Each and every day over the last four years, I’ve been recording short videos, cropping them down to one second clips, and compiling them into yearly summaries.
Here is the one from 2016:
A collection of digital wonders and some other stuff
Each and every day over the last four years, I’ve been recording short videos, cropping them down to one second clips, and compiling them into yearly summaries.
Here is the one from 2016:
Lately, I’ve been taking part in online courses from the Adobe Education Exchange. My latest class, Graphics and Illustration, asked us to represent a movie using just four simple icons. Here’s my attempt:
This assignment was a lot of fun. At first I wondered what I could possibly make but then instead of worrying about picking a story that would be too hard to make icons for, I just thought of a story that I really liked and went for it.
I wanted to keep all of the line sizes the same but when I got to the dragon in the forth icon, I ran into issues with such thick lines in a small place and decided to have secondary lines at half the thickness. I like how it turned out.
Update: I was just recognized with a “Special Mention” award for notable artwork in this week’s class. I’m very excited because it’s something that I’ve been striving to achieve.
Update: I updated the image so that Smaug is a red dragon. I’m not sure how I missed that when I originally created the images.
A couple of days ago, I presented with my friend Andy at SWATCA (Teachers’ convention here in Lethbridge). We put together a short how to video for teachers wanting to share with their class how to do stop motion on an iPad.
Here are the how to videos:
Perhaps the most impressive papercraft I’ve ever seen, engineer Aliaksei Zholner created a working v8 model almost completely out of paper with just a few pieces of scotch tape added to reduce friction. The engine is so tiny it fits inside the plastic container found inside a Kinder Surprise egg. In this demonstration video, Zholner shows that tiny size doesn’t interfere with the engine’s moving components and when hooked up to a steady stream of air from a balloon, the whirling motor purrs in a rhythm not unlike a real engine.
2015 has been a great year. Most excitingly, Andrea and I got engaged and will be married this year!
Some other highlights of the year include:
Here’s one second from every day last year (made using the One Second Everyday app).
I love this song by Tim Mitchin. I listen to it every Christmas.
Once again I have completed a year of “One Second Everyday” videos. I travelled quite a bit in 2014 and despite the occasional rocky week or four, it’s been a fantastic year.
Some highlights include:
I hope you have as much fun watching my year as I had living it.
Every day for a year I have been trying to remember to record and editing one second clips of video so that at the end of the year I could show the world what I’ve been up to for the last 365 days or so. As it turns out, I missed a couple of days close to the end and one in February but so long as that doesn’t bother you, here they are, almost every day of the year 2013 in one second increments: