Yesterday I completed my One Second Everyday project for 2020. It turned into the Nesslin and Ian show given that this year I was working from home for a lot of the year. One can really see them growing up over the last 12 months in this video.
I also got a bit of help from Andrea because on the few days that I missed getting a one second clip I was able to borrow any live photos or videos that she happened to take.
It doesn’t seem like much, but it’s really tough to get a clip every single day. The worst is on days when you think about getting a clip and you know it will literally just take a second but then you think oh I better try and get something more original or interesting or oh, I’m going to see friends today so I’ll get a clip with them in it and in the end you just forget to do it. The worst.
(Music from Mixtape v2)