‘Stupid People’ Trick Lures 10 for Arrest

(From the Los Angeles Times, 10 May 2003)

Relying on the assumption that people love freebies and can’t read foreign languages, San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputies arrested 10 wanted people by luring them to Big Bear to receive a free pair of hiking boots made by “Stockdum Scelestus” — meant to be a mix of German and Latin meaning “utterly stupid criminal.”

Update: Link removed because the L.A. Times moved it to their archive where they charge $3.95 to read it – even though you could go to the Library and read it for free.

Jeff Milner Movie Review – Holes

Last night Mom, Dad, Anna-Maria, her sisters, and I all took in the new Disney Movie, Holes (Official Site / trailer). I didn’t love the Matrix, but I loved Holes. Let me tell you why Holes is such a great movie. First of all let me give a little background. Based on the enormously popular novel by Louis Sachar, Holes illustrates the misfortune of Stanley Yelnats IV (Shia LaBeouf) after he is sent to Camp Greenlake, a juvenille detention camp, basically because of some bad luck. It also explains the history of misfortune befallen upon the Yelnats’ family after a curse was put on Stanley Yelnats the first when he didn’t live up to a promise made to a certain European fortuneteller. This movie seems to have everything including family fortunes, family curses, a turn-of-the-century interracial romance, train robbers, buried treasure, ghosts, onions, peaches, sneakers and Texas Yellow Spotted Lizards, – then ties them all into the resolution. Despite being a movie filled with “holes”, this movie is funny and touching and more logical than you’d think possible. I recommend it even if you aren’t taking your girlfriend’s younger sisters with you.

Jeff Milner Movie Review – The Matrix Reloaded

Whoa! Last night I went to see The Matrix Reloaded (Official Site | Trailer) with Anna-Maria and some of her friends. As expected The Matrix Reloaded was filled with really long fight scenes, a bunch of bad dialogue, a boatload of amazing special effects, oh and did I mention some really long kung fu fight scenes? Overall I thought it was a cool movie but I was hoping for something more. It had the potential to go in all sorts of new directions but instead they just waste time in meaningless kung fu battles. When I say meaningless – I mean exactly that, the fight scene where Neo takes on hundreds of replicated agents ends when Neo gets bored and flys away. How stupid is that? What was the point?

In case it’s not self-evident, this movie is not for Mom and Dad. As much as I thought you might like the first one, (I don’t know what I was thinking) you will absolutely hate this movie.

New Lawn Mower

I finally got a new lawnmower and I must say I’m really pleased. 6.25 horsepower and boy it mows like crazy! When I was out working on the yard my neighbour, Steve, came by to compliment me by telling me that in the short time I lived here I had already done more work keeping the place in shape than the six guys living there before me did in two years! I really haven’t done much but I guess something is better than nothing.

California Oreo Lovers Rejoice

A couple of nights ago, I heard on the news that some lawyer in California was trying to get Oreo Cookies banned in California because they are too unhealthy (They contain Trans-fattie goodness badness). It looks like he’s given up. Thank goodness – nevertheless does what he say make you less likely to enjoy the tempting treat of Oreo Cookies?

This Hour Has 22 Minutes – I’m Sorry

I found this quote and thought it’s ever so relevant during the “difficult time” the US is now going through. You know, the “situation” where there actually are no weapons of mass destruction to be found in Iraq. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I am sticking up for Saddam Hussein or his fallen regime — it’s just that the USA has certainly put its “credibility” in jeopardy. Enjoy:

A truly Canadian Apology to the USA, courtesy of comedian Colin Mochrie from This Hour Has 22 Minutes, CBC Television aired on 11 February 2003:

Hello. I’m Anthony St. George on location here in Washington.

On behalf of Canadians everywhere I’d like to offer an apology to the United States of America. We haven’t been getting along very well recently and for that, I am truly sorry. I’m sorry we called George Bush a moron. He is a moron, but it wasn’t nice of us to point it out. If it’s any consolation, the fact that he’s a moron shouldn’t reflect poorly on the people of America. After all, it’s not like you actually elected him.

I’m sorry about our softwood lumber. Just because we have more trees than you, doesn’t give us the right to sell you lumber that’s cheaper and better than your own. It would be like if, well, say you had ten times the television audeince we did and you flood our market with great shows, cheaper than we could produce. I know you’d never do that.

I’m sorry we beat you in Olympic hockey. In our defence I guess our excuse would be that our team was much, much, much, much better than yours. As word of apology, please accept all of our NHL teams which, one by one, are going out of business and moving to your fine country.

I’m sorry about our waffling on Iraq. I mean, when you’re going up against a crazed dictator, you want to have your friends by your side. I realize it took more than two years before you guys pitched in against Hitler, but that was different. Everyone knew he had weapons.

I’m sorry we burnt down your White House during the War of 1812. I see you’ve rebuilt it! It’s very nice.

I’m sorry for Alan Thicke, Shania Twain, Celine Dion, Loverboy, that song from Seriff that ends with a really high-pitched long note.

Your beer. I know we had nothing to do with your beer, but we feel your pain.

And finally on behalf of all Canadians, I’m sorry that we’re constantly apologizing for things in a passive-aggressive way which is really a thinly veiled criticism. I sincerely hope that you’re not upset over this. Because we’ve seen what you do to countries you get upset with.

For 22 minutes, I’m Anthony St. George, and I’m sorry.

Diametrious Earth Update

Most of the ants died after only one application of the diametrious earth. It did rain the next day so maybe that is why they didn’t all die. I put some more on the last anthill where there seemed to be some survivors. Jeff’s recomendation: If you have ant problems then diametrious earth is the way to go.

Update: The Diametrious Earth didn’t work. I ended up using Green Cross and THAT worked.

It didn’t really work. There are still a few ant hills in the front lawn. After awhile I just gave up trying to get rid of them.

Dad Comes to Lethbridge

Dad visited me today and now he’s gone. I was supposed to fix his computer but it seemed to be working fine when he brought it here, so I don’t know what the problem was or is, but I suspect he will still not have his internet working when he gets home. Something with either his ISP or the router. Hopefully I’ll be able to help them over the phone.

Anyway while he was here, he took Anna-Maria and me to Pizza Hut for all you can eat pizza! He also made me a nice loaf of bread in the bread-maker. I guess the problem I was having with it had to do with substituting butter for shortening. He substituted some vegetable oil because I don’t have margerine or crisco and it seems to have made a really nice loaf. I love fresh bread.

I hope you had a happy birthday Gary, and I hope you are enjoying your vacation in BC.

Roommate Insanity

Anna and I bought Pizza and had a good time eating it while watching an old video that Scott had laying around, “Cocktail”. Well I was pretty confident that after talking so sternly to Jason (the 18 year old roommate) about eating and drinking my food that the pizza would be okay in the fridge. All I can say is – at least he didn’t eat the whole thing. Anyway he still hasn’t paid the rent for this month (just half and only today did I get that much) and so I still haven’t told him that I’m kicking him out. I figure I’d better at least collect the rent so that I do indeed get paid. I suppose I could always take it out of his damage deposit – just so long as he doesn’t wreck anything before he’s gone. Speaking of wrecking things – now you may think I’m overreacting, but someone (probably Jason because he’s the only one around and the only one that would do this) anyway someone took a permanent marker and drew a small line about 1 cm on the front of my computer. Why would someone do this? Why would anyone think that the front of a computer is a place to draw a small black line? I spent the last 10 minutes scrubbing at it and now it’s barely noticeable. I’m glad I discovered it today and not a few weeks from now when it had really set in. The thing is now, I don’t even want to talk to him about it because for one, I am sick of making him feel bad, number two I don’t even know if he did it and I don’t want to constantly be accusing the guy of all these nitpicky things and yet I feel violated by him all of the time. I guess it’s time I put the computer in my own room and said – sorry Jason, you can use the Pentium 130 if you need to check your email. Well now that I have vented all my frustration I feel like I should finish my laundry, go upstairs, and make something to eat.

P.S. Happy Birthday Gary (I know it’s tomorrow but I don’t want to take the chance and forget to post)