
Top 10 Posts of 2023

Post Views
Stairway to Heaven Backwards Full Lyrics 7,118
Secret Hitler – Print and Play 6,014
Home page / Archives 5,019
Laughing Wild — by Christopher Durang 1,097
Tab Cola Commercial 493
The Face of Dr. Claw Revealed! 324
Backmasking Info 249
Robert Plant on Stairway to Heaven Backwards 242
Best First Guess Word For Wordle 217
Shooting near the Bowen Ranch 200

(Previous stats for 2022, 2021, and 2020)


Insert Title Here

I’ve been reading Dave Winer’s blog lately and it’s made me jealous of his blogging software. Because he was blogging before he invented RSS he’s never felt the compulsion to title each of his posts. It’s a lot more like tweeting than blogging when everything doesn’t have to fall neatly under a title.

I guess WordPress will technically let me post without a title, but it’s not the same as his stream of consciousness posts that build from the start of the day to the end, as well, he’s got a separate link-blog stream which I also think is pretty nifty.

That’s it, that’s just what’s been bothering me and every time I have gone to create a new post lately I keep thinking about how I wish I didn’t have to be so formal. Maybe getting it out there will clear my writer’s block.


Top 10 Posts of 2022

Post Views
Stairway to Heaven Backwards Full Lyrics 4,475
Secret Hitler – Print and Play 2,516
Laughing Wild — by Christopher Durang 916
Tab Cola Commercial 569
Pattern Rule for 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 50 244
Backmasking in Lady Gaga’s Paparazzi 222
Shooting near the Bowen Ranch 176
Dell Laser Printer 1100 Driver for macOS Big Sur 140
Robert Plant on Stairway to Heaven Backwards 137
Mother 129

(Previously 2021, and 2020)


20 Years

Today marks 20 years since writing my first blog post. That first post wasn’t much — my brother and I shared a blogger blog and I think we were basically our own audience at that time. I’ve since changed over to this solo WordPress blog and I’ve even added some pre-dated posts with content from before this blog existed but either way today marks 20 years since this whole endeavour started.

And on this 20th anniversary of blog posts, as many other blogs came and went, I can look back and say I’m glad I kept at it.


Top 10 Posts of 2021

Post Views
Stairway to Heaven Backwards Full Lyrics 4,859
Home page / Archives 4,850
Laughing Wild 972
Secret Hitler – Print and Play 795
Tab Cola Commercial 715
Pattern Rule for 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 50 547
Backmasking Info 386
ShamWow Guy in Prison 368
Dell Laser Printer 1100 Driver macOS Big Sur 254
Frequently Asked Questions 181

(Previously 2020)


Top 10 Posts of 2020

Post Views
Stairway to Heaven Backwards Full Lyrics 6,296
Home page / Archives 4,551
Laughing Wild — by Christopher Durang 901
Pattern Rule for 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 50 811
Tab Cola Commercial 780
ShamWow Guy in Prison 607
Backmasking Info 328
Frequently Asked Questions 183
Backmasking in Lady Gaga’s Paparazzi 180
Robert Plant on Stairway to Heaven Backwards 177

…And We’re Back

After almost two weeks of downtime the website is back up. Apparently my host was hit with some kind of major hacking attack and lost a lot of webpages. Luckily, they were eventually able to restore everything (except for lost advertising revenue).



As sad as this is to admit, it appears there is a folder or 5 on my site that have been sending out some kind of pharmaceutical spam. I guess this is just a lesson that when working with plugins that I’m not too sure about, I need to be extra careful.

The files in question have also written special permissions to themselves making it difficult to just erase them. I’ve contacted my hosting provider and hopefully I will have things sorted out soon.

Some of the names of the noxious files in question include:

  • bucaon.php
  • bucion.php
  • caon.php
  • chca.php
  • chcion.php
  • chva.php
  • chva2.php
  • hoon.php
  • leon.php
  • orfi.php
  • puph.php
  • adon.php
  • bual.php
  • bualon.php
  • buph.php
  • orphon.php
  • orsoon.php
  • orxa.php
  • soon.php
  • ulon.php
  • weon.php
  • buamon.php
  • bufi.php
  • buhy.php
  • chfi.php
  • chhy.php
  • chso.php
  • orci.php
  • orhy.php
  • puxa.php
  • tron.php
  • buhyon.php
  • buleon.php
  • butr.php
  • chal.php
  • chle.php
  • orcaon.php
  • orcion.php
  • orva.php
  • orvi.php
  • pron.php

The interesting thing I found when searching for information about my situation, there appears to be a lot of other sites that also have these malicious php files on their servers and I assume they have no idea about it either—including, and this surprised me the most, many Universities’ sites.

If anyone has any more light they can shed on this, please let me know.

Update: At my request, my hosting provider has blown away the affected directories.

backmasking meta

One Red Paperclip

One Red Paperclip is a site about one man’s successful attempt at trading one red paperclip for something bigger and better until, 14 trades later, he had a house. File under, “why didn’t I think of that?”

Coincidentally, because of the One Red Paperclip guy’s challenge to CBC’s The Hour, the show went to Yahk, BC and on the way they did a couple of shows in Calgary. It was one of those Calgary episodes that I was on.


This is

When I worked in Malaysia for six weeks last year, one of the projects I worked on was creating station ID storyboards for Channel V International. The purpose of these identification “advertisements” is mostly to strengthen their brand by reminding people who is providing the content they are watching.

Many television stations now add watermarks, usually their logo, on the feed at all times so that there is always that reminder of where the channel comes from. It also serves as a protection against others from stealing their content and profiting from their work.

I discovered today that there are websites that harvest posts from my site via XML feeds and place them beside their own advertisements. These sites are called sploggers (spam bloggers). I have no real way of watermarking my posts, so instead I’m just writing this post to say, if you are reading this post from anywhere other than your feed reader or directly from the website, then you are helping these sites profit by stealing the work of myself and others like me.

But for everyone else, thanks for reading.