
Christmas Eve

It’s almost Christmas. I’ve been having a great time down in Utah with Anna and her family. Apparently due to the fact that Holmans are so excited to open presents, we are going to do that tonight instead of waiting for Christmas morning. It will probably make for more photogenic subjects so I won’t complain. On the one hand I wish I was at home with the family, but on the other hand I’m EXTREMELY happy I won’t have to go through that stupid Christmas program at my Aunt and Uncle’s. Every year they make us all sit around reading the Nativity Story and singing Christmas songs. I’m seriously glad to get away from it.

life travel

I’m in Disneyland

So here is the quick recap of what I’ve been up to in the last week or two. I left Lethbridge on Monday morning at around 6:00am. I was happy about how the American border seemed to be in quite a good mood. He even smiled when I said I was going to Disneyland and wished me a nice trip. I arrived in Sandy, Utah at about 5:00 pm so I made good time. Traveling with the dog was no trouble at all and we were both happy when we finally saw Anna! I stayed with the Holman’s for a week and then Anna and I took off for sunny California. Sunday was our first day in Disneyland — but it turned out to be more rainy than sunny. Monday and Tuesday were both nice weather wise, but I have been getting sick with a mild cold. That of course hasn’t stopped me from going to Disneyland. Today we are going to take in the parks as usual but at 2:45 this afternoon we are going to watch The Lord of the Rings — The Return of the King. I must say we are both pretty excited. Tomorrow will be our last day in the magic kingdom… at least for awhile.

life travel

It’s Official — I’m done the semester!

I just finished writing up my last paper of the semester. Now the only thing in my way to the greatest Christmas vacation ever is the 12 to 14 hour drive to Utah. It’s 3:30AM and I am considering just leaving right now. Anna sure would be surprised if I got there a few hours in advance, and it would be nice to not just have to go straight to bed when I get there. That’s it, I’m packing right now and I’m on my way. Utah and California — here I come!


The Walmart Stampede

I didn’t want to write about the so called Walmart Stampede where Patty VanLester was apparently trampled by frenzied shoppers. I figured the story was a bit suspicious. Whether or not she was trampled isn’t as interesting to me as the coincidental fact that this is not the first time for something like this has happened to poor unfortunate Patty VanLester and her sister. They should have learned over the years not to shop at such dangerous and negligent stores.

Update: November 29th, 2005, I hate it when newslinks go stale. I’m sorry I never copied the articles and placed them here. Anyway from what I remember about the story (this happened in 2003) she was trampled when the doors opened and customers rushed inside to be the first to purchase items that were on sale for the first [so many] buyers. This same thing happened to her previously in another store where she fell, got trampled and sued.

I don’t know much about the newest Walmart Stampede other than what I saw on the news the other day. It didn’t look like anybody got seriously hurt, but I had to wonder if this new batch went down on purpose in the hope of a lawsuit.


West Valley City – Home Sweet Home AKA Gansta’s Paradise

Via Fark:
“Man steals cop’s gun during fight, runs away, changes his shoes, gets shot, refuses to die, so police run him over with a truck.” I wish the article would have been more specific as to why they hit him with the truck but anyway I am posting this for two reasons, one because I am going to Salt Lake tomorrow and secondly because I used to live a couple of blocks away from where it happened.


New Media Final Flash Project Update

I’m done my final project. It’s not much but let’s not forget what’s truly important – it’s done.



The swim team likes to say, “It’s Milner-Time” right before I swim. It’s kinda my nickname – if you can call it that. It’s a good thing they don’t speak latin or my new nickname might be Colymbosathon ecplecticos. It’s a sub-one-percenter (less than 1% of the people reading this will get the joke).



You know, this phone is what I really want for Christmas, but a new DVD burner would also be cool – and probably a lot less money. Just posting this in case anybody that cares wants to know what I would like for Christmas.


All About Mormons

South Park ran a hilarious episode in November titled “All About Mormons”.

From the South Park Studios Website:

“A Mormon kid moves to South Park and Stan has to kick his ass. But when Stan and his dad meet their new Mormon neighbors, they become fascinated with how genuinely nice they are. Meanwhile the other boys mock Stan relentlessly for wimping out.”

If you’re in the United States (or have an IP address in the United States) you can watch the episode here:

Or if you want, you can check out the “audio only” version in 4 parts:

  1. SouthPark – 712 – All About Mormons1small.mp3
  2. SouthPark – 712 – All About Mormons2small.mp3
  3. SouthPark – 712 – All About Mormons3small.mp3
  4. SouthPark – 712 – All About Mormons4small.mp3

I think pretty much the greatest thing about this episode is that is gives people who don’t know anything about the church a background into how the church started. As someone that knows from personal experience, they tell the Joseph Smith story pretty much just like they do if you were to have the Mormon Missionaries come into your house and tell you the story, except for the part where they call Martin Harris dumb. Mormon Missionaries would never call him dumb — unless they were calling him dumb because he gave his wife the unpublished transcript, then they might but other than that — no way. This episode also portrays what nice people Mormons are — based on some of the Mormon families I know it’s so accurate it’s scary.


Another Project Done

I just finished my final script for Writing for New Media. It’s not an entire story, just a couple of scenes. I need to run and print it now, but I’m really getting close to be done for REAL!