Jeff Milner the New Media Rep

The other day I got an email from the professor of my multimedia 2010 and 2030 classes. His name is Anonymous Smith. Yes really. But anyway that’s not the point of this entry. I’ll comment on his strange choice of names later. He relayed a message that the Fine Arts department is looking for two student representatives to attend faculty meetings and then it’s their responsibility to relay anything important that happens back to the students. Well I didn’t think too much of it at the time, but then in class the professor asked if anyone was interested. As an impulse decision I raised my hand – you know I was a T.A. rep back at Hat High. So anyway to make this mediumly long story shorter, I had the first multimedia student I found nominate me and next thing you know I and some third year student are both elected by default. So now that I am the new Student Rep of New Media (formerly known as Multimedia) I expect you all to bow in my presence and say in unison – “All Hail Mighty Lord Jeff the Student Rep of New Media!” or at least, “congratulations” if that’s all you can muster.

‘Memory Lane Computers’ Suck

I found a message on my answering machine the other day from Don at Memory Lane Computers. Apparently he is upset that I have been using my address to post my “web portfolio” and he wants me to take it down. I guess it’s no big deal now that I have my new domain but it still somewhat ticks me off especially not only working there for those three or so years, but also because he was so rude about it on the phone; not to mention that I have been giving them business by sending my clients to them for hosting. But whatever — I’ve deleted it now and I don’t plan on looking back. But I probably will not purchase my next computer from them.

Swim Meet in Calgary

The swim meet was great. I had personal bests in four out of my five swims. As of this posting the site is not updated but I should now be ranked in the top 70 of all Canada. This time the ranking will be more accurate because most of the Universities will have posted their swimmers times.

I didn’t take my own camera to the swim meet because I forgot it! Yes, I didn’t remember to take it when I rushed out the door to catch the bus.

One last thing, I am probably not going to Calgary to see Jackie off. She is going to California for a little while. Anyway I have things I need to do here including another Swim Meet (or is that the weekend after this?) Either way I’ll have to check. If I don’t have a swim meet I’ll have a training course for Water Safety Instructor.

My Christmas Vacation and Training Camp in Southern California!

My Christmas vacation was a blast. I took a bus down to California — 46 and a half hours1 later I arrived at the Disneyland Hotel. Quite possibly the happiest place on earth. (Especially after a bus ride like that). After spending four days with Anna-Maria and her family I hopped on another bus and drove down the State to meet up with my swim team. Lots of practicing, lots of time on the beach, and plenty of sun all around — it was a really fun time. I was glad to get home though and now that I am home I switched into the New Media program and things are going just great.

  1. Never again.[↩]

Planning My California Getaway

I am trying to get down to California so I can spend a week with Anna and her family before my swim camp (which is also in Southern California). Anyway if I take the bus down and don’t take the flight down with the team the airline will cancel the ticket for the return flight. So my coach sent out an email to see if anyone on the team who is not going would like to take this last chance and if someone replies then I guess I’ll be going, otherwise it doesn’t look good. For sure I won’t be leaving until Saturday at the earliest.

In other news, I haven’t been accepted to the Faculty of Fine Arts in Multimedia, but apparently they are accepting me as some multi-classified student or something weird like that. Whatever it is, it means that I will be eligible to compete on the swim team.

Hotmail Sucks

I hate Hotmail. I hate it with a passion. I wish I had never signed up for their crappy, albeit free, service. I just tried to click on a link from a hotmail message to join a blog, but hotmail keeps it’s little frame on and that messed up the scripts on the page I was trying to load and in the end I am just very frustrated with hotmail. I’m pretty happy that I now have my own domain and my own new email address, so I can finally say goodbye to hotmail once and for all.

Secret Visit to My Brother and his Wife’s Place

Mom and Dad came and visited me today. We went for lunch at Pizza Hut. They just left a few minutes ago and are heading back to Medicine Hat. Tonight I am going to Calgary but I haven’t told Gary and Tracie I am coming to visit yet. Mom thinks I should pack before I call them. I think maybe I should just show up – as a kind of happy surprise. Anyway I am swimming tomorrow so I should get packed and get going. Instead I will procrastinate and end up driving in the dark.

Swim Team Christmas Party

Yesterday was the Swim Team Christmas Party. We had a pot luck which was pretty tasty… well actually there were a few pasta dishes that weren’t all that tasty, but there was enough really good food that I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Afterwards we had a “chinese” gift exchange. I thought I was going to get a really good present because I drew a high number and would have the choice of a lot of the different presents if I wanted to steal one from someone else, but instead I decided to unwrap a present from the middle. A tradition has developed over the years at these Swim Team Christmas parties. It involves regiving the same crappy / scary doll each year. I was lucky enough to pick the doll present and now I’m expected to save it at my house for a whole year so that I can screw someone else over next year so they can be in charge of it for a whole year… lucky them. Merry Christmas.

Fridge Update and Jeff Milner Movie Review – Southpark

Jeff Milner with latex elf ears

Actually I posted the wrong fridge, but it’s fixed now. Anyway I decided that I’d better not get the fridge after all. The one that I was going to get is only $688.00. I’ll just have to make due with the small one that I have now.

I watched the South Park Movie today. To be honest I was quite disappointed. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it just felt like a let down. I suppose there were some really funny parts, but overall I’d have to say thumbs down.

Anna is making elf ears and an elf nose for her makeup class tomorrow. She is making them out of latex paint and they look really cool. It seems to be a lot like the way the professionals must do it. Anyway that’s about all I have to say for today.