Stairway to Heaven Backwards Full Lyrics

Because I’ve noticed some people searching for the “full lyrics to Stairway to Heaven reversed” and probably find my lacking in that regard, I will post an email that I received this morning, partly here and partly in the comments. (It’s too long to include the whole thing on the main page.)

Well, you have certainly caused a stir here. It seems that everybody is flocking to your site. Nice work. I must tell you, though, you have it wrong. Here are the lyrics to the part that you have on your site:

So here’s to my Sweet Satan.
The other’s little path
Would make me sad,
Whose power is faith.
He’ll give those with him 666.
And all the evil fools,
they know he made
us suffer sadly.

I have discovered that the ENTIRE Stairway To Heaven is a full and COMPLETE backwards message. EVERY word from start to finish is undeniable and distinguishable.

Easily heard if you know what to look for. I wired an old record player’s motor to run in reverse, and got out my old copy of the album. It’s very scary. As I played it backwards last night over 10 times, I got chills down my spine every time. How it was done, I haven’t a clue. I have changed my opinion that the computer is the best vehicle to listen to it backwards. It was definitely made for vinyl, and the needle moving in the wrong direction combined with the grooves of the record make it clearer. I don’t think that the computer can duplicate that. THIS below is the absolute and correct translation of the lyrics to ‘Stairway To Hell’ WORD FOR WORD without any chance of there being any mistakes.
Trust me, THIS IS IT:

Plaaaay backwards,
Hear why its sung here, oppositioner..
Allll on track, all arriving
They all sing, and they are one.
Shall I loathe you now, parishoner?
Oh hear Him, Christian within me.
It stirs my sin; the river,
Oh, she swells with our lousiness.
All my life will end for him?
We’re all out of signs,
I know I’m sorta shocked
To hear The Lord,
My God now will save me!
Oh I will n’er be saved,
Because I live with Satan..
One wish today;
That you’ll all pray for
Three who will make it here late.
Pray now and you’ll see..
The ‘Lord’ turned me on,
But, oh, I was the shaggy fool..
Clothed in agony,
Lost at a height.
There’s no escaping it,
Nor his woes..
So here’s to my Sweet Satan.
The other’s little path
Would make me sad,
Whose power is faith.
He’ll give those with him 666.
And all the evil fools,
they know he made
us suffer sadly.
“Family won’t get loose,
They’re offered me.”
Always soothes the worker.
Always will be as we know now
“I see ruins,” said he,
“the world they offered me?
Who wished the Lord’s fall?”
If we lose feather,
Say you’ll save me!

And no wimps can bend the rules..
And no wimps can do..

Hunt next to the shore,
‘Cause they see all from there,
See here’s the news,
Who walks with mute grief!
Perhaps no-one found thee…
“Heavy, lift me out,”
Spake the Reve,
“Someday, failed, we’ll lose one line-up,
They’ve gotta leave forsaken.”

And no wimps can do..
And no wimps can do…

He, who say the lords
Thoth have our laws,
Maat must be superb. Mass is ended..
Over there,
He who should learn thee.
Any moot that serves by my sworn music,
I wish it with snow be shushed,
All for my mass’s sake.
Hear why its sung,
here, oppositioner, Ohh..
He who should show
May make his show worthy,
To look, for us, odd.. sickly,
There’s one chance – take his show.
Hold thy head,
Hear why its sung here. oppositioner.
Who owns this earth built below?
Oh sweet Israel…

Granted the lyrics he provides are possible, but I still hear the lyrics I originally posted. I listened to the whole song backwards with these “full and complete lyrics” in front of me and yeah a lot of them you can hear – the power of suggestion is pretty strong. But a lot of the words are hard to hear imagine, even when you know what you are listening for. Let me just finish by saying that anyone who believes this whole Stairway to Heaven backmasking thing is anything more than a neat coincidence is not the sharpest crayon in the box. Sorry guys, I know its fun and everything but let’s get real.

For example, I had a different person recently thank me in an email and tell me about how she was throwing her old albums away because of it…

Dear Jeff,
Thanks for your Stairway to Heaven (and other songs) backwards! I’m putting my old Led Zeppelin albums from the 70’s in the trash straight away!

Much appreciated!

I can hardly believe it. Next time you or anybody you know, wants to throw out collectors items including their old Led Zeppelin vinyls, please send them to me instead.

219 Replies to “Stairway to Heaven Backwards Full Lyrics”

  1. Jeff and others,

    While some of the reverse recordings are obviously just that, I have conducted a simple test that anyone else should be able to duplicate. I recorded my own voice singing the lyrics to Stairway to Heaven and then reversed the recording.

    Looking at the reverse lyrics and listening to my reversed recording, would make it appear that I am possessed – or at least that I was back talking. Actually, I beleive it is just the coincidence that the phonetics of these lyrics sung and then played backwards suggests the satanic message. Although, without the lyrics, neither the Led Zeppelin version nor mine sound very satanic.

    Of course this does not dispel the notion that Robert Plant may have been possessed at the time he wrote this song and that this possession had the intelligence to drive Robert Plant to compose a song that sung backwards would have this effect.

    Thanks for your site.

  2. To teh guy who posted b4 me,

    its not just tehlyrcis that make it sound that way, its teh guitaring and all teh instruments that make teh complete sound. so if u really wanna test this u have to have a band with you playing the same song, Plus he sings it differently then you. his voice would also help teh creation of the messages

  3. To the guy who posted b4 me,

    its not just tehlyrcis that make it sound that way, its teh guitaring and all teh instruments that make teh complete sound. so if u really wanna test this u have to have a band with you playing the same song, Plus he sings it differently then you. his voice would also help teh creation of the messages

  4. ok, im sorry to offend anybody, but ive read the whole list of posts (im really bored, lol) and i cant believe how pathetic some people are… stairway to heaven played backwards is a total coincedence. even if it was intentional it was totally for fun. QUIT FREAKING OUT!!! sereously

  5. Seriously people, it's not like Led Zeppelin is Slipknot from the past, they don't dress up in masks and outfits and shit like that. Now I do like both bands, they are my favorites, and rock is the only music I listen to. Rap, hip-hop, and all that gay fuck music is overrated. Did Led Zeppelin state that they get high on drugs, go to clubs, rape women, and shoot and kill people for their "homies"? No, it was just their beleifs, in reverse. You people are allowed to state your beleifs aren't you? Why not them. Does the fact they are rock stars single them out and they aren't allowed to say they are satanists? This news, no matter how it echoes in my head, does not stop me from listening to Zep. And if it does to you people, makes you stop listening to them, grow up you morons

  6. whew, I barely made it down here. some people had some pretty good points. Since I am now looking at this threw rose colored lenses now I will do an experiment.

    1. I will let ten people listen to my version which is the "If there's a bustle" verse reversed and slowed down slightly.

    2. The ten will have no knowlege of this except that mabey they heard someone say it said something backwards once.

    3. I will ask them each to write what they hear. then I will compair their answers to these lyrics (which seems to be the concensus)

    "Oh, here's to my sweet satan. The one whose little path would make me sad. Whos power is satan.He'll give those with him 666. There was a little toolshed where he made us suffer, sad satan.

    A word for word match up of around 90-95 percent would be optimal but my guess is around 3-10 percent. considering the first couple of times I heard it were without the lyrics. I was like "that kinda sounded like satan but the rest are not real words"

    personally to me the toolshed bit is a far stretch and the second and third "satan"s are actually like that guy said before "sey" and your mind fills in the rest.

    btw "stairwaytoheaven" if you are a member of the band I want you to know that I trust you that you didn't do this on purpose. and also you guys ROCK SO MUCH @SS!!!!

  7. Okay guys, this has clearly gotten out of control. There is no possible way to write a song this long that makes sense forwards and backwards. Not without years of work and a degree in math and music.

    The song while clearly understandable in the front-wards version (more understandable than most songs). Is very difficult to understand when played backwards. I couldn't hear even the clearest backwards lyrics (the "If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now") until I read them, so it clearly is just the mind making connections.

    "Led Zeppelin", is not satanic. They have an intrest in the occult yes, this is where the odd lyrics come from (a book on Irish Mythology I believe). But they don't seem to have an intrest in the evil of occult. This is shown by their references to "Lord of the Rings" a true satanist would likely consider this not to be a good source of occult magic, I think ;).

    I severly doubt that these backward messages are anything but an extremely unlikely co-incidence. These do happen, and most of the population believe in evolution (which is way the hell more unlikely than this).

    Someone said that they stopped listening to Led Zeppelin because of these "messages". That is sheer folly… come on… maybe if an actual study had been done and the band admitted to Satanism. But they deny this heartfeltly… Why put it in a song publicly and then bother to deny?

    Finally, concerning one "Faithful Servant", you seem to be the reason that people don't like Christians. Christians are supposed to be helpers and teachers that bring the word of God to others and help all independant of their beliefs. You sound like the hate mongering Catholic church of the 14th(?) century that started the spanish inquisition, and burned witches. You are likely closer to Satan than you would ever believe (definatly closer than Led Zeppelin).

  8. okay. i think that satin is just trying to get into our heads, and trying to make people worship him by making songs and other things 'satanic' backwards. don't believe it, and don't listen to it. satin wants us all to belive in him, don't give him the satisfaction of knowing you are, or you are listening to him. as humans he knows we are stupid. and we are. and he tries his best tp get us all.

    don't give in.

    i do not believe in religion, because i think it seperates all of us, instead i believe in God. i think that when in the bible it says that after a thousand years the devil will rule the world (for a short while).. well.. maybe it's right now :S. because look at what has become of our world? most of us are tools of violence and destruction. and every day there are horrible things on the news. it disgusts me to know that my brothers and sisters here on earth can be so destructive.

    and the HONEST truth is that if we ALL just listened to the 10 commandments… this world would be perfect and everyone in it would enjoy it, and there would be no bad.

    but ofcourse.. this world cannot be like that. because that, is heaven.

    God bless you all,


    1. Hi Catherine,
      I’m not religious but I believe in God, in reference to what you said, that “maybe Satan’s ruling right now”, I just wanna point out, in Genesis it says that Satan said to God something like, “Of course mankind worship you, because you bless them with such wonderful lives, I say to you, if you took away all the wonderful things you’ve blessed them with they’ll curse you to your very face, let me rule and I’ll prove it”. God said, “Ok, I’ll give you 2000 years”. Sorry, I don’t know how it goes exactly but that’s the gist of it. What I’m saying is, Satan IS ruling at the moment, that’s why the world’s the way it is. I realise this just leaves everyone reading this with more questions about why and so on but that’d be to long to explain. Maybe just read the book of Genesis since I’m not quite sure how it goes anyway

  9. OH MY GOD!

    A band recorded a song that was really popular and if you play it backwards you can sometimes make yourself believe you hear the word "satan". This is sure the sign of the end of our times. My generation is doomed! Satan is taking over the world through classic '70's rock and roll!

    Get over it people. It's not that big a deal.

  10. Wow. Reading all this really bugs me.

    I didn't sleep too well last night. No lie. But because I'm young, probably the youngest person here, it's obvious I wouldn't be able to get the idea out of my mind.

    Hmm… Well. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not a hardcore Led Zeppelin fan. I don't even know why I got so into this song. But, I heard so much of the famous "Stairway to Heaven" song and my dad playing it at random on his guitar. I love music, especially rock. So, I heard it one day on the radio, didn't remember any of the lyrics but liked it. So I went out and got the song from someone and listened to it. Over and over again.

    I loved this song so much. It was mind-blowing to me. I don't know why. But the feeling you get from it, is a soft, nice, happy feeling. I thought I had an idea of the lyrics, what they meant I mean. I had this song in my head for… wow I don't know how long.

    I read somewhere when you play it backwards it's got satanic messages. I'm a believer in God, I go to church, and I try to follow him. But I since I'm a lost kid, I don't have a very very strong faith, sadly. But, of course I don't worship satan. Anyways, I listened to just a portion of the song backwards. It freaked me out. Seriously.

    Reasons why 1.)How would… or could… someone make two songs in one basically, one played backwards, one forwards… how long could that take, what kind of person does that? 2.)What does it mean? Is it like some kind of joyous song to satan in it's entirety? 3.)I thought about it for a long while. I just thought maybe listening to the song was a sin after a while. But, I don't think it is. I definatly don't worship satan, I'm a confused person but.. no I don't worship satan. Anyways, the song could just exemplify just religion. The song mentions "two" alot. Two choices. The only choices are two. One way, the song seems to kind of… be joyous, speaking of God and great things. Or at least that's how I heard it. I'm not lying though, the piper, heaven, the may queen, reason, "changing the road your on" meaning being saved maybe. The piper seemed alot like God, or something along those lines. And the other way sounded like worshiping satan, the song except reversed, completely backwards. So, the song is almost like… life. We can go two ways. It doesn't say which way is right though really, except in the real version, "The piper will lead us to reason." But somehow, the tone you listen to the song changes the meaning completely. I feel they are referring to satan when I listened to the song backwards, but if I never knew that, the song forwards would be referring to God. The backwards way just says what the writer of the song feels it seems, that satan is who he worships, I assume. It's too hard for me to understand it backwards though.

    So, it's almost like telling us what afterlife we might have in a song based on our lives here. Both seem to bother me. I don't know why. I just get so lost in both.

    Whatever this song means it's obviously truly an… amazing piece of work. Bad or good.

    I know I will be thinking about this for forever… and I might not ever figure it out.

    Maybe I am completely wrong about everything I wrote, but don't yap me. I'm only fourteen. I'm not smart enough to interpret this kinda stuff. I just needed to post my interest in this song.. you know, how weird it is…

  11. first of all dont be morans and learn how to spell LED ZEPPELIN idots and second of all your ruining a good song by spreading this satan crap if the song is titled stairway to heaven i dont think it would have a stantic message on purpose and leave led zeppelin alone dont spread this crap their the best band there was and will be dont fuck with a good thing and stop spreading this crap

  12. Backwards or not, the solo is still great! I listened to it without the lyrics and could hear nothing, but witht he lyrics I could hear every word previously posted.

    These are not concrete lyrics. I am quite sure if I changed the supposed backwards lyrics I could make you all think the song had nothing to do with satanism. It's a matter of perception.

    Neat though.

  13. random, you obviously don't understand how satan works. He is a deciever. He made the song SEEM good and Heavenly, but if you knew your Bible you'd realise that even the forwards lyrics are Satanic. The piper the lyrics are speaking of is told of in the bible, he is satan trying to imitate Christ and lead them away from true salvation.

    And you fell for it.

    1. Hi Tony,
      You got me thinking, Pan is another name for Satan. He’s always depicted playing a flute which I think is referred to as a pipe. Hmmm interesting.

        1. Sorry, Pan’s not another name for Satan but there’s a huge similarity between them such as the horns and legs of a goat, which can’t be just coincidence

  14. The point is that even if he could not have intentionally, conciously written the lyrics to be reversed, the fact remains that he was on drugs, and drugs can cause some weird things to happen. I was put on ADD meds once, and after about a month of taking them I actually had premonitions in my dreams! It was a whole school day, everyone was wearing the exact same clothes in the dream, saying the exact same words, writing and doing the exact same things as the day it all actually happened! 700+ people! NOT A COINCIDENCE! I even saw things that my physical body couldn't have seen because I was on a different floor of the building than where they occured, and I later asked people to confirm what I saw and found out that they actually happened!

    Satan is way more intelligent and powerful than we as humans can ever comprehend, he may have very well used Page's drugged up state to posess and influence Page to write those lyrics.

    Or, if you want to look at it from an atheistic scientific standpoint, it could've been his subconcious beliefs creeping through in what he writes. Try it yourself, write something when you're feeling very emotional then record it out loud and reverse it-you'll hear what you were emotional about. I do it all the time. I remember hearing that Page felt sick and was in a bad mood when he wrote the lyrics, so that could help explain it.

  15. First of all, Led Zeppelin is no more of a man than Wal-Mart is a wall. It is a band which consists of Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones, and the late, great John Bonham. Secondly, the "satanist" member of the band is Jimmy Page. He has studied the work of Alister Crowley, a dabbler in the occult and black magik (not magic). His interest in this subject does not mean he worships Satan. Third, do you have any idea how complicated it would be to make a satanic message in reverse not sound like jibberish. The band was brilliant, and even if they did attempt this, why not make cohesive lyrics which make some sense? The "satanic messages" are clearly coincidence. Plus, the mind would never be able to interpret this message backwards from listening to the recorded version. You're theory holds no water.

  16. Random, I don't mind that you like the song, you can continue to listen to and enjoy it all you want. It's a good, clever song.

    But I did give you more than just that "Satan crap" as a possible explanation.

    I have found another song like this that becomes a whole new song in reverse-Marilyn Manson's "Doll Dagga Buzz Buzz" on their album The Golden Age of Grotesque. That was just clever songwriting though, and it shows because the forewards lyrics are nowhere near as coherent as the backwards lyrics.

    But, really, none of us really know if our minds perceive these things or not. The whole point of subliminal messages is to get into your subconcious, not your concious, where you would notice it. You need to slow down or speed up the song in reverse and have an extremely open mind about it's supposed content. You may even need to read someone else translation while listening. Usually I can find them on my own, that's how I've found so many on the "Other songs with backmasking" section.

    Test my findings, record what I say the songs say in reverse and play that in reverse. It should match up with the original lyrics pretty closely, it's rarely ever a perfect match though. You may doubt the existence of the subliminal messages, but I don't.
    That is where we differ.

  17. yah , i like it and all , but add the hole song to your website! it will give me nightmares! dude you made an awesome sight , my friend was so freaked he clicked x! whoa you rock! stairway to hell ? lol

  18. Should I mention that in the eyes of devout Christians all occult activity, whether it be white or black magik, false religion, and so on is evil and demonic. Even in the Bible it states:

    Deuteronomy 18:
    10 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch.
    11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
    12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.

    I must be honest, I am a bit of a hypocrite, I still listen to music that some call evil and demonic, and honestly, it probably is. Unfortunately I was raised on the likes of Marilyn Manson and such, so it's a miracle I even believe in God, nonetheless worship him, but I am struggling with my temptations right now.


    even the guy who gave the whole reversed lyrics said they needed lyrics to hear it and if you hear/see something enough you will beleive that to be it!

    i can kinda hear satan when i play it reversed, but after i read the reversed lyrics only then can i hear the other stuff.

    so i think some one was just sleepy and wanted to hear something and thats how he got thoose lyrics

  20. Unless the person who found the lyrics to the whole Stairway to Heaven song in reverse was either a Satanist or knew quite a bit about their beliefs he wouldn't have been able to "suggest" to himself that lines like "Thoth have our laws" and "Maat must be superb" were in there, because those are things that Satanists/Ancient Egyptians actually believe in.

    "Thoth is an unusual god. Though some stories place him as a son of Ra, others say that Thoth created himself through the power of language. He is the creator of magic, the inventor of writing, teacher of man, the messenger of the gods (and thus identified by the Greeks with Hermes) and the divine record-keeper and mediator.
    Thoth's role as mediator is well-documented. It is he who questions the souls of the dead about their deeds in life before their heart is weighed against the feather of Maat.

    Maat was the personification of the fundamental order of the universe, without which all of creation would perish. The primary duty of the pharaoh was to uphold this order by maintaining the law and administering justice. To reflect this, many pharaohs took the title "Beloved of Maat," emphasizing their focus on justice and truth. At any event in which something would be judged, Maat was said to be present, and her name would be invoked so that the judge involved would rule correctly and impartially. In the underworld, the heart of the deceased was weighed by Anubis against Maat's feather. If the heart was heavy with wicked deeds, it would outweigh the feather, and the soul would be fed to Ammit. But if the scales were balanced, indicating that the deceased was a just and honorable person in life, he would be welcomed by Osiris into the Blessed Land. Maat's presence in all worlds was universal, and all the gods deferred to her."

    (in quotes taken from)

    Satanists believe that the Egyptian sun-god Ra was actually Satan himself, so that's why they follow Thoth's laws, and use the Ankh and obelisk, which represent Ra, as their own. The Bible even refers to Satan as the "son of the dawn" or the angel of the sun.

    Go to and look for Ra,Thoth and Maat.

    And BTW, I'm not a Satanist, I'm a Christian. But I personally believe that a Christian should know every side of the world's religions so they understand what's going on and can avoid things that they shouldn't be involved with, because if you look at all the religions in this world, they're all are connected in one way or another. Most ancient religions worship either sun gods, serpents, flying serpents, or dragons. All of which (at least according to Christianity) represent Satan.

  21. Okay, this much is certain. Jimmy Page was into black magic and devil worship. A reference to 666 is hidden in the ZoSo symbol, and at one point he even bought Aliester Crowley's old mansion. On the other hand, Robert Plant was a practising Christian. As for the reverse lyrics themselves. Some of it is fairly clear but it sounds like most of those words are pretty inaccurate. Led Zeppelin were not evil and nor is Stairway to Heaven. If anybody bothered to listen to Stairway the right way, forward, they would see that its not evil at all, in fact it has reference to 'a new day dawning', a reference to the coming Age of Aquarius that was popular in the 60s. Most people turn to devil worship in todays society because it is promoted so much by the debauched media, and is wrongly viewed as an alternative to the stubborn, narrow minded, dogmatic practises of the church. And the Egyptian gods were not evil or demonic! The Egyptian god of evil was Set, NOT Ra, or Thoth, or Ma'at! Just because the Egyptian culture or any other ancient civilisation is alien to us, it doesnt mean they are evil, or in any way inferior compared to us. Satanists who say Ra is Satan don't know what they're talking about! Okay, I'll admit, the lyrics for the 'bustle in your hedgerow' segment are pretty clear, and there may well be some supernatural force behind it, but we are sentient beings of flesh and blood. Who are we to judge the unseen realm? It may also be a strange coincidence. The truth is well never really know, and no scientific equation, nor fundamentalist Bible passage can change that. I think people are taking this too seriously. If you want signs that we are living through some kind of Armageddon, just look at the ravaged state the world is in at the moment.

  22. Okay. If I put my theory here, I am sure everyone will say, Oh no! You're wrong, but here it is anyway…

    The Song is a Balance, Its both Satanic and Godly. Its both Good and Evil. It is Yin and Yang. Forwards its good, backwards evil… Or not evil. It doesn't seem evil. It seems creepy and interesting.

    The fact stands at this and I am surprised that no-one has realized this.

    The Believers will believe. The Skeptics won't. Those who are neutral may or may not believe. All that I know, is what I feel.

    I know it is creepy, and the person who put it best was at the beginning, "I hear it tells me what to buy at the Grocery store…" Its all a matter of how you look at it.

  23. Bullshit!It doesnt look like it is a coincidence but the led is not satanic!! it never showed any hint of it and never acted towards Satan!
    I admit the reverse lyrics are impreshionable… but just a coincidence…

  24. NO WAY!
    Led Zeppelin is in no way and has never acted in any way to Satan's… probably just a really impressive coincidence

  25. This time, read again, using your active reading skills.

    My original take on the song was he was speaking against Satan backwards. But read the lyrics.

    Its definitely not holy. Its quite a heretic view. Even more so than my view on the modern day church.

    Anyways, I'm not saying forward is the most holy either, but it defenatly makes you think.

  26. So I read the post and all the comments. I have some comments of my own:

    On the main subject:
    It's plausible, indeed. But bear in mind that Led Zeppelin has stated that they NEVER had something like this in mind when writing the song. Of course, you could say that they are Satanists and Satan is Father of Lies and they therefor lie, but I doubt it.

    I am one of those who think that if you hear it backwards and read the "backwards" lyrics at the same time, you could easy agree with the backwards lyrics. I tried just listening, without reading, but then it became more fuzzy. It seemed as I could interpret the word "Satan" but that could also because I was searching for the word. The mind of man does curious things.

    On a more general account, people must stop believing what they read on the Internet. Not everything is true. I'm not saying this is a hoax, this very thing about Led Zeppelin might be true, I in fact think it is very intrigueing to think that they made a song that makes two opposite meanings forwards and backwards.

    Another thing, which goes to the discussion about the "666" issue:

    666 is the "number of the beast", true. But on more general numerology, it is in fact 6 that is the devil's number. 7 is the number of God, 5 is the number of man. But as said in the Bible, 666 shall be the mark of the devil, branding him and his followers.

    (a remark on the side: If you look at a pentagram, how many different polygons does it consist of? 6. One pentagon and 5 triangles. A pentagon has 5 sides. This would imply that Satan is just a derivative of the mind of man)

    (for those who don't know, a pentagram is the star that is said to be one of the Satanic symbols. It however needs to be put with one triangle pointing directly downwards and a circle around it to be Satanic at all. No, I'm not a satanist)

  27. Hear-Hear. I learned something. Nice post. I never knew the numbering of Man was 5. And I didn't know that about the pentagram. Huttah.

  28. First off I would like to say that I have tried listening to Stairway to heaven backwards. I have listened to it on 228Kbs, 128Kbs (CD), and vinyl. Yes, even vinyl, I have every Zep album except I and II. After listening many times without the lyrics in front of me, I have come to the conclusion that about maybe 20-30 words are completely recognizable out of, say, 350 or so? I heard words like "Satan" because I was listening for it. So after listening to it on three different audio qualities, I pulled out the lyrics again (I read them once before listening to the song, so I knew somewhat of what to listen for. I also already had been to the backmasking flash on this site.). This time, I noticed some more words and put together what before sounded like gibberish. This is in a way like an optical illusion, perhaps, it is a mind trick. When you put the "lyrics" of "Stairway to Hell" (which contains no relevancy of the backwards lyrics)in front of you and listen again, you hear the words (some of them). I'd like to point out that "Plaaaay backwards" doesn't sound like that at all, and neither do half the words. It all sounds skippy and not put together.

    k.seijas (the author of this) seems to think that "EVERY word from start to finish is undeniable and distinguishable." Really k.seijas? Well according to you, that's only "Easily heard if you know what to look for." Distinguishable is only real if you can hear it without a doubt. This means, you don't need to be looking for something. You hear the song backwards and you hear the "message".

    And most people who are against this say it's a coincidence. Well it really isn't even that. It's way to skippy and not recognizable to even be a coincidence! Even Plant said that "it's not my idea of making music". Led Zeppelin was, without a doubt, THE greatest rock band of all time (up there with Pink Floyd). I HIGHLY doubt that this "message" is here on purpose. It sounds nothing like those lyrics that don't make sense anyways. (oppositioner is NOT a word.)

    This all started by a bunch of teens in the 70s anyway. Just get over it, IT IS NOT REAL. Yeah it's fun to think about but c'mon, grow up.

    Brian []

  29. First off I would like to say that I have tried listening to Stairway to heaven backwards. I have listened to it on 228Kbs, 128Kbs (CD), and vinyl. Yes, even vinyl, I have every Zep album except I and II. After listening many times without the lyrics in front of me, I have come to the conclusion that about maybe 20-30 words are completely recognizable out of, say, 350 or so? I heard words like "Satan" because I was listening for it. So after listening to it on three different audio qualities, I pulled out the lyrics again (I read them once before listening to the song, so I knew somewhat of what to listen for. I also already had been to the backmasking flash on this site.). This time, I noticed some more words and put together what before sounded like gibberish. This is in a way like an optical illusion, perhaps, it is a mind trick. When you put the "lyrics" of "Stairway to Hell" (which contains no relevancy of the backwards lyrics)in front of you and listen again, you hear the words (some of them). I'd like to point out that "Plaaaay backwards" doesn't sound like that at all, and neither do half the words. It all sounds skippy and not put together.

    k.seijas (the author of this) seems to think that "EVERY word from start to finish is undeniable and distinguishable." Really k.seijas? Well according to you, that's only "Easily heard if you know what to look for." Distinguishable is only real if you can hear it without a doubt. This means, you don't need to be looking for something. You hear the song backwards and you hear the "message".

    And most people who are against this say it's a coincidence. Well it really isn't even that. It's way to skippy and not recognizable to even be a coincidence! Even Plant said that "it's not my idea of making music". Led Zeppelin was, without a doubt, THE greatest rock band of all time (up there with Pink Floyd). I HIGHLY doubt that this "message" is here on purpose. It sounds nothing like those lyrics that don't make sense anyways. (oppositioner is NOT a word.)

    This all started by a bunch of teens in the 70s anyway. Just get over it, IT IS NOT REAL. Yeah it's fun to think about but c'mon, grow up.

    Brian []

  30. First off I would like to say that I have tried listening to Stairway to heaven backwards. I have listened to it on 228Kbs, 128Kbs (CD), and vinyl. Yes, even vinyl, I have every Zep album except I and II. After listening many times without the lyrics in front of me, I have come to the conclusion that about maybe 20-30 words are completely recognizable out of, say, 350 or so? I heard words like "Satan" because I was listening for it. So after listening to it on three different audio qualities, I pulled out the lyrics again (I read them once before listening to the song, so I knew somewhat of what to listen for. I also already had been to the backmasking flash on this site.). This time, I noticed some more words and put together what before sounded like gibberish. This is in a way like an optical illusion, perhaps, it is a mind trick. When you put the "lyrics" of "Stairway to Hell" (which contains no relevancy of the backwards lyrics)in front of you and listen again, you hear the words (some of them). I'd like to point out that "Plaaaay backwards" doesn't sound like that at all, and neither do half the words. It all sounds skippy and not put together.

    k.seijas (the author of this) seems to think that "EVERY word from start to finish is undeniable and distinguishable." Really k.seijas? Well according to you, that's only "Easily heard if you know what to look for." Distinguishable is only real if you can hear it without a doubt. This means, you don't need to be looking for something. You hear the song backwards and you hear the "message".

    And most people who are against this say it's a coincidence. Well it really isn't even that. It's way to skippy and not recognizable to even be a coincidence! Even Plant said that "it's not my idea of making music". Led Zeppelin was, without a doubt, THE greatest rock band of all time (up there with Pink Floyd). I HIGHLY doubt that this "message" is here on purpose. It sounds nothing like those lyrics that don't make sense anyways. (oppositioner is NOT a word.)

    This all started by a bunch of teens in the 70s anyway. Just get over it, IT IS NOT REAL. Yeah it's fun to think about but c'mon, grow up.

    Brian []

  31. im not even sure if people r still reading these messages but i like to see that other people think the same way i do thats y im posting

    first off and easy way to hear teh whole song backward is doing this:

    download dBpowerAMP music converter
    (just type it in google)
    download stairway to heaven and send it to my music or somethin then right click it and click convert it with dBpowerAMP then covert it to a WAV file.
    after you have converted the file go to sound recorder. most computers with windows have this program. when in sound recorder click open and stairway to heaven shoudl be in the folde ru put it in.

    ok now my view of the song
    a little background
    from wut i have herd/read robert plant bought a huge piece of land that included a beach. on the beach was wut looked ot a be a toolshed (mentioned in the backwards form of the song in the verese of beguinning with "if theres a bustle.." ) ive herd this was a actually a chaple of satan.
    also i have herd that plant made up the song on the spot and some of it was derrived form "magic arts in celtic britain". whether or not this is tue i dont know. but if it is true, then tehre is no way anyone could make a such a powerful songs that has many meesage JUST FORWARD, im not even talking backward right now. the song form a poetic point of view is incredible. theres so many aspects to the song. the way the music is played.. is how a heroine triop feels. though i cannot say i have shot heroine i have read a lot about it and kno people that have. the tingly feeling in the beguuinnn when ur chilled out-thats teh intro, the song gradually gets more inteense the high climbs up. at teh end of teh song when it goes nuts..thats thats the peak and when he chills out again- he comes down. also, the part of the song that is most clearly herd backwards is in the middle of the song which is the "if theres a bustle" verse. i think that "god" call him buddah jesus mary joespeh idc wut u call it and teh "devil" fighting over this mans soul. forwards is the stairway to heaven and backward is the stairway to hell. and in teh middle of teh song is mosty clear becuase they both have his soul.

    i have only scrathed the surface of wut i have learned form this song but i want to share one more thing that i think cool. in the song i geta strong mental picture of a person walking in the forest and he comes across a forkk in the road and he sees some dude that explains wut each path leads to. but in reality it only confuses teh eprson becuause they dont kno wut they actually want. this shows upina lot of things in movies, books and in everyday life. for example- the wizard of oz..when dorothy meets teh scarecrow and he says oem people go this way some peopl go taht way some ppl go both ways or somethin idk..alice in wonderland she comes aacross a path and gets very confused by the person talking to her..both of those stories r comparable to stairway to heaven in many ways..also teh road not taken by robert frost ahs it. since i figured all that out i have probably come across a fork in the road not just listterally at leat once a day. i kno i sound dumb and i cnat really explain. im sure some people think i sound crazy and some people know exactly what im talkin about cuz they think teh same thing. well if u think im nuts fuck u lol

  32. Ok….
    I've said this a million times on my blog…

    Stairway to Heaven Has NOTHING to do with satanic worship forward or backwards.

    Forward, StH is about materialism in the world, and backwards, it seems to be about an inner struggle between God and Satan.

    You people need to READ BETWEEN THE LINES!

    Syko (O_o)

  33. I have listened to the whole song backwards on vinyl and i have to admit i could hear words without even looking at a lyrics sheet. To start with i thought this is a complete trick of the brain and we just pick up what we are looking to hear but then i read up on the history of this song and how much relevence there actully is to the words i picked up. This mite b a complete conisedence but i just dont know. There is a bit that talks about "toolshed" like Jimmy page's house Boleskine which was once the site of "a church that burned to the ground with the congregation in it." it has also been said that it was made into a satantic church which was called the "toolhouse" so the "toolshed" would have been the outbuliding the place the people were burnt to death. I think this is either a very weird coinsidence or that this song is almost revealed the pain these people went thru i know how stupid this sounds but this link gave me doubts on that it was jsut a trick but i just dont know

  34. well, i listened to the whole thing, and, the words are FAR FROM CLEARLY THERE.

    The clearest bit is the chorus, and if there is any backward lyrics, the lyrics here are well off.

    Enhance the "Satan"s, they do not sound the same. They are more like Sate or Fate in some cases.

    Many examples of this, and this is all cos ur brain tries to fillin the blanks in the phonics of the "words" you hear.

    Even listen close to the "Israel" at the end, its actually just "Isra", but ur brain thinks, well, what else can it be?

    Its coincidence. When I listened to it reversed without reading lyrics 1st I heard barely anything I could call "words", and it was only the bit from the flash movie i recognised.

  35. PS

    Sounds more like this at hedgerow bit:

    Here's to my sweet Satan. The one whose little path would make me sad whose power is fake.

    Fake makes more sense…

  36. Honestly, some of you think this is a coincidence? Are you crazy? Stuff like this doesn’t just pop up. Randomly. Without reason. And so what if it is Satanic? Satanism is a religion. It’s not like it’s impossible for a song to be secretly Satanic… I believe this is real… And maybe the backwards lyrics don’t even say Satan… they sound a little different… but hey, who knows…

  37. I played the song backwards and I could not believe it.
    I’m just twelve years old, and Led Zeppelin was my favorite band, Jimmy Page was my idol and so on. Now I’m deeply shocked as I discovered it has something to do with Satan.

    I read some replies, and now it really makes me wonder.
    I just keep thinking about it. Before I read those backwards lyrics, I could not understand what are they talking about in the backwards version. As I read the lyrics, I understood.

    Of course our brain hears things we expect to hear.
    But still it’s hard to believe this is just a coincidence.

    Once again I have to say I’m deeply shocked because of this. Since I’ve heard it, Stairway To Heaven was my favorite song. I listened to it when I couldn’t sleep.

    Now I realize the song I was listening to calm me down, was a Satan song.


  38. Me again. I read all of the replies now, and I can tell it’s maybe a little bit clear to me.

    I understand Led Zeppelin wasn’t a satanic band, we all know that. But here we are talking about the band, not about the persons in the band. Has anyone here actually met Plant or Page? If you aren’t close to members of Led Zep, how can you be for sure are they satanic or not?

    People can be different inside, no matter how do we think they are. And yes, you really have to be a genius to do this. It’s quite hard to write a 8 minute song which makes sense forward and backwards.

    I kind of doubted reading this. I knew it was creepy, but I couldn’t stop, and I just had to listen to the backwards version. I’ll just be honest – now I’m definitely scared.
    I kind of got disappointed in Led Zeppelin. But it made me interested in it, too. I don’t know what to think.
    This is all just too confusing. I wish I can ask someone from the band about it.

  39. I could not believe it either Stair way to haven was such a good song I cant believe they would have a message like that i felt scared to

    My friend loved lady gaga when she found out about the subliminal message she was really shocked.

  40. Okay, so i’ve heard this song backmasked.And to be honest
    when i first heard it, it had no sign of satanic messages.if you read the words into a microphone then play them backward they sound ntohing like it, likewise if you read out the so called ‘satanic’ messages into a microphone, and reverse them, they sound nothing like the real lyrics of the song.So you’re all very blind.I can tell once you’ve read the lyrics your brain automatically thinks that the words posted are what is being said,but that goes without saying, as someone said, if you say yes and play it backward it is Saen saen saen, but if you play satan backward it’s nesyes nesyes.We are all led to believe that there are messages in this, when i was told i was listening to it, i couldn’t believe it.Everything made no uncle said when he was younger he listened to this song on vinyl and back masked it in the back shed of our house in new zealand, and the shed shook and collapsed.It is still collapsed.The only reason, because we are trying to see what isn’t there.Just get over yourseles. A song is a song.Keep your beliefs to yourself, because making more controversy will not solve something that’s basically impossible to solve anyway.this was played at a funeral of a loved one of mine.Which is where i heard it backmasked by my brother.And nothing happened.Stop being dillusional, and get a life.

  41. since when did people figure this out i got scared when i was listening to stairway to heaven
    i accidentally clicked the backwards version and i got the chills
    i don’t wanna touch none of my Cd’s im to scared who would put such horrid subliminal messages it’s a beautiful song to listen to but backwards is just the worst thank you for revealing the shocking truth to me

  42. This isn’t the power of the devil. It’s not even the power of God. It’s power of the mind, and the suggestion that it has on us all because we, as humans, are not complete. We believe what we want to hear because our minds tweak what we actually hear.

    Yes, I do realize I’m about five years late to the discussion. So sue me.

  43. I know it’s maybe too late to dicuss about it but please read my word i know what am i talkin’ about … hot smart you have to be to make something like this ? I think that Led Zeppelin are genious ‘couse of this … And i think it’s not a satanic messege , think about it , when played ussualy , forward – it’s stairway to heaven … when played backwards – it’s stairway to hell … i think Zeppelin’s want to say that if you going straight and fair you go to heaven (song played forward) , and if you go backwards and you are bad you go to hell (song played backwards) … why would they made hiden satanic messege ?! if they wanted to do a satanic messege they wouldn’t hide it , they want to tell us that good ones go to heaven and bad ones goes to hell !

  44. When i first heard it, i didn’t believe it. But then i decided to do it in home on my PC. I used Cool Edit Pro 2.1 and it really worked. It’s little shocking but it’s true just reverse it and you will see too. It’s not a lie

  45. Just so you know the original lyrics you had posted were right “There was a tool shed where he made us suffer” refers to Aleister Crowleys house Boleskine that Jimmy Page owned it was also known as the tool house. Crowley picked the house out because he thought it matched what was needed to worship satan with its location and being secluded.

  46. this stuff is crazy!!! i think all this stuff ties back to the “ulluminati”.
    i dont excactly understand, how all this stuff works but, i think its interesting

  47. A lot of people think they did it on purpose. But honestly, if Led Zeppelin did something THIS groundbreaking, why would they deny it? If any of you are religious, or not, this could be interesting. The devil (Lucifer: his real name) before kicked out of heaven he was the Angel of Music. When the song was made Page and Plant were sitting outside of Page’s house, what used to be Aleister Crowley’s. Is it too crazy to believe the devil used this song and mixed that message in there? I’m religious, but don’t go around advertising it, but when someone brought this to my attention i found it very insightful.

  48. Well let me tell you something people, I am 49 and when I was 18 I had the album of Stairway to Heaven. And a preacher came on tv one day and said that song had a hidden message, this was in the early 80’s when we found out about it it’s not new that it just came out.The illuminati is over the music industries, they are Evil beings . that Song backwards I played it on a record player backwards turned off with my finger very slow and it scared the Holy crap out of me! It sounded like Satan Himself.
    you have to listen real careful or it will not make since. I wish I could remember it to tell all, but I was terrified I took out to the dumpster. we would sing along to our records, but didn’t realize we are singing to Satan. I said the Lords prayer after that.
    Back to illuminati your music today the Pop artist, Look what happened to Micheal Jackson.He tried to tell us and Warn us they were trying to destroy us, Just keep your ears open don’t be ignorant about things in our World, Worship our Lord who created us, he will help us get through this. God Bless. +

  49. Who listens to music backwards in the first place? God spelled backwards is dog. Does that mean that mans best friend is Satan? Who ever came up with the idea that this song or any song has hidden meaning when played backwards is just ludicrous.

  50. Keep in mind that this came up long before the internet was heard of. Believing everything you hear on the internet has nothing to do with it. Backward messages were a common practice back in the vinyl spinning days.

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