Tab Cola Commercial

Here’s another one of those Tab Cola commercials from the 70’s early 80’s (previously). Same premise:

  1. hot bikini girl walks on the beach
  2. a man wants to drink Tab Cola
  3. girlfriend pours ice water on the man
  4. the man laughs because he realizes his girlfriend thought he was attracted to the bikini girl and wasn’t just craving a nice cool drink of Tab Cola
  5. Then everything is ok


Hit play or watch Tab Cola at YouTube.

17 Replies to “Tab Cola Commercial”

  1. I heard that the girl walking and the girl doing the pouring of the cooler water is the same girl. Can anyone confirm? There seems to be some facial resemblance.

  2. Lisa Parker… drop dead gorgeous in person. She was with the Ford modeling agency. I was in NYC doing a photo shoot….. went to lunch.. left cameras at the job site… chowing down on a hotdog and cokacola……..who walks by? Yup Lisa…..since then never go anywhere without at least a point &shoot. 20/20 hindsight… lol

  3. TAB may be going, going, and soon to be gone. But the commercial lives on. Which one was really more popular?

  4. I would have loved to just have the opportunity to meet her. She has the playboy bunnies beat hands down, beautiful woman. I watched that commercial over and over.

  5. I used to flip between the channels at commercial breaks, hoping to catch this. Beautiful woman. Exceptional commercial. Who could forget her?

  6. Lisa’s brother was Brad Parker, ( Halifax, N.C. ) he wanted to be a dentist, and he dated an under aged girl ( at the time ) named Sarah Copeland. Sarah’s father at the time was the manager for a grocery store located in Roanoke Rapids, N.C. called “Big Star”. Sarah’s brother’s name was “”Jimmy Copeland”. None one them ( Sarah’s family ) were rich but Sarah, was a “Gold Digger” from an early age. Too bad for her. I haven’t heard any news about Lisa in many years. I hope she is doing O.K.

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