
Lately, I’ve been taking part in online courses from the Adobe Education Exchange. My latest class, Graphics and Illustration, asked us to represent a movie using just four simple icons. Here’s my attempt:

A perfectly round green hobbit door, the one ring, the lonely mountain, and Smaug the Dragon

This assignment was a lot of fun. At first I wondered what I could possibly make but then instead of worrying about picking a story that would be too hard to make icons for, I just thought of a story that I really liked and went for it.

I wanted to keep all of the line sizes the same but when I got to the dragon in the forth icon, I ran into issues with such thick lines in a small place and decided to have secondary lines at half the thickness. I like how it turned out.

Update: I was just recognized with a “Special Mention” award for notable artwork in this week’s class. I’m very excited because it’s something that I’ve been striving to achieve.

Adobe Weekly Winner icon

Update: I updated the image so that Smaug is a red dragon. I’m not sure how I missed that when I originally created the images.

Attack of the Drones

A few weeks ago, my brother Gary invited me to go with him to the Calgary drone fair. I left before him and found out later that he came home with a brand-new Phantom IV drone. I tried flying it yesterday for the first time.

V8 Working Papercraft Engine Model

Perhaps the most impressive papercraft I’ve ever seen, engineer Aliaksei Zholner created a working v8 model almost completely out of paper with just a few pieces of scotch tape added to reduce friction. The engine is so tiny it fits inside the plastic container found inside a Kinder Surprise egg. In this demonstration video, Zholner shows that tiny size doesn’t interfere with the engine’s moving components and when hooked up to a steady stream of air from a balloon, the whirling motor purrs in a rhythm not unlike a real engine.

One Second Everyday — 2015

2015 has been a great year. Most excitingly, Andrea and I got engaged and will be married this year!

Some other highlights of the year include:

  • travelled to Kawaii, Hawaii
  • working on the reserve in Brocket, AB
  • spending the best summer of my life in Waskasui, Saskatchewan
  • camping at the Ness Creek Music Festival
  • seeing my first NHL hockey game
  • attending a Broadway play (in Edmonton)
  • started training for a new job with Vivant
  • Christmas vacation with my family in Medicine Hat and Andrea’s in Saskatoon

Here’s one second from every day last year (made using the One Second Everyday app).

One Second Everyday — 2014

Once again I have completed a year of “One Second Everyday” videos. I travelled quite a bit in 2014 and despite the occasional rocky week or four, it’s been a fantastic year.

Some highlights include:

  • teaching shop in Vulcan
  • playing chess against a grandmaster
  • travelling to Palm Springs and Disneyland
  • travelling to Salt Spring and Vancouver Island
  • enjoying music and friends at South Country Fair
  • trip to BC interior
  • getting an iPhone 6
  • back to Palm Springs / Palm Desert
  • visiting with family and friends at Christmas time
  • I hope you have as much fun watching my year as I had living it.

One Second Everyday — 2013

Every day for a year I have been trying to remember to record and editing one second clips of video so that at the end of the year I could show the world what I’ve been up to for the last 365 days or so. As it turns out, I missed a couple of days close to the end and one in February but so long as that doesn’t bother you, here they are, almost every day of the year 2013 in one second increments: