The $10,000 Typo?

I got a letter in the mail the other day from the Alberta Government. They wrote to tell me that my student loans are coming due. To most people, including me, a letter from the government asking for money would usually put you in a bad mood, even if it’s money that you rightfully owe.

However, this particular letter said I owed exactly $10,000 less than I recall borrowing. So, either (A) my mind is going early (B) The government of Alberta is so rich they are just going to write off $10,000 of my loan, (C)somebody at the student loans office enjoys a sick form of entertainment toying with my emotions or (D) the missing number “1” was merely a typo.

I haven’t called them to find out the real situation yet because I’m trying to enjoy this brief façade for as long as I can. I’ll call them tomorrow and let everyone know what the situation is, because I know you’re curious. (Don’t forget to come back tomorrow, or you’ll never know…)

Update: Of course they didn’t just drop $10,000 off without telling me. I’m just not quite on top of things I guess. I have two loans, one from the Alberta government and one from the Canadian government. When I got the letter from the Alberta government saying how much I owe, I thought that was the total for all my loans; now I know better.

Grand Canyon Walkway

Grand Canyon Walkway

Coming to a Grand Canyon near you — January 2006. Yes it’s true.

Grand Canyon Skywalk
Scheduled to open January 1, 2006
Hualapai Indian Reservation

  • Juts out about 70 feet into the canyon, 4000 ft above the Colorado River
  • Built with more than a million pounds of steel beams and includes dampeners that minimize the structure’s vibration
  • Designed to hold 72 million pounds, withstand an 8.0 magnitude earthquake 50 miles away, and withstand winds in excess of 100 mph
  • Has a glass bottom and sides…four inches thick
  • Will accommodate 120 people comfortably (How comfortable would YOU be?)

(via Snopes)

Update: Here is another image of the Grand Canyon walkway, apparently from M.R.J Architects.

Grand Canyon Walkway

Update: Here is a photo of the finished skywalk:

Compelling Flash Based Game

I like this game I stumbled upon. Getting a high score involves more luck than skill, but it’s got an addictiveness about it that I can appreciate.

The objective of the game is to get a chain reaction of tiles as long as possible. Tiles will start each other if their lines are connected. Click on a tile to start.


Search keywords: flash, games

Tips for Surviving October

Tip #1: Be careful when raking the leaves in your yard too enthusiastically. One could easily injure his back and find himself in a very painful predicament and still have a yard full of leaves.

Tip #2: Don’t buy candy two-weeks before Halloween because on a Sunday afternoon with an injured back you better believe that candy won’t make it through the hour.