Break on Through

I added a new clip from Break on Through, by The Doors, to my backmasking page for your subliminal viewing pleasure.

As far as I’m aware, I’m the first to have “discovered” this particular clip—though looking in this song was a suggestion by someone who emailed me. Like most of the songs on my backmasking page, I don’t think this is at all intentional, but of course that doesn’t mean we can’t get a good laugh out of it.

I’ve got another one I’m thinking of adding in the next little while, so in the meantime go tell your friends—at long last there is an update.

31 Replies to “Break on Through”

  1. It’s real, in the sense that, yes I took the actual file and reversed it. It’s not real, at least in my opinion, that these messages are intentional or created by the power of satan.

    It’s has a lot to do with the power of suggestion, also if you wanted to find messages about other topics – besides satan, you easily could, but it’s the “satanic messages” that raise eyebrows.

  2. “It’s not real, at least in my opinion, that these messages are intentional or created by the power of satan.”

    Interesting point of view. I would say the same, but… it’s too much for a coincidence.

  3. I like this back masking page man, but i was wondering if I could make a request to a song you can add. Its by Jay Z and the song is called lucifer and I know for a fact there is a message in it saying “…666..murder murder Jesus…”, I just cant get a hold of it. I’d love that to be a new edition to that segment of your website.

  4. Cool site, man. I can see 30 different backmask songs in no time! Try “Pry, to” by Pearl Jam. It’s on Vitalogy. When played normally it’s indistinguishable, but when reversed, Eddie Vedder says, “Pete Townsend, you saved my life!” Ed is, of course, a HUGE Who fan…so there you go!

    Keep up the good work!

  5. Really a hell of fun ! Keep on backmasking. Obviously there´s still a lot to find. To me it seems that SATAN is quite the reverse word.

    Keep going, man, keep going and demask the evil lurring …

  6. Alright. I really hate to put this here, so I’m extremely sorry for making putting this here. I just can’t find a, “E-mail the author” or something similar to that anywhere on the site, so I thought I’d leave it right here. There’s a song out right now, called, “Backmask” by “Mindless Self Indulgence”. Play it backwards, you might want to check it out.

  7. wow this is a great site I found out about via my local news.
    do the songs when they are backmansked song like a whole
    normals song????

    are there any Christina Aguilera songs with “messages”
    in them???

    do ANY of Jayne Mansfield’s songs have “hidden messages”??????
    (note her affiliations with the evil Antone LaVey,but she is not an evil lady)

  8. Hey, I have a song that I have played backwards, and throughout the whole entire thing, you can hear messages, like, at one point he says, “I wanna live my live”, which isn’t much compared to what you have but theres more! The songs name is ‘In a Young Man’s Mind’ and they say this repeatedly, but when you play it backwards, it sounds like they’re saying ‘I’m planning my end’. Its Sick! this was the first time I’ve ever played a song in reverse and I hit something. I really like yor site. I’ve been to it ever since it only had the songs ‘Stairway to Heaven’, ‘I’m so Tired’ and ‘Baby Hit Me One More Time’ and I really want you to see this song. If you email me or anything, I’ll gladly give you both forward and reverse versions for you site.

  9. If your read this backwards, it says, I am satan and I’m going to kill you all.

    Really man, what’s going on in your head.

  10. i believe music is feed for soul…….so words behind the music is real. and not just all the music band use secred words behind their music, all people in bussines use it too. for ex : retail, restaurant …ice cream corner in ny use it too. …keep up the good work jeff… your work…

  11. Okey its not totally relevent. :-)
    But what about the written words backwards ?
    Dead in other …
    DØD Nordic
    TOT German
    DOOD Dutch

  12. When you listen Hi I’m Johnny Knoxville welcome to JACKASS! (from jackass on mtv) secret mesagge is – Satan is him, he hasn’t going down. My friend and I like Your website very much, good job Mr.Milner. We from Poland. Make some noise with backmasking. And please put on your website more backmasking song, I know some new website but is not good like yours

  13. I found a secret message in Backmask/ Kill Yourself(?) (song)-Mindless Self Indulgence (Band) at about 2:10 until about 2:50. It has some weird sayings in it.

  14. Sorry, man, but I’ve listened to some of those backwards for real on vinyl, and I know some of these “reverse lyrics” are fake. “Break On Through” is definately. “Imagine” (I can clearly hear part of those lyrics are playing forward!) and “Kiss, Kiss, Kiss” (Why would Yoko put in a song that she shot John?!) and “Revolution 9? (for crying out loud, there’s too many syllables in the reverse lyrics!). I know for a fact the Led Zeppelin one is fake, because I listened to the whole song backwards on a record player, and all it sounds like are noises and Gaelic (which it’s not, so don’t make that claim next). The ones I know are REAL…”Im So Tired” and “Fire On High.” I suspect the Eminem song is also real. The Pink Floyd song is real. The rest I can’t testify to. I have my suspisions though…

  15. i just played the whole break on through backwords (on my computer) and it sounds like there are many hidden messages in it if not the whole song, however the quality is very low so i couldnt make out all of the sentences just fragments, it may be much more distinguishable on a vinyl if you have that, just as stairway is much more clear on vinyl backwords, anyways sweet website.

  16. Try reversing “get over you” by sophie elex bexter and it will say “Honey are you all right (indistingishable) Hore, Hore, Hore, Hore, Hore ,Hore.
    Can you vertify that?

  17. Hey I listened to your backmasking sounds. Very interesting. My friend happens to own some dj equipment and we were messing around one day. We started playing Slipknot’s song “Duality” backwards. When played backwards it keeps saying “This is not the law.” The more humorous part of our discovery happens when Corey Taylor sings, “I push my fingers into my eyes,” at the beginning of the song. When played backwards, this part says “I’m wasted singin’.”

  18. I’ve deleted that song by The Doors from my computer, so thanks for notifying about the hidden message.

  19. I have to point out that I listened to the entire “We chased our pleasures there/Dug our treasures there” stanza in reverse.

    All I got is a garbled “I am Satan, strangled/My eggs are just magician”.

    What about “Don’t Stop” by the Stone Roses? It’s “Waterfall” backmasked.

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