life travel

Learning French

…the My Explore bursary program has been. If you are a Canadian student (within the last year) with even the remotest interest in learning French, I highly recommend the program….


O’Reilly and the Age of Persuasion

In his radio show, O’Reilly and the Age of Persuasion, Terry O’Reilly explores the countless ways marketers permeate your life—from art, media, and language, to politics, religion, and fashion—and he…


The Magic of Chess

…the 2019 Elementary Chess Championships, a high-stakes tournament held annually in Nashville. From The Atlantic: In attendance—and interviewed in the film—was Tani Adewumi, the 8-year-old Nigerian refugee who, while living…

Politics religion

Religious Vote Share

It turns out American Mormons voted for Trump at a much higher rate than other religions. As someone that grew up LDS, I don’t understand how they can stomach such…

Health Statistics

Avian Flu Pandemic Simulation

computer simulation models a synthetic population that matches U.S. census demographics and worker mobility data by randomly assigning the simulated individuals to households, workplaces, schools, and the like. Department of…


Wrong Tomorrow

Wrong Tomorrow is a site that tracks significant predictions by pundits of politics, finance and information technology, over a maximum 5 year time span. Thomas Friedman: “Improv time is over….


Zero by Zero

Zero by Zero: Quote: “Our society seems to be very technologically advanced. Looks like everything has been thoroughly studied but the depths of the oceans. Our mathematics is so advanced…


Year in Review 2010

Another year has come and gone. This year has been a good one. Some highlights for me include: Some great parties. Caught the Olympic spirit as the torch came to…


2008 Democratic Primary in 8 Minutes

…minutes. I find it hard enough paying close attention to my own country’s politics, but this recap is nice because it succinctly summarizes the highlights of the race so far….

economics Politics

Political lobbying is like an all-pay auction

David Zetland teaches Environmental Economics and Policy 100 at UC Berkeley. In this YouTube clip from one of his lectures, he demonstrates how political lobbying is like an all-pay auction…