True Facts About Lethbridge (That Sound Made Up)

View showing the one stage of construction on High Level Bridge. The traveller is visible. Area of the river valley also visible.

I enjoyed reading this Reddit Thread of true facts about Lethbridge that sound fake.

Some of the most interesting facts include:

  • Marilyn Manson was puched out in a Denny’s restaurant
  • A city councilor faked her own kidnapping while on official visit to the States then ran away with her lover to Las Vegas before she was found out and caught
  • we renamed the city after some guy who had never been here and never came here after we named it after him
  • A girl dressed like a storm trooper was arrested on May the 4th because she had a blaster
  • Members of a Biker gang murdered some other bikers in a house in the London Road neighbourhood back in the 80s and the bodies ended up in a meat processing plant

These similar fact threads for Disneyland and Calgary are also great.

Saint Jean Baptiste Day 2011 in Lethbridge

Once again this year, the ACFA Regionale de Lethbridge is hosting a Saint Jean Baptiste Day celebration. It’s going to be held this Friday, June 24, 2011 at Cite des prairies — Mayor Magrath & 6th (it’s the French school / community centre) from 3:00pm to 10:00pm.

Please come out to the free celebration and enjoy:

“Bbq, inflatable games, drinks, face paint, free shows including the multilingual world beat musical band from Edmonton : Le fuzz. There will be more…!”

St Jean 2011 Lethbridge

St. Jean Baptiste Day, it turns out, started out over 2000 years ago in the pre-Christian Europe as a pagan solstice celebration originally held on the 21st of June. With the arrival of Christianity the holiday was moved a few days later and has been celebrated on the 24th ever since.

Here is some other interesting info I picked up on the web:

In the beginning, Saint-Joseph had been designated as the patron saint of New France (just like Saint-Patrick is to Ireland). The problem was that his Holy day is in March and the Quebec climate during that time of the year is not very favourable for celebrating. It is for this very practical reason that Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day became more popular, the end of June being a great time to have fun outside. Today, the holiday has lost its religious meaning but has kept its traditional name.

You know that whole, “Kiss me, I’m Irish” meme? I wonder if a t-shirt reading, “Kiss me, I’m French” would work and do you think it would be rude to expect a “French” kiss? It seems reasonable.

Lastly, if you are not in a place that celebrates St. Jean Baptiste, then you can at least appreciate some Quebecois culture with this recipe for poutine, a traditional French Canadian delicacy.

Poutine (Canadian fried potatoes with gravy and cheese curds)
Poutine (poo-TEEN, or puh-TSIN) is a popular fast food in the French-speaking Canadian province of Quebec. The name means “mess” in French, and that it is. Poutine’s popularity has spread throughout Canada since the dish first appeared in the 1950s. This recipe makes 2-3 servings.


1 1/2 pounds French fries, cooked and hot
2 cups Cheddar cheese curds, broken into chunks
2 cups hot, Beef gravy

Place the hot French fries in a large bowl or individual serving bowls. Sprinkle over the cheese curds, then pour over a liberal amount of the hot beef gravy. Serve with a fork.

Photo by Jeff Milner 2010

Pictured above is some poutine I had the last time I was in Quebec. Yum.


Lethbridge Woman’s Space Funding Cuts

For the first time in 25 years, The Lethbridge Women’s Space was denied funding by the federal department for the Status of Women.

The CBC has the story.

We were status of woman funded for the last 25 years and we were very shocked when our application was denied because we have a very good relationship with Status of Women. We were [continuing] a previous project where we had served so many women with financial literacy services and we were shocked that it was denied because financial literacy has been identified as such a priority by this particular government.

A friend of mine, Shannon Phillips was interviewed on CBC regarding the loss of funding.

If you’d like to learn more about Womanspace, visit the Womanspace website. If you’d like to help, their site also links to those you could contact.

Olympic Torch in Lethbridge Today

The Olympic torch run is coming through Lethbridge today.

I took some photos and videos at the event:

Olympic Torch in Lethbridge Alberta, January 17, 2010

LETHBRIDGE, AB — JANUARY 17, 2010 Jill Quirk, who competed in the World Championship, Pan American & World Student Games Teams, was the final torchbearer and cauldron lighter in Lethbridge. Here she shares the flame with the local community.

DSC_7156 by Jeff Milner

DSC_7157 by Jeff Milner

DSC_7158 by Jeff Milner

DSC_7159 by Jeff Milner

DSC_7160 by Jeff Milner

DSC_7161 by Jeff Milner

DSC_7162 by Jeff Milner

DSC_7164 by Jeff Milner

DSC_7165 by Jeff Milner

Third Annual Zombie Walk

Lethbridge is having its 3rd Annual Zombie Walk tomorrow at Galt Gardens at ~6pm.

We’ll meet up at Galt Gardens, like we’ve done before,
at 5:30, once gathered we’ll wait until 6 or shortly after 6 for all you stragglers!

Let me reiterate what’s been posted on the wall, you can be any age to participate in the walk and we encourage you under 18 zombie freaks to come out!. It’s only the concert at the Slice afterwards that’s 18+.

The Brains are once again gonna be providing us with entertainment afterwards at the Slice. There is no better band for the occasion! There will be a cover charge of $10 which is more than reasonable for The Brains alone. but we’re lucky zombies this year because we even get our very own Phantom Creeps this year!

Let’s make this one HUGE, tell your friends, tell them to tell their friends.. The Undead will once again wander the streets!

Update: CityTV called me a couple of years ago and I pointed them in the direction of the Zombie Walk. They covered it this year.

On Voting

I recently attended a forum for local candidates in the provincial election that is taking place tomorrow. I felt a little overwhelmed by my lack of knowledge of current events in the province and also by my confusion over what should make a candidate deserving of my vote.

Provincial Candidates for Lethbridge East and West

I have decided not to be apathetic though; I’ve decided to vote for Tom Moffatt of the NDP. I haven’t jumped to this conclusion lightly. Among other reasons, I’m voting for him because the NDP is a party that DOES NOT TAKE corporate donations—EVER. It’s a party for the people, one that has proven it can be trusted.

The other thing I wanted to bring up, is voter apathy. It’s become a big problem here, as in many western countries. My friend Andy wrote an article on the subject, Voting: part of a healthy democratic diet, that has been published in this weeks issue of The Meliorist (the student run paper at the University of Lethbridge). Seriously go read the article, it’s short and it very nicely sums up why people don’t vote, and why it’s important to take part in the selection of our government.

He states that one of the biggest causes of voter apathy is the lack of proportional representation. According to Andy’s article, I can see why the current party (the Progressive Conservatives) have nothing to gain and everything to lose from proportional representation.

The differences based on the last elections results would be as follows:

  • PC – would have 39 seats instead of 61
  • Liberals – would have 24 seats instead of 17
  • NDP – would have 8 seats instead of 4
  • Wildrose Alliance – would have 7 seats instead of 1
  • Green – would have 2 seats instead of 0
  • Social Credit – would have 1 seat instead of 0

Albertans are ready for a new government and if we had a more democratic way of getting the people we want into power, more voters would vote with their hearts and we’d see an even bigger shift away from the PC party.

Here’s hoping more people will vote for the party they believe in, despite a lack of proportional government, in the hope of moving our leadership in the direction the people want.

Lethbridge on the Simpsons

The city of Lethbridge, Alberta (the place where I live) was featured in a gag on the Simpsons. The Simpson family was watching a show called, “Hunch” and Lethbridge was the “filming location” for the City of New York.

Lethbridge on the Simpsons

From the episode: 17×22 – Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play