inspirational video

Casey’s Sisyphean Task

For the past couple years I’ve been trying to get my best time swimming a kilometre under 16:00. I’m still not there and obviously it’s not quite the same level…


Substitute Teacher Conference

…sign. Later, she told us how her son, at three years old, lost his hearing due to complications with meningitis. She shared her family’s journey into learning sign language and…


Amazing Trials Riding

…and around Edinburgh by Dave Sowerby, this video of Inspired Bicycles team rider Danny MacAskill features probably the best collection of street/street trials riding ever seen. There’s some huge riding,…


California 2014 – Day 7

…day really was spent just hopping in and out of nice restaurants trying to determine who has the best nachos and/or Martinis in Palm Springs. It turns out, they all…


Happy New Year!

…just got back from a great party with the folks from the International Centre and I wanted to wish all my readers the best of luck for the coming year….


Nano Techonology Update

I came across a story in Wired this evening about the World’s Best Preforming Microscope. “The SuperSTEM microscope at Daresbury Laboratory in Cheshire, England, is so sensitive that it requires…

Art cooking

Rice Crispy Squares

…4 cups of mini marshmallows) 6 cups rice crispies 1. In large saucepan melt butter over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat. 2. Add…


Trip to Israel Journal Entry Day 5

I woke up this morning to the sound of a loud ringing phone. I picked it up to hear a computer generated voice speaking in Hebrew. Dave told me that…


Trip to Israel Journal Entry Day 8

Today we visited the Mt. of Beatitudes where Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount (St. Matthew 5,6, and 7). Together we read through Matthew 5 and compared it to…

Disney law

Pooh heirs hire Cochran in Disney suit

Attorney Johnnie Cochran Jr., best known for his work in OJ Simpson’s murder trial, stated last month that he is swearing off criminal law. It was announced today that his…