are often cheapo Sony and the like.

We can't say if it's intentionnaly made or not. We have NOT to look at the lyrics to really hear it. Normally, tunes make NO sense reversed. And voices sound like fade outs if there's no intention. Also, some "intended" messages, forward played, are not pronounced as the lyrics are telling.

Every time *I* listen to a song in english, the words make no sense(While I understand the words) without reading lyrics. Then, I read the lyrics *with* the tune playing and the pronouncination is not the same and intended to be. After seeing the Reverse lyrics, I hear Eminem on forward telling "Smil" Shady, and Queen telling Another wam bites the dust.

IMO MP3s suck, and the only time I tried WMA, I never wanted to listen to one again. OGG is the way to go. There are surely losses somewhere, but it's not sounding like **** like MP3s if there's some.

If you want to hear it correctly, use CDex to extract "stairway" form the CD, go in some WAV editor to reverse it, and play it with Foobar to slow the song without changing pitch. Use OGG to send it to someone. CDex can encode them. I never listened to an LP for 10 years, and I was too young to remember how was the sound.

Also, anybody knows someone with a laser turntable? It costs 20 000$, and reads intact areas of the LP with lasers for practically 1:1 reproduction. I know National Archives Library of Canada has some.

I read some comments, actually the number 666 is the number given to the beast, in the Bible, it says that the number will have to be writen on your right hand, or your forehead to be able to eat (it will be like a credit card thing with a cip).
People that believe in God may not put the devils number on the hand, or forehead. If they do they are no longer Gods children, therefor they can not enter heaven. Anyways.. for you to get what I just said, you must study the Bible deeply.
I think that by these songs its the devils way to make people prays him through songs without even knowing that they are doing it.

PS: can you send me the whole song through e-mail? My adress is

ok i have seen a few reuqests for the Stairway To Heaven track backwards… there is a simple way of doing it yourself… and i will say it
Windows XP, microphone
1) If you have windows xp… go to volume control… go to options…click on properties.. click the circle that shows "Recording"… click the box for stereo mixer…
2) Go to start…go to programs…go to accessories… go to etertainment… go to sound recorder
3) Open up the Stairway to Heaven track… click record on the sound recorder and play the song
4) When the recording is done just reverse it…

I think it is great how they did this it must have taken a while to come up with words that work both ways

it is creepy how many times I have listened to this song and not known what was just under the skin

To say that this is coincidence is fools' talk. These lyrics were placed diliberately and artfully. There is no beauty in Satanic worship, nor is there worth in this tribute to the fallen angel. To say this was coincidence is like saying that a Western author accidentally alludes to or draws ideas from ancient Greek texts. A fool speaks "coincidence".

Why are you all getting so uptight over such a trivial thing? The song has a secret message backwards, sure, but i think that Zepplin did this, if it was on purpose, to show that you can go up and down on the stairway, from heaven to hell, depending on your actions. They do say quite a bit that you have 2 paths, as are cited in previous posts.

Even if you are going to throw out your discs or cds, dont tell others to. let them make their opinion. Zep is, and probably will continue to be, my favorite band. simply because you are either too blinded in your faith or unable to grip that they were such musical geniuses as to do something as complex as this, dont ruin the experience for others who also may enjoy their music.

of course, you are free to have your own opinion.

Do you people understand the implications of writing a song which is coherent both forwards and backwards? It would take years and thousands upon thousands of takes to get it right. I think if it sounds like anything, it is merely coincidence. Maybe a passage or two could be done deliberately, but no more. Thats my two cents anyway.

I cant believe I made it to the bottom of all these msgs and each has a valid opinion. Can anyone explain the lyrics both forwards and backwards, they don't really make any sense either way. After listening to the short clip (bustle in your hedgerow) I thought it was rather freaky. I have been a Led Zep fan since I was 16 and I will continue to love their music regardless of the result of this debate. I would like to hear the full backwards version though, just out of curiosity.

"Well, I guess for you; ignorance is bliss. Your spelling is pathetic as well. 1. It does NOT damage a record player's needle by spinning an album backwards. Grooves are grooves in both directions. 2. For the band to deny this doesn't matter at all. Even they may be ignorant to the fact that the backmasking exists (and it undeniably does whether YOU choose to believe it or not). 3. I am not Satan by ANY means. The fact that I (we) have curiosity about our purpose here on Earth only shows that we are Human." alanseijas said this… so I have to say, shut the fuck up personally i think its a coincidence. I don't really care about this Led Zeppelin was a great band and anyone who obsesses over wheter they are satanic or not needs to 1. get a life 2. get laid 3. stop being the douchebag nerd you are.
An as others have said you can make it sound what you want it to sound like, with lyrics inrfont of you of course your gonna think thats what its saying. My fiend and I have said things into his computer, played them backwards and we both come up with different things for what its saying. Also a friend of mine told me that the actual satanic message is not 666 it is 616. Scientists misuderstood i suppose.
– Leader

did it ever occur to u pple that if it was intentional its there just for fun? i mean ur reading into it too much ppl even if they worshipped satan it doesnt make their music any different if u dont like what it says backwards listen to it the right way if ur into satan and thats what u like go for it. i personally believe its there on purpose caue i have listened to it on my dads vinyl

also back tracking doesnt reverse the sound of the words it works off the other side of the groove in a record so all ur "backwards sounds" theorys are bullsh*t sorry folks

how r u completely sure that there are absolutely no mistakes of ur copy of Stair way to heaven backwards?

how do u know that all the lyrics of the song played backwards ( stairway to heaven) are completely error free….what did u do to ensure that every word is correct

hey this is to k. seijas,

You have made a mistake in your song…well i think it is a mistake… in your song it says:

The 'Lord' turned me on,

but i think it is supposed to say this:

The 'Lord' turned on me


I was listening to Empty sPaces by pink floyed backwards and the Last worfd Chalfont* is really a place in Pennsylvania. Just to let u know. and is there a funny farm in Chalfont, that is something else i want to know

Thank you

Hey, Jeff- you're a cool guy, keep up the good work. To all you other F-bags… get off your asses and do something with your lives.

Firstly….I think Led zeppelin didnt want to tell the world "what" they wanted to say backwards….If they did then why reverse it???Secondly,its too much to not be a coincidence…maybe they wanted to send secret messages to someone who we don't know….not only that as a precaution maybe there is a secret message hidden inside the reverse lyrics too…whi knows??

It requires GENIUS to write a song like that…take a bow Robert Plant…He also mentioned that when he started writing the song the pen didn't stop…..he kept moving it.

Satanic or unaware satanic influence????

This is the main quetion to answer….was Plant intentional or unknowingly under the influence???


YAY i finaly found a site that believes me :D, ive been saying this stuff for ages, and i have more songs that you can check out too, i recently got a new profesianal DJ CD player and i can play CD's backwards, so i was experamenting with all my mums old CDs, and i heard about the Marijuana thing in the queens album, so i played the whole album from finish to start and i found that almost every song has stuff about taking drugs in it, dont listen to me find out yourself…the albums called: Queens Greatest Hits

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