Swimming in the River Near Indian Battle Park

Instead of going to Waterton on Sunday, Anna-Maria, Zee, Sophie (Anna’s dog), and I went down to Indian Battle Park. We had a fire and swam in the river. Afterwards we roasted smokies and marshmallows over the fire. It was a really good day – even though it did start to rain. Even when it rained, it wasn’t that cold – for me at least, and then when the rain stopped it got nice and hot out. I also decided that I want to take Anna-Maria kayaking down the river and get out in Coaldale. I just need to find someone to pick us up. Maybe Dad will bring his truck sometime and we can meet-up at the Nolan Bridge outside of Coaldale.

Animated Gif of Zee Juke, Anna-Maria LeMaistre, and Jeff Milner in the river

Zee and the Lawyer

Anna’s roommate had to go see a lawyer yesterday. She was really surprised that he had a lunch hour from 11:00 to 2:30. How does that fit in with normal society? That’s beside the point. She was there to get a will notarized and when it came time to pay she discovered that the lawyer’s office didn’t take visa or interact as a form of payment. So she explained that she didn’t have any cash and would have to run over to the 7-11 to get some. She said it never even crossed her mind to run out on the bill, but when she came back the lawyer exclaimed, “Oh you’ve just restored my faith in humanity.” Zee then quipped back, “Are you projecting?”

Red Rock Canyon

I found out the other day that Anna-Maria and her roommate Zee have never been to Red Rock Canyon before. Well it’s high time they went, so we are going there today. Although the day is going to be pretty much over by the time we get out of here, plus we need to be back so Anna can finish her studying. She has some big test tomorrow and needs to study like a mad woman. Mad like crazy, not mad like I’m so ticked off I have all this studying to do.

Jeff Milner Update


I accidentally let the insurance on my car lapse so its been sitting in the garage for the last couple of weeks. I finally got it reinstated but not until I had gone to quite a lot of trouble. I highly recommend that if you move and have insurance from a company in your old city, that you find a new local place because frankly its just not worth the hassle. During the time that I was without my car I relied on Anna to drive me around and when she couldn’t then I was left riding Anna’s bike. (I’m so pathetic I don’t even own a bike). Last Thursday Anna was in Calgary for an audition and so I rode her bike over to the University. I somewhat lost track of time finishing some old assignments that were long overdue and when it was time to come home it was really dark out. I discovered a path that is actually a substantial shortcut from the road but it was REALLY dark. I rode down the hill pretty slowly – not wanting to die and all – and then thought of a really good idea. I would use my little key chain “phaser” light that Jackie gave to me to light the way. Well no sooner than I turned on the light that I saw a weasel zip across the path in front of me. How many weasels do you think had whisked across my path before the light was on? Anyway after all the biking I decided that even with Anna’s gel seat, her bicycle is still not very comfortable to ride for a long time.

Anna’s Sisters

When Anna returned on Friday night she brought along two of her sisters and their little dog. Lana went home yesterday but Pam will be visiting for the next three or so days. During the time that Anna has been spending with her sisters and I guess before she got back I’ve been doing so work around the house. I finally got that old lawn mower working and I also cleaned out the gutters and watered the grass. It turns out that the sprinkler that was left with the house actually doesn’t really work. It just shoots water straight up instead of swivelling back and forth. I’m about to go out and buy a new one.


When I got home the other day I was in for a good surprise. My roommate got a new job at Robin’s Donuts and left three-dozen donuts sitting on the table with a note that I could help myself. This pleases me. :)

Jeff Milner Movie Review – The Phone Booth

Anna, her sisters, and I, took in The Phone Booth (Official Site / Preview) on the weekend. First off I have to admit that this movie did keep my attention the whole way through, but it really lacked in any kind of scene change or progression. The tension peaks early on and then holds until the end of the movie. Frankly nothing really happens – at least nothing unpredictable. Actually the most unpredictable part was that the police were so slow to arrive on the scene (if you’ve ever been to Times Square then you know how many police officers there are everywhere) and how poorly they reacted to the situation. It’s like the writers haven’t ever watched Real TV or even Cops and just have no idea how the police service actually works. Anyway I don’t regret seeing it but if I ever see it again – it will be too soon.


I’m a little embarrassed to admit this, but I missed my Music 1011 final. How did that happen? It’s a combination of factors really. I have been attending Music 1011 at 11:00am on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I had special permission since I am registered in the 3 o’clock class. Well the 11 o’clock class is supposed to have their test on the 24th but my 3 o’clock class had their test last week and well I got mixed up on which day for which class and if I was supposed to attend the test for the class I was registered or the class that I attended. Anyway I could be in some serious trouble if I am not able to take it on the 24th but I’m just hoping things will work out for me. They usually do.

Blue and Gold 2003 Photo


Here is a photograph of me from the Awards Banquet tonight. I think the girls may have had a bit much to drink… actually wait, those faces are pretty much normal.

In case you are wondering, yes I had a really good time at the party. I wish Anna-Maria had come too.

Blue and Gold Banquet

I went to an awards banquet tonight for being a part of the University Swim team. I never won any awards myself, but I had a good time eating the food and cheering for those that won. I think Anna-Maria was a little sad that she never got to come with me. It was really a last minute decision for me to go and so I feel bad that she never got to come along; instead she made the Vegetable Curry without me. Women are definitely from Venus.

Update: I can’t believe I never took Anna-Maria to the Blue and Gold. What the hell was I thinking? Re-reading the archives sometimes makes me feel like I was such an idiot back then.

Happy April Fool’s Day!

I didn’t do any pranks this April 1st, but there’s always next year – not to mention the day is not over yet. If you’re curious read up on the Wikipedia’s entry about April Fool’s Day.

Important Fact About Yahoo News

When you read articles in the Yahoo Entertainment News & Gossip and gossip section about, say, the arrest of an insider trader from the future, it’s important to remember that the article may have originated in the Weekly World News. How was I supposed to know?


I signed up for another year at the U of L today. I’m taking 5 courses this fall which is a nice increase from the 4 I took this Spring. Maybe the fact that I am only in four classes is related to the fact that I my GPA is through the roof! Or maybe it’s because Art Teachers give easy grades. Easy? As if! I worked extremely hard for my grades, and I think it’s pretty obvious that I am one of the best in the class, even if I am only enrolled in four classes.

Life Saving Society Competition

I finished up at the pool this morning as Equipment Manager. We finished early yesterday and today and it looked like it would have been a fun meet to compete in. I had the chance to try out some scuba gear after the events yesterday and again this morning.

Amy, one of the lifeguards at the Max bell and my WSI instructor, mentioned to me that I was on the list for call-backs to be a lifeguard there. I’m pretty excited to finally be getting a job here in Lethbridge. It will make paying the mortgage a lot easier.

Newsflash – Quarantine

The Calgary Sun reports that because of SARS, “Thousands of people, many of them health workers, are under quarantine in Winnipeg and across Ontario”. Personally I think this SARS thing is slightly more dangerous than the West Nile scare last November, but I still think it will be one of those things we hear about but never have any personal experience with. Although I think Mom said one of the students at her school contracted it.

Linux Update and the Competitive Life Guarding Competition

Ahhh, there is nothing quite as relaxing as sitting down to the quiet hum of your computer in your own home, drinking a nice refreshing Pepsi and posting to your blog. I have lots of things to post tonight so without further ado…

Today I emailed a guy from the Linux club here in Lethbridge and asked him for a copy of Linux on CD. Not only did he respond promptly he actually volunteered and delivered the CD to my house. I still haven’t installed it, but I’m planning on setting up a Linux server on that other computer one of these days.

As I may or may not have mentioned, I volunteered to help out at the competitive life guarding competition that is happening tomorrow at the Max Bell (the University Pool). I am pretty happy that I did because I got a free Level 2 training tonight and although it did take 4 hours from my life… I am now a certified level two official which if nothing else is a nice addition to my resume.

The actual event sounds like it will be very fun to watch; of course more fun to be in, but what can you do? Some of the things they must do are: race across the pool and drag a manikin back in the fastest time keeping “the head” above water, swimming through an obstacle course, and doing it all in relays among other things. As it stands right now, my job as a volunteer will be to make sure that all of the equipment is in place and ready to go at the start of each race. I have 3 or 4 assistants helping me out and I think it will be a great experience. I’ll let you know how it goes.

When I was in Medicine Hat the other day, I bought a Maxtor 1394 PCI Adapter Card for my computer which will allow me to link up firewire devices, specifically digital video cameras, and then I’ll be able to do my homework here at home. I guess it was a little late considering the school year is almost over, but I figured it would be good to have for next year and in case I get my own digital video camera or other firewire device. I haven’t installed it yet, but as soon as I have an afternoon with nothing to do I’ll get right on it.

It’s amazing how fast a 710 mL bottle of Pepsi goes. Til next time keep the comments coming, I love them.

War Update; Calgary Trip Update; Oscars Predictions

Last night I went to Anna’s roommates birthday party. I was watching the news when the first guests arrived and we learned about a marine (an engineer actually) stationed in Kuwait who threw a live grenade into a tent filled with other Marines. The blast injured about 13 people and killed at least one. Apparently the Marines had had some problems with this guy and were planning on leaving him in Kuwait when it was time to move into Iraq. What a crazy world we live in.

Another interesting article I read this morning explains that many Iraqies would rather kill their own officers than fight the US.

It looks like my trip to Calgary has been cancelled because Anna is not going down to the States with her parents after all. I’m going to work on my animation instead.

It’s Oscar night and I’m sure Anna-Maria and I will be tuning in. Steve Martin is hosting and I read an article about where he’s getting his jokes from, which I thought was interesting.

So with the nominees list open in my other window here are my predictions:

MUSIC (SONG) – Chicago
ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLE – Jack Nicholson (About Schmidt)
ACTRESS IN A LEADING ROLE – Renée Zellweger (Chicago)
ACTRESS IN A SUPPORTING ROLE – Julianne Moore (The Hours)
DOCUMENTARY FEATURE – Bowling for Columbine
FILM EDITING – The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
VISUAL EFFECTS – The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers